4 research outputs found

    Field enhanced sample injection for the CE determination of arsenic compounds using successive multiple ionic polymer layer coated capillaries

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    A capillary electrophoresis method using indirect UV detection has been applied to the determination of arsenate [As(V)], arsenite [As(III)], monomethylarsonic acid and dimethylarsinic acid. The arsenic species were successfully separated in a successive multiple ionic polymer layer coated capillary. On-line sample preconcentration of arsenic compounds were performed by employing field enhanced sample injection. A baseline separation was achieved in a basic background solution of 10 mM 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid at pH 10.3. The precision of migration time was 1.2-2.4% RSD and peak height was 8.1-12.9% RSD. The limits of detection at a S/N ratio of 3 for the four arsenic compounds were found to be 20-70 ppb, which are comparable to other on-line preconcentration techniques. The enhancement factor was improved by 230-1,500-fold