50 research outputs found

    Power Normalizing Second-order Similarity Network for Few-shot Learning

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    Second- and higher-order statistics of data points have played an important role in advancing the state of the art on several computer vision problems such as the fine-grained image and scene recognition. However, these statistics need to be passed via an appropriate pooling scheme to obtain the best performance. Power Normalizations are non-linear activation units which enjoy probability-inspired derivations and can be applied in CNNs. In this paper, we propose a similarity learning network leveraging second-order information and Power Normalizations. To this end, we propose several formulations capturing second-order statistics and derive a sigmoid-like Power Normalizing function to demonstrate its interpretability. Our model is trained end-to-end to learn the similarity between the support set and query images for the problem of one- and few-shot learning. The evaluations on Omniglot, miniImagenet and Open MIC datasets demonstrate that this network obtains state-of-the-art results on several few-shot learning protocols

    Zero-Shot Kernel Learning

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    In this paper, we address an open problem of zero-shot learning. Its principle is based on learning a mapping that associates feature vectors extracted from i.e. images and attribute vectors that describe objects and/or scenes of interest. In turns, this allows classifying unseen object classes and/or scenes by matching feature vectors via mapping to a newly defined attribute vector describing a new class. Due to importance of such a learning task, there exist many methods that learn semantic, probabilistic, linear or piece-wise linear mappings. In contrast, we apply well-established kernel methods to learn a non-linear mapping between the feature and attribute spaces. We propose an easy learning objective inspired by the Linear Discriminant Analysis, Kernel-Target Alignment and Kernel Polarization methods that promotes incoherence. We evaluate performance of our algorithm on the Polynomial as well as shift-invariant Gaussian and Cauchy kernels. Despite simplicity of our approach, we obtain state-of-the-art results on several zero-shot learning datasets and benchmarks including a recent AWA2 dataset.Comment: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 201

    CNN-based Action Recognition and Supervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Body Skeletons via Kernel Feature Maps

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    Deep learning is ubiquitous across many areas areas of computer vision. It often requires large scale datasets for training before being fine-tuned on small-to-medium scale problems. Activity, or, in other words, action recognition, is one of many application areas of deep learning. While there exist many Convolutional Neural Network architectures that work with the RGB and optical flow frames, training on the time sequences of 3D body skeleton joints is often performed via recurrent networks such as LSTM. In this paper, we propose a new representation which encodes sequences of 3D body skeleton joints in texture-like representations derived from mathematically rigorous kernel methods. Such a representation becomes the first layer in a standard CNN network e.g., ResNet-50, which is then used in the supervised domain adaptation pipeline to transfer information from the source to target dataset. This lets us leverage the available Kinect-based data beyond training on a single dataset and outperform simple fine-tuning on any two datasets combined in a naive manner. More specifically, in this paper we utilize the overlapping classes between datasets. We associate datapoints of the same class via so-called commonality, known from the supervised domain adaptation. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on three publicly available benchmarks

    Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding for Third-order Super-symmetric Tensors

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    Super-symmetric tensors - a higher-order extension of scatter matrices - are becoming increasingly popular in machine learning and computer vision for modelling data statistics, co-occurrences, or even as visual descriptors. However, the size of these tensors are exponential in the data dimensionality, which is a significant concern. In this paper, we study third-order super-symmetric tensor descriptors in the context of dictionary learning and sparse coding. Our goal is to approximate these tensors as sparse conic combinations of atoms from a learned dictionary, where each atom is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix. Apart from the significant benefits to tensor compression that this framework provides, our experiments demonstrate that the sparse coefficients produced by the scheme lead to better aggregation of high-dimensional data, and showcases superior performance on two common computer vision tasks compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: 13 pages, NIP

    Model Selection for Generalized Zero-shot Learning

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    In the problem of generalized zero-shot learning, the datapoints from unknown classes are not available during training. The main challenge for generalized zero-shot learning is the unbalanced data distribution which makes it hard for the classifier to distinguish if a given testing sample comes from a seen or unseen class. However, using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate auxiliary datapoints by the semantic embeddings of unseen classes alleviates the above problem. Current approaches combine the auxiliary datapoints and original training data to train the generalized zero-shot learning model and obtain state-of-the-art results. Inspired by such models, we propose to feed the generated data via a model selection mechanism. Specifically, we leverage two sources of datapoints (observed and auxiliary) to train some classifier to recognize which test datapoints come from seen and which from unseen classes. This way, generalized zero-shot learning can be divided into two disjoint classification tasks, thus reducing the negative influence of the unbalanced data distribution. Our evaluations on four publicly available datasets for generalized zero-shot learning show that our model obtains state-of-the-art results

    Artwork Identification from Wearable Camera Images for Enhancing Experience of Museum Audiences

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    Recommendation systems based on image recognition could prove a vital tool in enhancing the experience of museum audiences. However, for practical systems utilizing wearable cameras, a number of challenges exist which affect the quality of image recognition. In this pilot study, we focus on recognition of museum collections by using a wearable camera in three different museum spaces. We discuss the application of wearable cameras, and the practical and technical challenges in devising a robust system that can recognize artworks viewed by the visitors to create a detailed record of their visit. Specifically, to illustrate the impact of different kinds of museum spaces on image recognition, we collect three training datasets of museum exhibits containing variety of paintings, clocks, and sculptures. Subsequently, we equip selected visitors with wearable cameras to capture artworks viewed by them as they stroll along exhibitions. We use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) which are pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset and fine-tuned on each of the training sets for the purpose of artwork identification. In the testing stage, we use CNNs to identify artworks captured by the visitors with a wearable camera. We analyze the accuracy of their recognition and provide an insight into the applicability of such a system to further engage audiences with museum exhibitions

    Fisher-Bures Adversary Graph Convolutional Networks

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    In a graph convolutional network, we assume that the graph GG is generated wrt some observation noise. During learning, we make small random perturbations ΔG\Delta{}G of the graph and try to improve generalization. Based on quantum information geometry, ΔG\Delta{}G can be characterized by the eigendecomposition of the graph Laplacian matrix. We try to minimize the loss wrt the perturbed G+ΔGG+\Delta{G} while making ΔG\Delta{G} to be effective in terms of the Fisher information of the neural network. Our proposed model can consistently improve graph convolutional networks on semi-supervised node classification tasks with reasonable computational overhead. We present three different geometries on the manifold of graphs: the intrinsic geometry measures the information theoretic dynamics of a graph; the extrinsic geometry characterizes how such dynamics can affect externally a graph neural network; the embedding geometry is for measuring node embeddings. These new analytical tools are useful in developing a good understanding of graph neural networks and fostering new techniques.Comment: Published in UAI 201

    Tensor Representations via Kernel Linearization for Action Recognition from 3D Skeletons (Extended Version)

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    In this paper, we explore tensor representations that can compactly capture higher-order relationships between skeleton joints for 3D action recognition. We first define RBF kernels on 3D joint sequences, which are then linearized to form kernel descriptors. The higher-order outer-products of these kernel descriptors form our tensor representations. We present two different kernels for action recognition, namely (i) a sequence compatibility kernel that captures the spatio-temporal compatibility of joints in one sequence against those in the other, and (ii) a dynamics compatibility kernel that explicitly models the action dynamics of a sequence. Tensors formed from these kernels are then used to train an SVM. We present experiments on several benchmark datasets and demonstrate state of the art results, substantiating the effectiveness of our representations

    A Deeper Look at Power Normalizations

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    Power Normalizations (PN) are very useful non-linear operators in the context of Bag-of-Words data representations as they tackle problems such as feature imbalance. In this paper, we reconsider these operators in the deep learning setup by introducing a novel layer that implements PN for non-linear pooling of feature maps. Specifically, by using a kernel formulation, our layer combines the feature vectors and their respective spatial locations in the feature maps produced by the last convolutional layer of CNN. Linearization of such a kernel results in a positive definite matrix capturing the second-order statistics of the feature vectors, to which PN operators are applied. We study two types of PN functions, namely (i) MaxExp and (ii) Gamma, addressing their role and meaning in the context of nonlinear pooling. We also provide a probabilistic interpretation of these operators and derive their surrogates with well-behaved gradients for end-to-end CNN learning. We apply our theory to practice by implementing the PN layer on a ResNet-50 model and showcase experiments on four benchmarks for fine-grained recognition, scene recognition, and material classification. Our results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance across all these tasks

    6DoF Object Pose Estimation via Differentiable Proxy Voting Loss

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    Estimating a 6DOF object pose from a single image is very challenging due to occlusions or textureless appearances. Vector-field based keypoint voting has demonstrated its effectiveness and superiority on tackling those issues. However, direct regression of vector-fields neglects that the distances between pixels and keypoints also affect the deviations of hypotheses dramatically. In other words, small errors in direction vectors may generate severely deviated hypotheses when pixels are far away from a keypoint. In this paper, we aim to reduce such errors by incorporating the distances between pixels and keypoints into our objective. To this end, we develop a simple yet effective differentiable proxy voting loss (DPVL) which mimics the hypothesis selection in the voting procedure. By exploiting our voting loss, we are able to train our network in an end-to-end manner. Experiments on widely used datasets, i.e., LINEMOD and Occlusion LINEMOD, manifest that our DPVL improves pose estimation performance significantly and speeds up the training convergence