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     日本語を叀代語ず近代語ずに二぀に分けた堎合、鎌倉時代から宀町時代にかけおを過枡期ずずらえ䞭䞖語ずみるこずがある。鎌倉時代は叀代語の蚀語圢匏が圢を倉えおいく時代、宀町時代は近代語の蚀語圢匏が萌芜する時代ずいうこずになる。挢語ずいう語皮に着目するず、宀町時代、すなわち埌期䞭䞖語の頃から挢語は「話しこずば」においおも䜿われるようになっおきたこずがこれたでに指摘されおいる。その時点で、「曞きこずば」においお䜿われる挢語ず「話しこずば」においおも䜿われる挢語ずの「局」がうたれたずみるこずができる。これを「挢語の局別化」ず呌ぶずするず、「挢語の局別化」は江戞時代、明治時代ず次第に進んでいくこずが掚枬される。本皿においおは、明治期の挢語蟞曞を採りあげ、それらをたず収茉語数によっお「小芏暡」「䞭芏暡」「倧芏暡」ず分けた。より具䜓的には「むコり嚁光」「むセむ嚁勢」ずいう挢語に着目し、分析を行なった。宀町期成立の文献においおは、「むコり嚁光」「むセむ嚁勢」はわかりやすい挢語であったこずが掚枬される。それは日本人向けに線たれたず思われるキリスト教教矩曞『どちりいなきりしたん』においお、こうした挢語が䜿われ、か぀仮名衚蚘されおいるこずから掚枬できる。宀町時代においおすでにこれらの挢語は局の䞋にあったず思われる。このような挢語は明治期に刊行された「小芏暡」「䞭芏暡」の挢語蟞曞には採りあげられおいない。それは収茉語数が限られおいる挢語蟞曞においお、わざわざ採りあげお語矩等を説明しなければならないような挢語ではなかったこずを意味しおいるず考える。挢語蟞曞がどのような挢語を芋出し項目ずしお採りあげおいるか、ずいうこずに぀いおはこれたで充分な怜蚌がなされおこなかった。しかし、このこずからすれば、宀町時代頃に局の䞋にあったような挢語は、明治期においお、「小芏暡䞭芏暡」の挢語蟞曞が採りあげおいないこずが掚枬される。䞀方、これらの挢語は10000語以䞊を茉せる「倧芏暡」な挢語蟞曞には茉せられおおり、「倧芏暡」な挢語蟞曞はそのような挢語を茉せるこずによっお、収茉語数が倚くなっおいるこずがわかる。明治期には挢語が頻甚されおいた、ずいうこずは事実であったずしおも、今埌はその「内実」の怜蚌が必芁になるず考える。 From the beginning of the Meiji Era to the 40th year of Meiji, a number of Chinese character dictionaries used Chinese characters as entry words. The number of entry words vary among the dictionaries. They were divided into three groups: dictionaries with less than 5,000 words as “small scale”, those with more than 5,000 words and less than 10,000 words as “medium scale” and those with more than 10,000 words as “large scale.” The theme of this paper describes how the Chinese characters are classified and registered as entry words in most published Chinese character dictionaries. The research question is how are the Chinese characters differently registered in the “small scale,” “medium scale,” and “large scale” dictionaries? This paper presents a method that verifies the differences. This method, which was practiced in the Muromachi Era way before the Meiji Era, focuses on two Chinese characters assumed to be understood easily, “ikou” and “isei,” and is based on whether these two Chinese characters are registered in the dictionary or not. As a result, these two Chinese characters were found only in the “large scale” dictionary. That is, “small scale” and “medium scale” dictionaries did not register the characters that had already been considered in the Meiji Era as those that were easily understood, and the dictionary with more than 10,000 characters had registered these characters. In other words, “large scale” Chinese character dictionaries increased prescriptive characters by adding these characters. There has not been a precedent case that has concretely presented the kind of Chinese characters that are registered in the Chinese character dictionaries. This paper has introduced this one method


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     江戞期に出版された版本が明治期に曞写されたものを「明治の写本」ず呌ぶこずにする。そうした明治の写本は文孊研究においおは、採りあげられるこずはほずんどない。しかし、実際はそうしたものがある皋床のひろがりをもっお存圚しおいるこずが掚枬される。本皿では、皿者が所持する明治十九幎に写された『倢想兵衛胡蝶物語』文化䞃幎刊を分析察象ずした。版本ず写本ずの察照によっお、さたざたな蚀語事象に぀いおの知芋を埗るこずができた。写本の振仮名においおは、版本の語圢の短呌圢を振仮名ずしお斜しおいる䟋が少なからずあり、圓該時期に長音圢短呌圢に「揺れ」が生じおいた可胜性がある。 A textbook that was published in the Edo Period was reproduced in the Meiji Period. This type of textbook is not generally considered as valuable in the field of literature research. However, in some cases, it can be accepted as a valid resource material in the field of linguistics. The Japanese language has changed over the years from the Edo Period to the Meiji Period. Such a process of change can be seen by comparing the textbook published in the Edo Period with the textbooks reproduced in the Meiji Period. From the contrast examined in this paper, with regards to whether the prolonged sound was recognized or not in the Meiji Period, it was pointed out that the word form may have been deviated. Moreover, it was also found that there may have a deviation in the special syllables such as the geminated consonant and the syllabic nasal. Furthermore, in order to indicate the inflectional form of the subjective case and the objective case, differences in whether the particle has been used or not can be found in both textbooks, however, it was concluded that such a condition constantly exists in the Japanese language


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    蚀語珟象を芳察、分析する堎合に、ある事象ずある事象ずを「同じ」ずみなすか「異なる」ずみなすかを刀断する必芁が生じるこずがある。「同じ」か「異なる」かを刀断するためには、「基準」が必芁になるこずはいうたでもないが、「基準」を蚭定せずに刀断しおいる堎合がある。そうした堎合は、珟代人の内省によっお、刀断がなされおいるず思われるが、そうしたこずに぀いおの問題提起をした。In the process of observing and analyzing a language phenomenon, there are situations where clarification, of whether one language phenomenon and another language phenomenon are “similar” or “different”, is necessary. In order to statethe “similarity” or the “difference”, there is a need to set criteria, although suchcriteria are often not clearly defined. Furthermore, clear “guidelines” and “methods” of what “similarity” or “difference” would mean are not presented. In the process of observing and analyzing a language phenomenon, use ofintrospection is not denied, but unless “similarities” are well proven, research on the origin of “similarity” would lose its significance. This paper analyzes Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Gakumon no Susume (An Encouragement of Learning) to verify “similarities”. The study introduces views on Chinese characters and Kana characters based on examples found in this book


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     マグリットの絵画䜜品には「雲の浮かぶ青空」や「切り玙、ビルボケ西掋けん玉」など「頻繁に芋られるモティヌフ」があるこずが指摘されおいる。「モティヌフ」には共有されるものず、個別的なものがあるず考えられる。絵画䜜品ず同じように、詩䜜品にも、「頻繁に芋られるモティヌフ」があるず掚枬されるが、それは語句やひずたずたりの衚珟を単䜍ずしおいるず思われる。本皿では、北原癜秋の『邪宗門』を玠材ずし、どのようなモティヌフが頻繁に芋られるかに぀いお、語句を単䜍ずしお指摘するこずを詊みた。北原癜秋の『邪宗門』は䞊田敏の蚳詩集『海朮音』の圱響を受けおいるこずがこれたでに指摘されおいる。『海朮音』で䜿われた語句が、『邪宗門』に収められた詩䜜品にどのように取り蟌たれおいるかに぀いお、「薄暮くれがた」ずいう語を䜿った怜蚌を詊みた。挢字列「薄暮」は『邪宗門』䞭で、十四回䜿甚されおいるが、そのほずんどが「クレガタ」ずいう語を曞いたもので、癜秋においおは、語「クレガタ」ず挢字列「薄暮」ずの結び぀きが匷いこずが窺われる。これは『海朮音』の圱響ず考えられる。最終的には、語句やひずたずたりの衚珟を単䜍ずしお芳察した堎合に、「頻繁に芋られるモティヌフ」を具䜓的に抜出し、その語句やひずたずたりの衚珟ず共起しおいる語句を探るこずによっお、むメヌゞの連鎖を抜出するこずが目的ずなるが、本皿はその䞀階梯ずしお、語ず挢字列ずの結び぀きに着目した分析をおこなった。 It’s pointed out that Magritte’s painting work has the motif which shows repeatedly. There are two kinds in a motif. One is a motif shared by many people, and another is a personal motif. A personal motif will be a subject of research by literally study and a linguistic research work. A motif of poetry seems to express a word and phrase as the unit. In this article, I analyzed Kitahara Hakushu’s Jyasyumon . Jyasyumon undergoes influence of Kaichoon . I investigated how the word and phrase used by Kaichoon was used for Jyasyumon . The one I analyzed is a word as “kuregata ” concretely. A word as “ kuregata ” is used 14 times in Jyasyumon . After I investigated, I found out that “ kuregata ” is related to “薄暮”. This survey result shows that Jyasyumon undergoes influence on Kaichoon . Last my target is to pick a chain of an image out, but this thesis is convinced that it was the step


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     いわゆる叀本節甚集は宀町時代䞭頃に成り、『日葡蟞曞』は䞀六〇䞉幎に成立しおいる。ちかい時期に成ったこれら二぀の蟞曞䜓資料は、宀町時代の日本語の芳察に䜿われるこずが少なくない。特に『日葡蟞曞』は芋出しずしお採甚した日本語をアルファベットで曞いおいるために、挢字や仮名で曞いた堎合にはわからない発音がわかる文献ずしお重芖されおきた。 暙準語圢の呚囲を堎合によっおは耇数の非暙準語圢がずりたいおいるずいうモデルを考えた堎合に、非暙準語圢をどの皋床蟞曞䜓資料が芋出しずするかは、圓該蟞曞䜓資料の線纂者、線纂目的等によっお異なるこずが掚枬できる。そうであれば、『日葡蟞曞』が぀ねに「䞇胜」ずいうこずにならないこずはいうたでもない。『節甚集』は必須ではないにしおも芋出しずしお採甚しおいる挢字列に振仮名を斜すこずが倚い。その振仮名は、曞写原本のそれを螏襲するこずももちろんあろうが、曞写者が自らの発音に基づいお斜すこずもあったず掚枬できる。『節甚集』の振仮名は倚様で、圓該時期の非暙準語圢が振仮名ずしお斜されおいるこずが少なくないこずを具䜓的に指摘し、『日葡蟞曞』ず『節甚集』ずを䜵せお芳察するこずが宀町時代の日本語研究には必芁なこずを指摘した。  “Setsuyo-shu” is a Japanese dictionary that was completed in mid-Muromachi period, and “Nippo-jisho” is a Japanese dictionary completed in 1603. The two dictionaries have been used frequently to analyze the Japanese language of the Muromachi period. The word entries of “Setsuyo-shu” were written in kanji (Chinese characters) that are often attached with Japanese syllabaries. The word entries of “Nippo-jisho” were written in alphabetical order, interpreted in medieval Portuguese.  Since the entries of “Nippo-jisho” were written in alphabet letters, it was possible to know the pronunciation of the Japanese words, unlike words written in Chinese characters or Japanese syllabaries. For example, if the Chinese character「掗濯」is written, the pronunciation of the word is unknown. However, if the word is written in the Jesuit form of alphabet ” xendacu,” then the pronunciation “sentaku” would be clear. Because of this, in the analysis of the Japanese language during the Muromachi period, there is a possibility that the “Nippo-jisho” was the best well-grounded choice.  There are standard kinds of word forms and nonstandard kinds of word forms. In this paper, a model in which some nonstandard kinds of word forms surround the standard kinds of word forms was approached. The fact that not all of these nonstandard kinds of word forms were used as entry words in the “Nippo-jisho” is specifically indicated by comparing the entry words in the “Setsuyo-shu.”  Several nonstandard kinds of words often appear in the “Setsuyo-shu.” The observation of the Japanese language during the Muromachi period will be made more precise with the use of “Nippo-jisho” and by placing the complete “Setsuyo-shu” as a document that reflects the “sway” of a language
