51 research outputs found
Vroege predictoren van dementie, de constructie van beslisbomen
Om mensen met dementie in de eerste lijn in een vroeg stadium van de ziekte te kunnen identificeren zijn met, behulp van gegevens uit de Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), twee beslismodellen ontwikkeld. Hierbij is gebruikgemaakt van een combinatie van simpele, goed herkenbare predictoren. De sterkste predictor van dementie bleek leeftijd, met een sterk verhoogd risico voor mensen boven de 75 jaar. De voorspellende waarde van dementie in deze groep werd ruim twee keer groter (10,2%) dan die was in de hele steekproef (4,0%). Als mensen bovendien geheugenklachten hadden en een Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) < 24 bleek de voorspellende waarde verder toe te nemen tot respectievelijk 15,4% en 33,3%. In het tweede beslismodel, waar leeftijd buiten beschouwing is gelaten, bleken functionele beperkingen, geheugenklachten en een MMSE < 24 te leiden tot een maximale voorspellende waarde van 28,8%. Bij mensen met functionele beperkingen, maar zonder geheugenklachten bleek het hebben van een cardiovasculaire ziekte of diabetes het risico op dementie te vergroten. De beslismodellen zullen worden getoetst in een andere steekproef voordat ze worden geïmplementeerd in de eerste lijn
A type 1 immunity-restricted promoter of the IL-33 receptor gene directs antiviral T-cell responses
The pleiotropic alarmin interleukin-33 (IL-33) drives type 1, type 2 and regulatory T-cell responses via its receptor ST2. Subset-specific differences in ST2 expression intensity and dynamics suggest that transcriptional regulation is key in orchestrating the context-dependent activity of IL-33-ST2 signaling in T-cell immunity. Here, we identify a previously unrecognized alternative promoter in mice and humans that is located far upstream of the curated ST2-coding gene and drives ST2 expression in type 1 immunity. Mice lacking this promoter exhibit a selective loss of ST2 expression in type 1- but not type 2-biased T cells, resulting in impaired expansion of cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) and T-helper 1 cells upon viral infection. T-cell-intrinsic IL-33 signaling via type 1 promoter-driven ST2 is critical to generate a clonally diverse population of antiviral short-lived effector CTLs. Thus, lineage-specific alternative promoter usage directs alarmin responsiveness in T-cell subsets and offers opportunities for immune cell-specific targeting of the IL-33-ST2 axis in infections and inflammatory diseases
Catch-up growth up to ten years of age in children born very preterm or with very low birth weight
BACKGROUND: Improved survival due to advances in neonatal care has brought issues such as postnatal growth and development more to the focus of our attention. Most studies report stunting in children born very preterm and/or small for gestational age. In this article we study the growth pattern of these children and aim to identify factors associated with postnatal catch-up growth. METHODS: 1338 children born with a gestational age <32 weeks and/or a birth weight of <1500 grams were followed during a Dutch nationwide prospective study (POPS). Subgroups were classified as appropriate for gestational age and <32 weeks (AGA) or small for gestational age (<32 wks SGA and ≥32 wks SGA). Data were collected at different intervals from birth until 10 years for the 962 survivors and compared to reference values. The correlation between several factors and growth was analysed. RESULTS: At 10 years the AGA children had attained normal height, whereas the SGA group demonstrated stunting, even after correction for target height (AGA: 0.0 SDS; SGA <32 wks: -0.29SDS and ≥32 wks: -0.13SDS). Catch-up growth was especially seen in the SGA children with a fast initial weight gain. BMI was approximately 1 SD below the population reference mean. CONCLUSION: At 10 years of age, children born very preterm AGA show no stunting. However, many children born SGA, especially the very preterm, show persistent stunting. Early weight gain seems an important prognostic factor in predicting childhood growth
Ethnic profiling in the Netherlands? A reflection on expanding preventive powers, ethnic profiling and a changing social and political context
Criminal Justice: Legitimacy, accountability, and effectivit
Tjerita Rossinna
Cover contains Swatoe tjerita jang amat bagoes dan betoel soeda kedjadian di Betawi. Ini tjerita baik di boeat toeladan pada sekalian orang jang berhati kedjem
Tjerita Rossinna
Cover contains Swatoe tjerita jang amat bagoes dan betoel soeda kedjadian di Betawi. Ini tjerita baik di boeat toeladan pada sekalian orang jang berhati kedjem
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