7 research outputs found

    Potensi Serat Pangan Proso Milet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Terpraproses dalam Menstimulasi Pertumbuhan Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34

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    Proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) was evaluated as a source of dietary fiber. Preprocessing of millet flour could increase dietary fiber. The dietary fiber is considered to provide benefits as a prebiotic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of preprocessing on millet flour dietary fiber and its ability to stimulate the growth of probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34. The research was conducted in two stages, i.e. preprocessing millet flour and viability of probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34) on different broth media. First, millet flour was made in various preprocessed method: without preprocessing, germination preprocessing, fermentation preprocessing, germination – fermentation preprocessing. Second, the viability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 was carried out on various media broth: glucose-free MRS (control), MRS, adding dietary fibers extract from millet flour with different preprocessing. The results showed that millet flour with fermented preprocessing (F) provided the highest dietary fiber of 22.38% with a water content of 11.97% and a tannin content of 0.08%. L. rhamnosus SKG34 exhibited the highest viability when grown in MRS broth. The addition of dietary fiber extract did not significantly enhance the viability of L. rhamnosus SKG34 compared to the glucose-free MRS broth (control), which showed a viability of 5 log10 CFU/mL. Thus, it can be concluded that millet preprocessing with fermentation (F) can significantly increase the dietary fiber of millet flour. However, dietary fiber millet has no potential as a suitable prebiotic candidate for promoting probiotic bacterial growth. Keywords: dietary fiber, lactic acid bacteria, millet flour, prebiotic, preprocesse


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    ABSTRACT Banana is the main product of a dry land farming at Gumbrih. The shelf life of fresh banana is very short and hence it is a great effort to find out how to preserve the banana for longer period. A method that can be applied is that by processing the fresh banana into processed foods, which has longer shelf life and easily to be modified into several products, which still retains the flavour of fresh banana. It was found that the knowledge of the local people (Gumrih villagers) on technology and banana processing was quite low and hence the recent program on course and practices of banana processing into dried banana (pisang sale) and banana powder (tepung pisang) is absolutely important. The activities were held at Desa Gumbrih, Kecamatan Pekutanan, Kabuapten Negara, on Friday, 16 September 2005, attended by 26 participants. Instead of course and practical works, the activities also have been conducted by active two-direction discussion between participants and tutor members. Since participants were curious to follow all the activities and we suggest that similar program is significant to be held on those banana producers around Bali and the short practical course would be more beneficial if it can be associated with marketing of the products. </em


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    A study was carried out to isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from the Sumbawa mares milk The Isolation of LAB was conducted in Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) agar. The isolates were characterized by standard methods, such as Gram staining, cell morphology study and fermentation activities. The ability of the isolates to inhibit some pathogenic bacteria was studied by dual culture assay. Isolates showing the widest spectrum of inhibiting pathogenic bacteria were further identified using API 50 CHL. The results showed that Sumbawa mare milk was dominated by lactobacilli and weisella/leuconostoc. As many as 26 out 36 isolates belong to homofermentative lactobacilli and another 10 isolates belong to both heterofermentative lactobacilli and weissella or leuconostoc. Twenty four isolates inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli 25922, Shigela flexneri, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus 29213. Two promising isolates with the widest spectrum of inhibiting pathogenic bacteria, Lactobacillus sp. SKG34 and Lactobacillus sp. SKG49, were identified respectively as Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 and Lactobacillus ramnosus SKG49. These two isolates were specific strains of the sumbawa mare milk and are very potential to be developed as probiotic for human.</em


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    This research was deigned to elucidate the potency of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from sumbawa mare milk to be developed as a probiotic. Sixteen lacobacilli were screened based on their resitancy to a model of gastric juice at pH 2, 3, and 4, then followed by their resistncy to small intestional fluid model containing deoxycholic. Three lactobacilli i.e. Lactobacillus sp. SKA13, Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG49 were found to be resistentent to gastric juice at pH 3 and 4. However, there were no lactobacilli resisted to pH 2. Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG49 were able to reach the colon even after being expossed to a model of intestinal fluid containing 0,4 mM deoxycholate and pancreatine. Therefore, these isolates have a potency to be developed as probiotic lactobacilli. Nevertherless, these lactobcailli could probably transform cholic acid into secondary bile acids, which were not expected to be found in the probiotic, and this capability is not appropriate for probiotic. This character is worthly to be studied since it has never been reported in lactobacilli.</div


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    Bali cattle is an indigenous spesies in Bali, which pay great attention due to its uniqueness. Numerousarticles have been published on Bali cattle especially related to its disease, nutritional requirement forgrowth and domestication. Nevertherless, it was no any report has been published on the lactic acidbacteria (LAB) assosiated with the cattles raw milk and its potential used as probiotic. This work isaimed to identify LAB isolated from bali cattle raw milk and its resistance to secondary bile acid (sodiumdeoxy cholic), a prequisite in development of probiotic for human. The results revealed that based upon thehomology studies of the variable region I, II, and III sequences of the 16S rDNA showed that 44 out of 62isolates were closely related to Pediococcus acidilactici; 11 out of 62 isolats were closely related to Enterococusgallinarum, five out of 62 isolates were closely related to Lactococcus garvieae, while only one isolate was closely related to Lactobacillus plantarum and Weisella confusa. Some isolates showed resistant to 0.2-0.6mM deoxy cholic acid, which might be also resist in human gastrointestinal tract conditions. Based onthose finding, it can be concluded that the LAB associated with raw bali cattle milk were closey related toP. acidilactici, E. gallinarum, Lac. garvieae, Lb. plantarum and W. confusa, which different from thosecommonly LAB found in others cattle raw milk. Somes isolates were potential to be developed as probioticfrom human helath

    Weissella confusa F213 ameliorated inflammation and maintained intestinal mucosa integrity in chemically induced colitis rats

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    Abstract Objective This study was performed to investigate the potential effects of Weissella confusa F213 (WCF213) on chemically-induced colitis rats. Twelve male Wistar rats were divided into three groups: T1 (saline sterile), T2 (2.5% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)- for 7 days), and T3 (WCF213 for 14 days, continued with 2.5% DSS for 7 days). The disease activity index (DAI) was monitored. After sacrificing the rats, the colon was collected for length measurement, local TNF-α level, HE staining for histology, and ZO-1 expression by using immunohistochemistry. Results WCF213 administration prevented weight loss and haematochezia, maintained average colon length and alleviated the clinical symptom of colitis, such as diarrhoea, albeit statistically non-significant (p < 0.05) compared with the T2 group. The histopathology of WCF213-treated colitis rats showed better architecture and less inflammatory cell infiltration into colon tissue. WCF213 significantly maintained the expression of ZO-1 in the mucosa (p < 0.001) and markedly reduced mucosal TNF-α concentration (p < 0.001) compared with the DSS group. Hence, these findings suggested that WCF213 attenuated clinical symptoms and inflammation and maintained mucosal integrity in DSS-induced colitis in vivo