200 research outputs found

    New Procedure for the Isolation of Membrane Vesicles of Bacillus subtilis and an Electron Microscopy Study of Their Ultrastructure

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    A rapid procedure for the isolation of membrane vesicles of Bacillus subtilis is described that minimizes the action of proteolytic enzymes, excreted by this organism, on the membrane proteins. The membrane vesicles obtained have, in addition to a low endogenous respiration rate, a low endogenous activity for transport of amino acids and carboxylic acids. In the presence of the electron donor, ascorbate-phenazine methosulfate, the transport activities for these compounds were comparable to the activities of intact cells. In addition, these activities were retained for a prolonged period of time. Electron microscopy examination of thin sections of the vesicles showed that the preparation consisted almost exclusively of membrane vesicles which were not contaminated with other cell components. The membrane vesicles, which are six to seven times smaller in diameter than protoplasts, often enclosed smaller vesicles. Freeze-etching of intact cells, protoplasts, and membrane vesicles showed that the orientation of the membrane of the vesicles was identical to the orientation of the plasma membrane in intact cells and protoplasts. This also held for the majority of the membranes of the enclosed vesicles, only 15% having the opposite orientation


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    Secondary metabolic-energy-generating systems generate a proton motive force (pmf) or a sodium ion motive force (smf) by a process that involves the action of secondary transporters. The (electro)chemical gradient of the solute(s) is converted into the electrochemical gradient of protons or sodium ions. The most straightforward systems are the excretion systems by which a metabolic end product is excreted out of the cell in symport with protons or sodium ions (energy recycling). Similarly, solutes that were accumulated and stored in the cell under conditions of abundant energy supply may be excreted again in symport with protons when conditions become worse (energy storage). In fermentative bacteria, a proton motive force is generated by fermentation of weak acids, such as malate and citrate. The two components of the pmf, the membrane potential and the pH gradient, are generated in separate steps. The weak acid is taken up by a secondary transporter either in exchange with a fermentation product (precursor/product exchange) or by a uniporter mechanism. In both cases, net negative charge is translocated into the cell, thereby generating a membrane potential. Decarboxylation reactions in the metabolic breakdown of the weak acid consume cytoplasmic protons, thereby generating a pH gradient across the membrane. In this review, several examples of these different types of secondary metabolic energy generation will be discussed.</p

    Adaptation of microorganisms and their transport systems to high temperatures

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    Growth of Bacteria and Archaea has been observed at temperatures up to 95 and 110 degrees C, respectively. These thermophiles are adapted to environments of high temperature by changes in the membrane lipid composition, higher thermostabilities of the (membrane) proteins, higher turnover rates of the energy transducing enzymes, and/or the (exclusive) use of sodium-ions rather than protons as coupling ion in energy transduction. The proton permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and archaea was observed to increase with the temperature. This increased proton permeability limits the maximum temperature of growth of bacteria. Higher growth temperatures can be reached by an increased proton pumping activity by using the less permeable sodium ions as coupling ions or by changing the lipid composition of the cytoplasmic membrane. The Na+/H+/glutamate transport proteins of the thermophiles Bacillus stearothermophilus (GltT(Bc)) and Bacillus caldotenax (GltT(Bc)) were studied extensively. These transportproteins have unique features. Transport of L-glutamate occurs in symport with 1 Na+ and 1 H+ when the transport proteins are expressed in their natural environment. The sodium ion dependency of the GltT transporters of these Bacillus strains was found to increase with temperature. However, when the GltT proteins are expressed in the mesophile Escherichia coli, electrogenic symport of L-glutamate occurs with greater than or equal to 2 H+. These observations suggest that the conformation of the transport proteins in the E. coli and the Bacillus membranes differs, and that the conformation influences the coupling ion selectivity. The Na+/H+/glutamate transport proteins of B. stearothermophilus (GltT(Bc)) and B. caldotenax (GltT(Bc)) are homologous to transport systems of glutamate and structurally related compounds from mesophilic organisms. Both sodium, as well as proton coupled transporters, belong to this family of carboxylate transporters (FCT). (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc
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