50 research outputs found

    Deficiency of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist causes spontaneous femoral artery aneurysms

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    Interleukin (IL) -1, a proinflammatory cytokine, increases in aneurysm, and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) modulates IL-1 activity endogenously. We show here that IL-1Ra-deficiency in hematopoietic cells disrupts immune system homeostasis and causes spontaneous femoral artery aneurysms in mice lacking interventions such as drugs or surgery. Thus, IL-1Ra-deficient mice provide easy observations with age and diminish mortality that typically follows surgical procedures. Furthermore, since IL-1Ra-deficient mice contain the entire spectrum of lesions observed during inflammatory aneurysm, this mouse model likely will provide numerous opportunities to study the pathogenesis and therapy of inflammatory aneurysm

    Images of nurses by senior high school students wishing to go on to the nursing course

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    本研究では、看護課程志望の高校生が看護職に対してどのようなイメージを持っているのか、看護教育機関の希望や将来の看護職種の希望は看護職に対するイメージと関係があるのかを明らかにしたいと考えた。岡山県下の全ての高校に在学中の看護課程志望高校生に対して、質問紙調査をおこなった。222名から回答が得られ、分析を行った結果、以下のことが明らかになった。1)看護課程志望高校生は看護職に対して非常に良いイメージを持っており、同時に労働条件の厳しさも理解していた。その良いイメージとは、看護職の持つ尊さや献身性に由来する自負心と、資格のもつ現実的利点であった。しかし、看護職の専門性を表す、高度な知識・判断・技術、生涯教育の必要性の認識は低かった。2)短大・大学を志望する高校生は、看護学校・准看護学校志望者に比べ、看護職は生涯教育を必要とするとイメージしていた。3)看護婦、保健婦、助産婦のどの職種を希望するかによって、看護職に対するイメージに違いがあった。A qusetionnaire survey was done by senior high school students wishing to go on to the nursing course in Okayama Prefecture, to know what images of nurses they had, what course for nursing education they wished to best for and what they would like nursing profession to be. Results of analysing data obtained from 222 students were as follows; 1. They had favorable images of nurses in high rates, although they also recognized the harsh working conditions. Those images were thought to be derived from the preciousness of nursing, devotion to people, and advantage of the license. But recognition of specialty of nursing indicated by items such as knowledge, judgement, skill and continuing education was low. 2. Necessity of continuing education was recognized by students wishing to go on to university or junior college better than students of vocational school of registered and assistant nurses. 3. Images of nurses were different by their choice of profession such as clinical nurses, public health nurses and midwives which they would like to be in the future

    Effects of Nutraceuticals and Botanicals on Macrophage Cholesterol Efflux: Implications for Atherosclerosis

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    To date, the literature on high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels as an inverse risk factor for atherosclerosis has mainly been observational, and it is likely that the metabolism and function of HDL is a more significant determinant of cardiovascular disease. As an example, as cholesterol is effluxed out of macrophages and carried to the liver via HDL for excretion, reduced cholesterol efflux can result in increased cholesterol accumulation. In terms of atherosclerosis risk, increasing cholesterol efflux is theoretically a strategy that can be considered as the groundwork of cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention. However, until now, there has not been a pharmaceutical agent that has effectively increased reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) at all steps of the process. Here is a review of the research on natural compounds present in edible foods and their observed in vitro and in vivo (and even ex vivo) effects on the first step of RCT: macrophage cholesterol efflux. The findings here are preliminary and contradictory, making it hard to translate the evidence on most of these naturally occurring agents into clinical applications

    Nursing students' perception of their acquired basic skills in nursing practices : a comparison between a new and an old curriculum

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    平成2年度改正の新カリキュラムで学んだ学生と旧カリキュラムで学んで学生間に、卒業時の基礎看護技術の到達度に違いがあるかを明らかにするために、看護技術の基本的要素、日常生活の援助技術、診療時の援助技術の49項目の到達度について、3年制課程の3年生に質問紙調査を行った。対象者全体では、到達度の上位10位以内に日常生活の援助技術項目の37%が含まれ、到達度の下位10位以内に診療時の援助技術項目の37%が含まれていた。新カリキュラム群と旧カリキュラム群の比較では、21項目に有意差があった。新カリキュラム群の高い15項目は日常生活の援助技術と看護技術の基本的要素に関するものが多く、旧カリキュラム群が高い6項目は診療時の援助技術が多かった。カリキュラム改正に関係なく、日常生活の援助技術の到達度は高く診療時の援助技術は低い傾向にあったが、カリキュラム改正後はその傾向が強まり、さらに看護技術の基本的要素の到達度はカリキュラム改正後に比較的高くなっていることが明らかになった。新カリキュラムでは臨地実習時間を削減しているが、基礎教育で重視する日常生活の援助技術と看護技術の基本的要素は習得できていると考えられる。A revision was made in a nursing curriculum in 1990. This study examined nursing students' perceived level of acquired 49 basic skills in nursing practices consisting of 11 basal elements of nursing skill, 19 skills in helping patients' daily activities, and 19 skills required in medical situations, comparing students receiving a new curriculum with those receiving an old one. Findings showed that in the rank ordering of all items from the best acquired to the least, collapsed across the two groups of students, 37% of the upper 10 items cocerned the skills in helping patients' daily activities, while 37% of the bottom 10 items concerned the skills required in medical situation. The students receiving the new curriculum perceived themselves better than those reseiving the old one for 15 items that were related with the basal elements of nursing skill and the skills in helping patients' daily activities, while the 6 items in the skills required in medical situations were perceived to be better acquired for the latter than the former students. The finding suggest that the new curriculum produced students who perceive themselves to be better achievers in the basic skills in nursing practices

    γ-Tocopherol Accelerated Sodium Excretion in a Dose-Dependent Manner in Rats with a High Sodium Intake

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    We have previously reported that γ-tocopherol (γ-Toc) displays a natriuretic potency in rats fed a NaCl diet and administered 20 mg γ-Toc. In this study, we investigated whether γ-Toc has natriuretic potency at a dose lower or higher than 20 mg in rats given a NaCl diet. Male rats were fed a control diet or a NaCl diet and administered either placebo or 10, 20 or 40 mg of γ-Toc. The rat urine was collected for 24 hours (divided into 6 hour periods) and the 2,7,8-trimethyl-2-(2'-carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxychroman (γ-CEHC) level, the sodium excretion content, and the urine volume were determined. The 24-hour γ-CEHC and sodium levels in the urine of the NaCl groups given 20 mg or 40 mg γ-Toc were significantly higher than those in the placebo group. The peak levels of urine sodium and γ-CEHC in the NaCl group given 40 mg γ-Toc appeared at 0–6 h, which was a more rapid increase than that seen in the group given 20 mg γ-Toc. The 24-hour urine volumes of the NaCl groups given 10 and 20 mg γ-Toc were significantly higher than the urine volume of the placebo group. Our findings suggested that γ-Toc increased sodium excretion in a dose-dependent manner in rats fed a NaCl diet. Moreover, a high dose of γ-Toc may accelerate its metabolism and cause an increase in the rate of sodium excretion

    The ideas about nursing course of senior high school teachers.

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    近年、4年制大学の増設をはじめとした看護課程における教育の変革が進められつつある。これは質の高い看護の人材を必要とする社会のニーズに応えたものである。著者らはこれらの看護課程に対する意見を、岡山県下の高校で進路指導をしている教師に尋ね、郵送による質問紙法を用いて33名の回答を得た。その結果、以下のことが分かった。1. 51.5%の教師は、看護大学が増えると進学希望者の関心は呼ぶとしており、36.4%は、学生数の一定の増加があるだろうとしている。また、36.4%は教師の立場から看護課程への進学を勧めやすくなると考えている。2. 高校の教師は看護婦不足の理由として労働条件の厳しさを指摘している。3. 高校教師は進路として看護課程を勧める理由を仕事の専門性と奉仕性を多くあげていた。これらは、高等教育化と看護職のイメージの改善の両方が必要であることを示唆している。Currently, improvement of nursing curriculum has been done in Japan, including the establishment of a four year course at universitiy, responding to the social needs for man-power for high quality nursing. A questionnaire survey by mail was done in 1993, to get ideas about the nursing course of high school teachers giving advice to students wishing to go on to university or college. Thirty three high school teachers out of a total of 76 schools in Okayama prefecture responded. The results were as follows; 1, Seventeen teachers (51.5%) answered that the increase of a four year course at university would be an incentive to students. Twelve teachers (36.4%) said that it might increase the number of students choosing the course. And also 12 teachers (36.4%) thought that they could recommend this course to students more easily than before. 2, They pointed out the harsh working conditions as the reason for a shortage of nursing manpower. 3, Their reasons why they recommend the nursing course to students were firstly the specialty and secondly devotion to people

    IgE Cross-reactivity between Fish Roe (Salmon, Herring and Pollock) and Chicken Egg in Patients Anaphylactic to Salmon Roe

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Salmon roe (SR) anaphylaxis has often been reported and SR-containing foods are designated as 'recommended for allergic labeling' ; however, there have been no reports about its allergenicity, including its cross-reactivity. Because its cross-reactivity is controversial, clinicians are often confused concerning education regarding its dietary elimination. The purpose of this study was to examine the cross-reactivity between SR and other kinds of fish roe, salmon, or chicken egg (CE).Methods: We measured the specific-lgE to SR, herring roe (HR), pollock roe (PR), salmon and CE using RAST in 27 patients with a fish allergy and 26 control subjects. Then, using the sera of 2 patients with SR anaphylaxis, an ELlSA inhibition study was performed to examine the cross-reactivity between SR and HR, PR, salmon or CE. We then compared the IgE binding patterns to SR between the anaphylaxis patients and fish allergy patients with immunoblotting.Results: There were positive correlations between SR and HR or PR, but none between SR and salmon or CE. In the ELISA study using sera from two patients with SR anaphylaxis, IgE-binding to SR was inhibited more than 50% only when the sera were pre-incubated with HR, inhibited almost 50% by PR in a dose-dependent manner, but not inhibited by CE or anisakis. Salmon inhibited the IgE binding to SR more than 50% in a SR- anaphylaxis patient. The IgE binding patterns to SR from anaphylaxis patients were almost identical and unlike those of patients with fish allergy.Conclusions: There was a cross-reactivity between SR and HR, but no relationship between SR and CE

    CD153/CD30 signaling promotes age-dependent tertiary lymphoid tissue expansion and kidney injury

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    高齢者腎臓病を悪化させる原因細胞・分子の同定に成功. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-30.A new drug target for kidney disease. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-11-30.Tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) facilitate local T- and B-cell interactions in chronically inflamed organs. However, the cells and molecular pathways that govern TLT formation are poorly defined. Here we identify TNF superfamily CD153-CD30 signaling between two unique age-dependent lymphocyte subpopulations, CD153⁺PD-1⁺CD4⁺ senescence-associated T (SAT) cells and CD30+T-bet+ age-associated B cells (ABCs), as a driver for TLT expansion. SAT cells, which produced ABC-inducing factors IL21 and IFNγ, and ABCs progressively accumulated within TLTs in aged kidneys after injury. Notably, in kidney injury models, CD153 or CD30 deficiency impaired functional SAT cell induction, which resulted in reduced ABC numbers and attenuated TLT formation with improved inflammation, fibrosis and renal function. Attenuated TLT formation after transplantation of CD153-deficient bone marrow further supported the importance of CD153 in immune cells. Clonal analysis revealed that SAT cells and ABCs in the kidneys arose from both local differentiation and recruitment from the spleen. In the synovium of aged rheumatoid arthritis patients, T peripheral helper/T follicular helper cells and ABCs also expressed CD153 and CD30, respectively. Together, our data reveal a previously unappreciated function of CD153-CD30 signaling in TLT formation and propose targeting CD153-CD30 signaling pathway as a therapeutic target for slowing kidney disease progression

    Real-world management of treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema : 2-year visual outcome focusing on the starting year of intervention from STREAT-DMO study

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    Background/aims To investigate the yearly change of real-world outcomes for best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after 2-year clinical intervention for treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema (DMO). Methods Retrospective analysis of aggregated, longitudinal medical records obtained from 27 retina specialised institutions in Japan from Survey of Treatment for DMO database. A total of 2049 treatment-naïve centre involving DMO eyes of which the initial intervention started between 2010 and 2015, and had been followed for 2 years, were eligible. As interventions, antivascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents, local corticosteroids, macular photocoagulation and vitrectomy were defined. In each eye, baseline and final BCVA, the number of each intervention for 2 years was extracted. Each eye was classified by starting year of interventional treatment. Results Although baseline BCVA did not change by year, 2-year improvement of BCVA had been increased, and reached to +6.5 letters in the latest term. There is little difference among starting year about proportions of eyes which BCVA gained >15 letters, in contrast to those which lost >15 letters were decreased by year. The proportion of eyes receiving anti-VEGF therapy was dramatically increased, while those receiving the other therapies were gradually decreased. The proportion of eyes which maintained socially good vision of BCVA>20/40 has been increased and reached to 59.0% in the latest term. Conclusion For recent years, treatment patterns for DMO have been gradually but certainly changed; as a result, better visual gain, suppression of worsened eyes and better final BCVA have been obtained. Anti-VEGF therapy has become the first-line therapy and its injection frequency has been increasing