2,395 research outputs found

    The value of screening instruments in the diagnosis of poststroke dementia

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    The value of screening instruments in the diagnosis of poststroke dementia

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    Aansprakelijkheid in het luchtvervoer: Goederenvervoer onder de verdragen van Warschau en Montreal

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    Het internationale luchtrecht is zowel een voorbeeld van verregaande unificatie als van verregaande disunificatie. Unificatie omdat het oorspronkelijke Verdrag van Warschau, dat de basis vormt van het internationale luchtrecht, nagenoeg wereldwijd geratificeerd is. Disunificatie omdat de verdragsrechtelijke regeling in de loop der tijd door diverse protocollen en een aanvullend verdrag is gewijzigd. Het resultaat van deze wijzigingen was een in verregaande mate versnipperd Warschau systeem. In 1999 werd dit systeem vervangen door het Verdrag van Montreal, dat op 4 november 2003 in werking trad. Thans heeft meer dan de helft van het aantal oorspronkelijke Warschau lidstaten het Verdrag van Montreal geratificeerd. Naar verwachting zullen het Verdrag van Montreal en het Warschau systeem nog enige tijd naast elkaar voortbestaan. In deze dissertatie wordt de aansprakelijkheid van de luchtvervoerder van goederen onder zowel het Warschau systeem als het Verdrag van Montreal beschreven, geanalyseerd en beoordeeld.Van dit boek is een handelseditie verschenen bij Uitgeverij Paris te Zutphen

    Trucking onder Warschau en Montreal

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    De luchtvervoerder vervoert goederen door de lucht. Dit lijkt een voor de hand liggend gegeven, maar niets is minder waar. Binnen Europa kiezen luchtvervoerders er namelijk in toenemende mate voor om bepaalde trajecten niet door de lucht, maar over de weg af te leggen. Op bepaalde trajecten gebeurt dit op zo'n grote schaal, dat daadwerkelijk vervoer van luchtvracht door de lucht zeldzamer is dan vervoer over de weg. Er zijn tal van omstandigheden die vervoer van luchtvracht over de weg aantrekkelijk maken voor de luchtvervoerder. Vaak wordt voor een wegtraject gekozen vanuit een financieel of capaciteitsoogpunt. Luchtverbindingen tussen centrale luchthavens (hubs) en kleinere luchthavens (overloopluchthaven) zijn niet tlijd voorhanden en (grotere) freighters, bestemd voor intercontinentale vluchten, kunnen niet vanaf ieder luchthaven worden ingezet. Bovendien gelden op de - in dichtbevolkte gebieden gelegen - centrale Europese luchthavens vaak nachtstartverboden. Binnen Europa zal vervoer over de weg dan ook dikwijks minder tijd in beslag nemen dan vervoer door de luch

    A systematic review and critical appraisal of quality indicators to assess optimal palliative care for older people with dementia

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    © The Author(s) 2019Background: A challenge for commissioners and providers of end-of-life care in dementia is to translate recommendations for good or effective care into quality indicators that inform service development and evaluation. Aim: To identify and critically evaluate quality indicators for end-of-life care in dementia. Results: We found 8657 references, after de-duplication. In all, 19 publications describing 10 new and 3 updated sets of indicators were included in this review. Ultimately, 246 individual indicators were identified as being relevant to dementia end-of-life care and mapped against EAPC guidelines. Conclusions: We systematically derived and assessed a set of quality indicators using a robust framework that provides clear definitions of aspects of palliative care, which are dementia specific, and strengthens the theoretical underpinning of new complex interventions in end-of-life care in dementia.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Context Effects of Alcohol Availability at Home: Implicit Alcohol Associations and the Prediction of Adolescents' Drinking Behavior

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    OBJECTIVE: Recent studies suggest that the predictive effect of implicit alcohol associations is context dependent. Findings indicate that implicit associations are more easily retrieved in an alcohol-associated setting or context (e.g., bar) compared with a neutral setting. In line with this reasoning, we hypothesized that alcohol availability at home might moderate the relationship between implicit alcohol associations and future drinking behavior of adolescents. METHOD: Participants were 262 at-risk adolescents (235 boys, 27 girls, adolescents with externalizing behavioral problems) with a mean age of 14.11 years (SD = 0.86, age range: 12-16 years) at baseline. Adolescents completed a questionnaire and a modified version of the Implicit Association Test (i.e., Single Category Implicit Association Test; SC-IAT). RESULTS: Stronger implicit alcohol associations predicted increase in frequency of alcohol use, only in adolescents who indicated that alcohol was available at home. No moderating effects were found for increase in quantity of alcohol use and problematic alcohol use, suggesting that implicit alcohol associations particularly influence the decision of whether to drink in adolescence. CONCLUSIONS: The findings illustrate that the availability of alcohol in the home setting influences adolescents' implicit alcohol associations and consequently affects the frequency of alcohol use. In this way, alcohol availability at home may be an important contextual factor to consider when examining the effect of implicit alcohol associations on the future drinking behavior of adolescents

    The value of screening instruments in the diagnosis of poststroke dementia

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    Stroke is a major cause of morbidity in the industrialized world. It often results not only in physical disability, but also in significant cognitive impairment or dementia. Between 10 and 40% of patients with a recent stroke develop dementia.1-4 Although stroke was already recognized as an important cause of dementia more than one hundred years ago, research on determinants of poststroke dementia and the cognitive profile of dementia after a stroke has strongly intensified during the last decade. The diagnosis of dementia after a stroke is complex and poses clinicians for several problems. Poststroke dementia is a clinical entity with very heterogeneous cognitive disturbances, that may be characterized as cortical or subcortical, or a combination of the two. Furthermore, cognitive functioning may be hampered by the somatic symptoms that often accompany a stroke. In clinical practice, cognitive screening instruments take an important place, either to select patients who need further neuropsychological testing or as a diagnostic test in patients with obvious dementia. Most existing screening instruments that are used in a clinical setting, however, are developed to detect dementia compatible with Alzheimer’s disease and their value in detecting dementia after stroke is less well known. In this thesis, I describe and discuss the diagnosis of dementia after stroke, with emphasis on the value of screening instruments in the diagnosis of poststroke dementia. I will use the terms dementia after stroke and poststroke dementia for any type of dementia that occurs after a stroke, irrespective of its presumed cause

    A short screening instrument for poststroke dementia : the R-CAMCOG

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The CAMCOG is a feasible cognitive screening instrument for dementia in patients with a recent stroke. A major disadvantage of the CAMCOG, however, is its lengthy and relatively complex administration for screening purposes. We therefore developed the Rotterdam CAMCOG (R-CAMCOG), based on the original version. Our aim was to reduce the estimated administration time to 15 minutes or less and to retain or perhaps even improve its diagnostic accuracy. METHODS: We analyzed the item scores on the CAMCOG of 300 consecutive stroke patients, after exclusion of patients with a severe aphasia or lowered consciousness level, who were entered in the Rotterdam Stroke Databank. The diagnosis of dementia was made independent of the R-CAMCOG score, on the basis of clinical examination and neuropsychological test results. The R-CAMCOG was constructed in 3 steps. First, items with floor and ceiling effects were removed. Next, subscales with no additional diagnostic value were excluded. Finally, we removed items that did not contribute to the homogeneity of the subscales. The diagnostic accuracy of the R-CAMCOG and the original CAMCOG was determined by means of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. RESULTS: In the 3 steps, the number of items was reduced from 59 to 25, divided over the subscales orientation, memory (recent, remote, and learning), perception, and abstraction. The subscale orientation did not reach significance in a logistic regression model but was included in the R-CAMCOG because of its high face validity in dementia screening. Internal validation with ROC analysis suggests that the R-CAMCOG and the CAMCOG are equally accurate in screening for poststroke dementia (area under the curve was 0.95 for both tests). CONCLUSIONS: The R-CAMCOG has overcome the disadvantages of the original CAMCOG. It is a promising, short, and easy-to-administer screening instrument for poststroke dementia. It seems to be sufficiently accurate for this purpose, but the test has yet to be validated in a separate, independent study
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