3 research outputs found

    On representation theory of quantum SLq(2)SL_q(2) groups at roots of unity

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    Irreducible representations of quantum groups SLq(2)SL_q(2) (in Woronowicz' approach) were classified in J.Wang, B.Parshall, Memoirs AMS 439 in the~case of qq being an~odd root of unity. Here we find the~irreducible representations for all roots of unity (also of an~even degree), as well as describe "the~diagonal part" of tensor product of any two irreducible representations. An~example of not completely reducible representation is given. Non--existence of Haar functional is proved. The~corresponding representations of universal enveloping algebras of Jimbo and Lusztig are provided. We also recall the~case of general~qq. Our computations are done in explicit way.Comment: 31 pages, Section 2.7 added and other minor change

    Fusion Rules of the Lowest Weight Representations of osp_q(1|2) at Roots of Unity: Polynomial Realization and Degeneration at Roots of Unity

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    The degeneracy of the lowest weight representations of the quantum superalgebra ospq(1∣2)osp_q(1|2) and their tensor products at exceptional values of %when deformation parameter qq takes exceptional values is studied. The main features of the structures of the finite dimensional lowest weight representations and their fusion rules are illustrated using realization of group generators as finite-difference operators acting in the space of the polynomials. The complete fusion rules for the decompositions of the tensor products at roots of unity are presented. The appearance of indecomposable representations in the fusions is described using Clebsh-Gordan coefficients derived for general values of qq and at roots of unity.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures; completed (section 5, section 6); version published in JP

    Duality for Exotic Bialgebras

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    In the classification of Hietarinta, three triangular 4×44\times 4 RR-matrices lead, via the FRT formalism, to matrix bialgebras which are not deformations of the trivial one. In this paper, we find the bialgebras which are in duality with these three exotic matrix bialgebras. We note that the L−TL-T duality of FRT is not sufficient for the construction of the bialgebras in duality. We find also the quantum planes corresponding to these bialgebras both by the Wess-Zumino R-matrix method and by Manin's method.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX2e, using packages: cite, amsfonts, amsmath, subeq