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    Caveolin-1 is a major protein of the caveolae structure in vascular endothelial cell membrane. Phosphorylation of caveolin-1 is one of the initial events leading to exacerbation of vascular permeability caused by oxidative stress. Although quercetin is known to be an anti-atherosclerosis factor that acts as a dietary antioxidant, little is known about its role in the regulation of caveolin-1 phosphorylation. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of quercetin on hydrogen peroxide-induced caveolin-1 phosphorylation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Quercetin inhibited caveolin-1 phosphorylation in cells pretreated with quercetin for 24 h and then exposed to hydrogen peroxide. However, quercetin 3-O-β-glucuronide, a conjugated metabolite of quercetin, did not exert this inhibitory effect. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide increased vascular permeability and reduced mRNA expression of the intercellular adhesion protein, vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin). By contrast, pretreatment with quercetin suppressed the increase in vascular permeability and decreased VE-cadherin expression. These results indicate that deconjugated quercetin can play a role in the prevention of altered vascular permeability under oxidative stress by suppressing caveolin-1 phosphorylation. Thus, dietary quercetin may be beneficial for the maintenance of endothelial cell function


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    障害等のある学生へ情報保障の方法として音声認識技術の活用が進んでいるが, より有効に活用するためには認識率の担保や運用方法の工夫が必要となる。本稿では, 音声認識技術と補聴システムとを組み合わせた情報保障の質の向上のために, 端末や機器の使用方法を工夫する余地がどの程度あり得るのかについて, 実証実験結果をもとに分析する。実証実験からは, 同じ動画教材でも音量の調節や, 機材の組み合わせにより認識率に差異があることが明らかとなった。一方で, 動画教材の音源の鮮明度等によっては, 技術や機器の使用方法による認識率に大きな開きは見られなかった。このことから, 情報保障機材等の工夫がある程度有効であるものの, 発話や教材作成時の雑音への配慮が必要であると言える