226 research outputs found

    The multistatutory nature of the adjective "Right" in adjectival English lexicon

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    This article provides an outline on an adjective in modern English language, and in particular, the multistatus lexical item “right”, which carries different meanings in different variants of combinatorics. The authors analyse the combinations used with the adjectival lexical item “right” and identify categories that determine the semantic content of each given statemen

    The development of Russian health-care system: problems and prospects

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    Thus, the implementation of the above mentioned points will assist the efficiency of a modem health-care system in general. It also helps to provide affordable and quality medical service on the basis of common requirements and approaches according to the latest achieve ments of scientific and technical progress, which will be guarantee of sustainable socio­ economic development of Russia in the long ter

    The role of the analysis of demographic indicators and indicators of health of aged persons of the region (Orenburg region) in planning of the actions directed on decrease in mortality of the population

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    The analysis of demographic indicators and indicators of health of persons was carried out is aged persons in comparison with able-bodied population on the example of the Orenburg region. The carried-out analysis allowed revealing considerable differences of structure and levels of mortality that allowed developing recommendations about planning of actions of the region directed on decrease in mortality of the population from the main reasons for death.На примере Оренбургской области был проведен анализ демографических показателей и показателей заболеваемости лиц старше трудоспособного населения в сравнении с населением трудоспособного возраста. Проведенный анализ позволил выявить значительные отличия уровней и структуры показателей смертности в разных возрастных группах населения, что легло в основу разработки рекомендаций по снижению смертности жителей Оренбургской области от основных причин

    Antibiotic sensitivity analysis of clinical coagulase-negative staphylococci

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    Background. The increasing role of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the occurrence of staphylococcal infections leads to the need for close attention to them. Special control is required over the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics and the spread of methicillin resistance, as a sign of multiple resistance to antibacterial drugs. It is also important to identify the virulence factors of coagulase-negative staphylococci, which determine their behavior in the environment.The aim. To evaluate the sensitivity of strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci to clinically significant antibiotics daptomycin, vancomycin, linezolid and oxacillin and lantibiotic warnerin.Methods. Determination of the minimal inhibitory concentrations of antibacterial compounds for clinical coagulase-negative staphylococci by standard methods of serial dilutions and disc diffusion. Identification of the phenomenon of decreased susceptibility of bacteria to vancomycin by population analysis and concentration gradient. Lipid analysis by thin layer chromatography. Results. High antibacterial activity of vancomycin, daptomycin and linezolid against clinical strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci was shown. The upper limit of the minimum inhibitory concentrations of vancomycin within the sensitive phenotype and the expansion of the ranges of the minimum inhibitory concentrations of daptomycin and warnerin towards an increase in oxacillin-resistant isolates were revealed. The heterogeneous nature of sensitivity to vancomycin of the cultures of the studied strains and the possibility of their rapid enrichment with subpopulations with reduced sensitivity to this antibiotic have been established. The selection of resistance of coagulase-negative staphylococci to vancomycin was accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of lysylphosphatidylglycerol and a decrease in their sensitivity to cationic peptide compounds.Conclusion. The revealed prevalence of the methicillin-resistant phenotype of clinical strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci, along with the presence in the lipid spectrum of the universal factor of resistance to cationic antibacterial compounds, lysylphosphatidylglycerol, entails the need for new methodological solutions for diagnosing infections caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci

    Chiroptera as a Potential Reservoir of Dangerous for Humans Viruses in the territory of the Republic of Guinea. Part 1

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    Chiroptera is one of the largest in numbers orders of mammals which can take on the role of natural host and vector of various viruses, bacteria, and pathogenic fungi. Over the period of 2007–2013, 248 new viruses pertaining to 24 families were detected in chiropterans. Lately, a range of novel infections that provoked severe diseases in humans were associated with bats-carriers. Presently they are viewed as a potential reservoir of Ebola, Marburg, and Hendra viruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome agents, as well as many other lethal diseases. Chiropterans started drawing particular attention after establishment of the fact that they are involved in circulation of ebolavirus Zaire and possibly participate in the formation of natural foci of this infection. Currently chiropterans are considered to be natural reservoirs of ebolavirus Zaire and some other filoviruses (Filoviridae). Accept from filoviruses, other significant for public healthcare viruses were isolated from chiropterans on the African continent – lyssaviruses (Rhabdoviridae, Lyssavirus), henipaviruses (Paramixoviridae, Henipavirus), and coronaviruses (Coronaviridae, Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus) that can also circulate among chiropterans in West Africa. The data available from literature sources on dissemination of chiropterans in the territory of the African continent, their species diversity, peculiarities of ecology and behavior are analyzed in this paper. The information on the infections for which chiropterans can serve as potential reservoirs is also provided. Specifics of interaction between the population residing on African continent and bats of different species are described too. The review is devoted to the assessment of results of studies on population, ecological, and epidemiological factors contributing to maintenance of circulation of a number of dangerous for humans viruses (filoviruses, lyssaviruses, henipaviruses, and coronaviruses) among African chiropterans. The need for further investigation of the mentioned factors affecting chiropteran populations in the Republic of Guinea is substantiated

    Chiroptera as a Potential Reservoir of Dangerous for Humans Viruses in the Territory of the Republic of Guinea. Part 2

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    Among the viruses transmitted by Chiroptera, filoviruses, lissaviruses, henipaviruses, and coronaviruses pose the major threat to humans. The featured review is devoted to the analysis of the results of studies on the role of African Chiropterans in the circulation sustenance of the viruses. Chronology of investigations on the search of natural reservoir of Filoviruses and the evidence of Chiroptera participation in their circulation are described in the paper. Presented are summarized data on the involvement of chiropterans in the circulation of lissaviruses on the African continent. Given is the information concerning the role of African species of Chiroptera in the circulation of henipaviruses - dangerous for humans viruses of Paramyxoviridae family, associated with chiropterans of South-Eastern Asia. Considered is the possibility of SARS and MERS-like coronaviruses circulation in the populations of certain species of African Chiroptera. Engagement of the Chiroptera from Guinean Republic in maintenance of circulation of the mentioned above viruses in potential natural foci in the territory of the country and possibility of occurrence of dangerous human infection outbreaks is also assessed. The necessity for further investigation of the role of Chiroptera as carriers of the stated viruses to clarify the current epidemiological and epizootiological situation on the viral pathogens in the Republic of Guinea is substantiated

    К вопросу об оценках распределения длин путей между узлами в глобальной сети

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    The experiment aimed at finding a distribution of path lengths between nodes in the global network and an estimation of parameters of that distribution is described.In particular, the method of measurement of path length with traceroute utility of the GNU/Linux system and limitations on the selection of nodes imposed by traceroute are described. e measurement results are provided and high values of skewness and kurtosis for all resulting distributions are noted. Simulation model of this experiment was developed to test the experiment validity in the determination of distribution parameters in the global network. This model is also described. It is shown that high values of skewness and kurtosis of the measured distributions are not the result of the measurement technique, therefore the global network could not be described by the Barabasi–Albert ´ model. Several most viable hypotheses explaining diffierences in skewness and kurtosis of experimentally obtained pathlength distribution estimations and values derived from the Barabasi–Albert model are listed. Results of diffierent hypotheses ´ simulations are provided. It is shown that the most fitting hypothesis is that definitive influence on skewness and kurtosis of path-length distribution estimations is caused by the quasi pre-fractal structure of the global network.Описан эксперимент по оцениванию распределения длин путей между узлами в глобальной сети и его характеристик. В частности, показана методика измерения длины пути при помощи утилиты GNU/Linux traceroute и ограничения выбора узлов, налагаемые этим инструментом. Приведены результаты измерений, отмечены высокие значения асимметрии и эксцесса для всех полученных распределений. Описана имитационная модель эксперимента, разработанная для проверки корректности полученных оценок распределения длин путей между узлами в глобальной сети. Приведены результаты моделирования измерений. Показано, что высокие значения асимметрии и эксцесса измеренных распределений не обусловлены только методикой измерения, таким образом, глобальная сеть не описывается моделью Барабаши—Альберт. Перечислены основные гипотезы о причинах отличия асимметрии и эксцесса полученных экспериментально оценок распределения длин путей между узлами в глобальной сети от значений, соответствующих модели Барабаши—Альберт. Описаны результаты моделирования различных гипотез. Показано, что наиболее правдоподобной из них является предположение об определяющем влиянии квазипредфрактальной структуры глобальной сети на асимметрию и эксцесс оценок распределения длин путей между узлами

    Увеличение опасности формирования гляциальных селей в Кабардино-Балкарии в современный период

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    The paper deals with probability of glacial mudflow formation during the nearest years in the highland of Central Caucasus where the most mudflow-hazardous rivers are concentrated: Gerhozhansu, Adylsu, Adyrsu and others. It is established on the basis of calculated multi-year air temperatures during summer period that in June–August of 2012–2013 considerable increase and can intensify the activity of glacial mudflows. We estimate the tendency in mudflow activity using the analysis of multi-year regime of atmospheric circulation, the types of which determine mudflow-hazardous weather on a given territory (e.g. 12a, 13s, etc. according to the classification of B.L. Dzerdzeevsky). The duration of these types is presently sufficiently long and will remain the same during the nearest years. Due to the above-mentioned weather situation and availability of sufficient amounts of loose-clastic rock material on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria, an increase of mudflow hazard is possible. So, in 2011 the glacial-flash mudflows happened in the basins of the rivers Cherek Balkarsky, Chegem, Baksan. In all these cases the weather corresponded to the type of ECM 13s. In 2013 the increase in duration of the above-mentioned ECM and mudflow activity can be connected with maximum of the solar cycle. During the previous maximum in 2000 the catastrophic mudflow happened on the river Gerhonzhansu; the town Tyrnyauz have been highly destructed.Рассмотрена возможность формирования гляциальных селей в ближайшие годы в высокогорье Центрального Кавказа, где находятся наиболее селеопасные реки: Герхожансу, Адылсу, Адырсу и др. На основании расчётных значений многолетнего режима температуры воздуха за летний период установлено, что в июле–августе 2013 г. возможно значительное повышение температуры, которое будет способствовать увеличению активности гляциальных селей. Оценка тенденции селевой деятельности дана на основе анализа многолетнего режима атмосферной циркуляции, определяющего селеопасную погоду на данной территории (ЭЦМ 12а, 13л и др. по типизации Б.Л. Дзердзеевского). Продолжительность таких режимов атмосферной циркуляции достаточно велика и сохранится в ближайшие годы. Погодная ситуация и наличие большого объёма рыхлообломочного материала на территории Кабардино-Балкарии увеличивают опасность схода селей. Так, в 2011 г. прошли гляциально-ливневые сели в бассейнах рек Черек Балкарский, Чегем и Баксан. Во всех случаях характер погоды соответствовал ЭЦМ 13л. В 2013 г. увеличение продолжительности указанных ЭЦМ и селевой активности может быть связано с повышенной активностью Солнца в период максимума 11-летнего цикла. Во время предыдущего максимума, в 2000 г., произошла катастрофическая активизация селей на р. Герхожансу, которая привела к значительным разрушениям в г. Тырныауз.

    Detection of specific antibodies to Schmallenberg virus using microneutralisation test

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    The article presents data on microneutralization test for detection of specific antibodies to Schmallenberg virus. The method is characterized by high sensitivity and specificity. It can be used for analysis of blood sera of different species of animals

    Моделирование трехмерных пористых иерархических материалов, организованных посредством самосборки наносфер

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    The article considers possibilities of using modeling fo r the development of two promising areas of modern nanomaterials, i. e.  materials with a hierarchy of pores organized hierarchical self- assembly and hierarchical structures with nanoporous elements. The  pore size of hierarchical structures was estimated by means of quasi- two-dimensional projection of three-dimensional deterministic fractal Julien aggregate. Three-dimensional modeling of hierarchical  structures organized by means of nanosphere self-assembly was conducted in the Autodesk 3ds Max environment. The article provides analysis of dependences of porosity, density, specific  surface area of fractal structures on the size of aggregates (with the  appearance of new pore levels of hierarchical materials),  dependences of the porosity change in the case of replacement of primary identical spherical particles on porous spheres.Рассмотрены возможности применения моделирования для развития двух перспективных направлений современного наноматериаловедения: материалов с иерархией пор, собранных посредством иерархической самосборки, а также иерархических структур из нанопористых  элементов. С использованием квазидвумерной проекции трехмерного детерминированного  фрактального агрегата Жюльена оценен размер пор в иерархических структурах. Трехмерное  моделирование иерархических структур, организованных посредством самосборки наносфер,  проведено в среде Autodesk 3ds Max. Проанализированы зависимости пористости, плотности,  удельной площади поверхности фрактальных структур от размеров агрегатов (при  возникновении новых уровней пор иерархических материалов), а также изменения пористости при замене первичных идентичных сферических частиц на пористые сферы