13 research outputs found
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Mengkonsumsi Tablet Fe di Puskesmas Dasan Agung Kota Mataram
Ibu hamil dapat beresiko mengalami anemia terutama anemia karena kekurangan zat besi. Anemia terjadi akibat rendahnya kandungan hemoglobin dalam tubuh semasa hamil atau kurangnya sel-sel darah merah di dalam darah daripada biasanya, dengan kadar hemoglobin di bawah 11 gr%. Dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan akibat anemia pada ibu hamil adalah perdarahan pada saat melahirkan, bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR), penurunan IQ, bayi mudah terinfeksi dan mudah menderita gizi buruk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet Fe di PuskesmasDasan Agung Kota Mataram. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuntitatif dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel dengan simple random sampling, didapatkan sampel sebanyak 35 responden. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji chi square menunjukkan hubungan kepatuhan ibu hamil dengan pengetahuan (p=0,000), motivasi (p=0,004), dan sikap (p=0,000). Simpulan penelitian ini terdapat hubungan kepatuhan ibu hamil mengkonsumsi tablet fe dengan pengetahuan, motivasi, dan sikap. Peneliti menyarankan bagi tenaga kesehatan perlu melakukan penyuluhan akan pentingnya tablet Fe selama masa kehamilan
Strategi Diferensiasi dan Harga Sebagai Alat Untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Konsumen Klinik Auraku Bandung
Consumer Loyalty is a strongly held commitment to buy or re-subscribe to certain products or services in the future despite the influence of the situation and marketing efforts that have the potential to cause behavior change. This study aims to examine the influence of differentiation and price strategies in increasing consumer loyalty at Auraku Bandung clinic. The data analysis technique used descriptive verification method. The results showed that the differentiation strategy has a positive and significant effect in increasing consumer loyalty, price has a positive and insignificant effect in increasing consumer loyalty. Simultaneously the differentiation strategy and price together have a significant effect on consumer loyalty at Auraku Bandung clinic. Based on this research, Auraku Bandung clinic should continue to maintain and improve its differentiation strategy. The dimensions that must be improved in a differentiation strategy are product, service, and image. By having superior products, excellent services and a good corporate image, the company will be able to provide prices according to the quality they provide. This is done in order to continue to provide satisfaction to consumers and so that consumers return in the future
Abstrak: Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan wirausaha pemilik warung Ayi Cahyadi dalam menghadapi era digital melalui pelatihan yang komprehensif dan aplikatif. Pelatihan ini dirancang untuk membekali peserta dengan kemampuan dalam memanfaatkan teknologi digital, seperti strategi pemasaran online, manajemen keuangan berbasis aplikasi, dan penggunaan platform e-commerce. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi identifikasi kebutuhan, penyusunan materi, pelaksanaan, evaluasi, serta tindak lanjut dan pendampingan. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman dan keterampilan peserta. Evaluasi menunjukkan peningkatan skor tes dan umpan balik positif, menandakan keberhasilan program ini. Selain itu, dampak positif juga dirasakan oleh komunitas sekitar, dengan peningkatan layanan dan pendapatan usaha kecil. Saran untuk keberlanjutan program meliputi pendampingan berkelanjutan, perluasan jangkauan pelatihan, dan peningkatan kualitas materi. Dengan upaya berkelanjutan dan kolaborasi berbagai pihak, diharapkan program ini dapat terus berkembang dan memberikan manfaat luas, membantu pemilik usaha kecil beradaptasi dan berkembang di era digital.Abstract: This community service program aims to improve the entrepreneurial skills of stall owner Ayi Cahyadi in facing the digital era through comprehensive and applicable training. This training is designed to equip participants with the ability to utilize digital technology, such as online marketing strategies, application-based financial management, and use of e-commerce platforms. Implementation methods include identifying needs, preparing material, conducting, evaluation, as well as follow-up and mentoring. The results of the training showed a significant increase in participants' understanding and skills. Evaluations show improved test scores and positive feedback, indicating the success of the program. Apart from that, the positive impact is also felt by the surrounding community, with increased services and small business income. Suggestions for program sustainability include ongoing mentoring, expanding the reach of training, and improving the quality of materials. With continued efforts and collaboration from various parties, it is hoped that this program can continue to develop and provide broad benefits, helping small business owners adapt and develop in the digital era
Pengaruh Perceived Ease of Use dan Perceived Usefulness terhadap Attitude Toward Using pada Ojek Online Uber
Transportation is a service provided to help goods or people to be taken from one place to another, the presence of online transportation applications that can be easily installed on a smartphone. The presence of online application-based transportation services that use the internet is very influential for the community in all activities quickly and efficiently. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of acceptance of uber application technology as an online transportation media, where this study is to find out and explain the influence of perceived ease of use on the Uber application. From the results of path analysis it can be concluded that: the perception of ease of use (Perceived Ease of Use) variable has a significant positive effect on attitude (Attitude Toward Using), the perception of the usefulness variable (Perceived Usefulness) has a significant positive effect on attitude (Attitude Toward Using), the perception of ease of use (Perceived Usefulness) and the perception of the usefulness of use (Perceived Usefulness) has a significant positive effect on attitude of use (Attitude Toward Using) with a value of t count of 5.371 in sig. t amounting to 0,00
Penerapan EWOM untuk Penentuan Keputusan Pembelian Barang Virtual Game Online: Studi Kasus: Wilayah Jawa Barat
In the current era of globalization, information technology is advancing rapidly. Related to the online game industry. This is exploited by online game developers to benefit from this industry. One way to do virtual product marketing is by the electronic method of word of mouth (EWOM). The purpose of this study was to study the EWOM dimensions of purchasing decisions of virtual goods in online games. The research instrument discusses the questionnaire and uses a Likert scale as the Score score. By conducting descriptive tests, validity, reliability, classic assumptions and multiple linear regression, hypothesized against 100 respondents. The results of this study are known as the Intensity variable which has a positive relationship with Virtual Goods Purchasing Decisions in Online Games with a relationship rate of 7.84%. Opinion Validity Variables have a positive relationship with Virtual Goods Purchasing Decisions in Online Games with a relationship level of 6.60%. Content Variable has a positive relationship to the Purchase Decision of Virtual Goods in Online Games with a relationship level of 41.73%. And the variables Intensity, Opinion, and Content are positively related to the Purchase Decision of Virtual Goods in Online Games with a relationship level of 64.8%
Strategi Diferensiasi dan Harga sebagai Alat untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Konsumen Klinik Auraku Bandung
Consumer Loyalty is a strongly held commitment to buy or re-subscribe to certain products or services in the future despite the influence of the situation and marketing efforts that have the potential to cause behavior change. This study aims to examine the influence of differentiation and price strategies in increasing consumer loyalty at Auraku Bandung clinic. The data analysis technique used descriptive verification method. The results showed that the differentiation strategy has a positive and significant effect in increasing consumer loyalty, price has a positive and insignificant effect in increasing consumer loyalty. Simultaneously the differentiation strategy and price together have a significant effect on consumer loyalty at Auraku Bandung clinic. Based on this research, Auraku Bandung clinic should continue to maintain and improve its differentiation strategy. The dimensions that must be improved in a differentiation strategy are product, service, and image. By having superior products, excellent services and a good corporate image, the company will be able to provide prices according to the quality they provide. This is done in order to continue to provide satisfaction to consumers and so that consumers return in the future