78 research outputs found

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    Combining component-based and aspect-oriented software development in a resource constrained environment P.J.L.J. van de Laa


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    Abstract: Many views on the experience economy start with the behavior of actors in society at large and try to understand and explain their dynamics. In other words, the focus is on the external, objective, physical world of experience. But since experiences are inherently personal and only exist in our own internal, subjective, mental universe it is interesting to start from the inside and see what cognitive science can tell us about the central role of experience and story. This article is therefore quite literally an inside story about the experience economy and the pervasiveness of story and text. Conclusions: The concept of ambient narratives provides technologists with a framework for the design and implementation of ambient intelligent environments that are sensitive and responsive to people, but more importantly perhaps, it starts a discourse that may bring together the technical and business aspects with the cultural and critical ones. Technology and business it seems can learn a lot from literature and performance studies as these disciplines provide insigh

    Title: Buckling of thin brittle films from polymer substrates Author(s): F. van Zon

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    Abstract: To protect the display effects in flexible displays a brittle coating is required to prevent air and water from reaching the display effect. The problem of the brittle coating is that it is not able to withstand high levels of stress. Since the most important aspect of a flexible displays is being ‘rollable’, the brittle layer will be very often subjected to compressive stress. To get a better insight of the resilience of the brittle coating against stress, residual stress and critical stress measurements where done. In addition, the buckle propagation was studied, which is the result of compressive stress. The buckle was continually growing in width, while increasing in length showed more jumping. Every time after the buckle had jumped, the new buckle top only increased to a certain width, after which it made a new “jump ” and the cycle started again. If exposed for a longer time, the buckle stopped growing, and then jumped over the entire substrate width. The experiments were also preformed on substrates with different material systems, to determine the influence of the substrate thickness and the brittle coating thickness


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    background, depth map Abstract: In this report we present an attempt that we made to evaluate the Xetal processor for real time stereo vision process. The main purpose was to develop an algorithm for stereo vision process and implement it in Xetal as embedded software. The original goal was to find an algorithm based on Xetal’s software framework which would be able to give a full depth map from a real world scene, using a binocular camera. The Xetal’s input signal is a merger of the right and left channel of the binocular camera. Finally, we developed an algorithm, the purpose of which is to detect the objects that are located in the foreground of a scene. The output is a two-level depth map. The final depth map needs to be filtered in order to reduce the noise at the background area. Conclusions: This is a first attempt to use the Xetal processor for the real time stereo vision application. The results are quite promising and in a subsequent research we can increase the output quality by improving the input signal


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    The National Nanotechnology Initiative is an effort by the US National Science Foundation to coordinate research in the rapidly developing area of nanotechnology. In December 2003, a M $ 961 funding bill, the “21 st century nanotechnology R&D act”, was signed by the US president. From March 31-April 2 a workshop was held at the Washington Convention Center to present the results and plans within the NNI. A pre-conference workshop discussed nanomanufacturing and the commercialization of these novel manufacturing technologies. Conclusions: This report summarizes the main contributions to the workshop and conference and is meant as an entrance to the US approach to nanotechnology research and commercialization. Also, in the Appendix, existing US reports on nanotechnology and lists of the main centers of excellence within this research area are given

    Title: Craze initiation in glassy polymers assessed by indentation Author(s): Olaf Bressers

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    Craze initiation in glassy polymers assessed by indentatio


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    Adaptive online learning based tissu

    Reviewer(s): IPS Facilities

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    Zinc, a systematic approach for application access on Unix/Linux platforms P.G. Huisken; R.C.A. van Drie

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    A literature review of the mechanical behavior of the stratum corneum, the living epidermis and the subcutaneous fat tissue