3,810 research outputs found

    Coincidence between transcriptome analyses on different microarray platforms using a parametric framework

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    A parametric framework for the analysis of transcriptome data is demonstrated to yield coincident results when applied to data acquired using two different microarray platforms. Discrepancies among transcriptome studies are frequently reported, casting doubt on the reliability of collected data. The inconsistency among observations can be largely attributed to differences among the analytical frameworks employed for data analysis. The existing frameworks normalizes data against a standard determined from the data to be analyzed. In the present study, a parametric framework based on a strict model for normalization is applied to data acquired using an in-house printed chip and GeneChip. The framework is based on a common statistical characteristic of microarray data, and each data is normalized on the basis of a linear relationship with this model. In the proposed framework, the expressional changes observed and genes selected are coincident between platforms, achieving superior universality of data compared to other methods

    Effect of quantum fluctuations on topological excitations and central charge in supersymmetric theories

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    The effect of quantum fluctuations on Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS)-saturated topological excitations in supersymmetric theories is studied. Focus is placed on a sequence of topological excitations that derive from the same classical soliton or vortex in lower dimensions and it is shown that their quantum characteristics, such as the spectrum and profile, differ critically with the dimension of spacetime. In all the examples examined the supercharge algebra retains its classical form although short-wavelength fluctuations may modify the operator structure of the central charge, yielding an anomaly. The central charge, on taking the expectation value, is further affected by long-wavelength fluctuations, and this makes the BPS-excitation spectra only approximately calculable in some low-dimensional theories. In four dimensions, in contrast, holomorphy plays a special role in stabilizing the BPS-excitation spectra against quantum corrections. The basic tool in our study is the superfield supercurrent, from which the supercharge algebra with a central extension is extracted in a supersymmetric setting. A general method is developed to determine the associated superconformal anomaly by considering dilatation directly in superspace.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, to appear in PR

    Studying possible CP-violating Higgs couplings through top-quark pair productions at muon colliders

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    We study possible anomalous CP-violating Higgs couplings to mu mu-bar and t t-bar fully model-independent way through top-quark pair productions at muon colliders. Assuming additional non-standard neutral Higgs bosons, whose couplings with top-quark and muon are expressed in the most general covariant form, we carry out analyses of effects which they are expected to produce via CP-violating asymmetries and also the optimal-observable (OO) procedure under longitudinal and transverse muon polarizations. We find the measurement of the asymmetry for longitudinal beam polarization could be useful to catch some signal of CP violation, and an OO analysis might also be useful if we could reduce the number of unknown parameters with a help of other experiments and if the size of the parameters is at least O(1) ~ O(10).Comment: Final version (to appear in JHEP

    Segregation of stimulus phase and intensity coding in the cochlear nucleus of the barn owl

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    The cochlear nucleus of the barn owl is composed of two anatomically distinct subnuclei, n. magnocellularis (the magnocellular nucleus) and n. angularis (the angular nucleus). In the magnocellular nucleus, neurons tend to respond at a particular phase of a stimulus sine wave. Phase locking was observed for frequencies up to 9.0 kHz. The intensity- spike count functions of magnocellular units are characterized by high rates of spontaneous activity, a narrow range of intensities over which spike counts changed from spontaneous to saturation levels, and a small increase in spike counts with intensity over that range. In the angular nucleus, neurons showed little or no tendency to respond at a certain sinusoidal phase, although some showed weak phase locking for frequencies below 3.5 kHz. Angular units typically had low spontaneous rates, large dynamic ranges, and large increases in spike counts with intensity, resulting in high saturation levels. The clear difference between the two nuclei in sensitivity to both phase and intensity and the reciprocity in response properties support the hypothesis that each nucleus is specialized to process one parameter (phase or intensity) and not the other

    ACA CO(J = 2–1) Mapping of the Nearest Spiral Galaxy M33. I. Initial Results and Identification of Molecular Clouds

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    We thank the anonymous referee for their helpful comments, which significantly improved the manuscript. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: [ADS/JAO.ALMA#2017.1.00461.S], [ADS/JAO.ALMA#2018.A.00058.S], [ADS/JAO.ALMA#2017.1.00901.S], and [ADS/JAO.ALMA#2019.1.01182.S]. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO, and NAOJ. This work is based on observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with NASA. Data analysis was in part carried out on the Multi-wavelength Data Analysis System operated by the Astronomy Data Center (ADC), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. K.M. was supported by the ALMA Japan Research Grant of NAOJ ALMA Project, NAOJ-ALMA-289. This work was supported by NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research grant Nos. 2022-22B and JSPS KAKENHI (grant Nos. JP18H05440, JP19H05075, JP21H00049, JP21H01136, and JP21K13962).We present the results of ALMA-ACA 7 m array observations in (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1), (CO)-C-13(J = 2-1), and (CO)-O-18(J = 2-1) line emission toward the molecular-gas disk in the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 at an angular resolution of 7.& DPRIME;31 x 6.& DPRIME;50 (30 x 26 pc). We combined the ACA 7 m array (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1) data with the IRAM 30 m data to compensate for emission from diffuse molecular-gas components. The ACA+IRAM combined (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1) map clearly depicts the cloud-scale molecular-gas structure over the M33 disk. Based on the ACA+IRAM (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1) cube data, we cataloged 848 molecular clouds with a mass range from 10(3)-10(6) M (& ODOT;). We found that high-mass clouds (& GE;10(5) M (& ODOT;)) tend to associate with the 8 & mu;m bright sources in the spiral arm region, while low-mass clouds (M (& ODOT;)) tend to be apart from such 8 & mu;m bright sources and to exist in the inter-arm region. We compared the cataloged clouds with GMCs observed by the IRAM 30 m telescope at 49 pc resolution (IRAM GMC), and found that a small IRAM GMC is likely to be identified as a single molecular cloud even in ACA+IRAM CO data, while a large IRAM GMC can be resolved into multiple ACA+IRAM clouds. The velocity dispersion of a large IRAM GMC is mainly dominated by the line-of-sight velocity difference between small clouds inside the GMC rather than the internal cloud velocity broadening.ALMA: NAOJ-ALMA-289ALMA Japan Research Grant of NAOJ ALMA Project NAOJ-ALMA-289NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research 2022-22BMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) JP18H05440, JP19H05075, JP21H00049, JP21H01136, JP21K1396
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