29 research outputs found

    Trust, Familiarity, Optimism, and Pleasure: Australian Gay Men Accounting for Inconsistent HIV Prevention Practices in the PrEP Era

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    Despite an increase in the range of effective HIV risk reduction strategies that are available, some gay and bisexual men (GBM) do not use any of them consistently. Understanding why GBM do not always use a protective strategy may help develop more effective responses. Semi-structured interviews with 24 sexually active GBM in Sydney, Australia were conducted and analyzed using thematic analysis. The main characteristics of encounters featuring little or no use of HIV risk reduction strategies were familiarity and trust with partners, pleasure and intoxication, expectations that partners were using HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis or treatment as prevention, and in some cases feelings of inevitability about acquiring HIV. An increase in pleasure and a reduction in anxiety about sex were noted by some GBM who had commenced PrEP. Encouraging GBM to adopt a strategy such as PrEP and to use it consistently may be easier by emphasizing benefits to mental health and the quality of sex and intimacy it can offer. However, even with the increased availability of effective biomedical HIV risk reduction strategies, not all GBM are able to consistently manage HIV risk and some continue to hold optimistic and potentially inaccurate beliefs about sexual partners that may increase HIV risk

    Partner abuse and its association with emotional distress: A study exploring LGBTI relationships.

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    This study examines partner abuse in LBGTI relationships, with focus on the associations with emotional distress and protective factors. Two hundred and eighty-seven participants took part. Partner abuse (victimisation) comprised three factors; conflict orientated aggression; hostile ignorance and control of communication; and social control and possessiveness (including threats to possessions). Perpetration factors were similar. Significant differences across sexuality or gender were limited to the perpetration of abuse relating to suspicion and possessiveness, where men were more likely to report this than the other gender groups, and women were less likely to report this. Of those reporting abuse in their current relationship, over half reported experiencing abuse in a primary relationship previously, with 60% reporting exposure to abuse as a child. Partner abuse in their current relationship predicted current levels of increased emotional distress, with reduced satisfaction with the current relationship having an indirect impact on this association. Resilience traits were not a predictor or mediator. The results demonstrate the similarity in abuse across LGBTI communities despite the diversity of genders, sexualities and experiences within these groups. The results are discussed with regard to directions for future research and implications for practice

    Methamphetamine treatment outcomes among gay men attending a LGBTI-specific treatment service in Sydney, Australia

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    Gay and bisexual men (GBM) report higher rates of methamphetamine use compared to heterosexual men, and thus have a heightened risk of developing problems from their use. We examined treatment outcomes among GBM clients receiving outpatient counseling at a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI)-specific, harm reduction treatment service in Sydney, Australia. GBM receiving treatment for methamphetamine use from ACON's Substance Support Service between 2012±15 (n = 101) were interviewed at treatment commencement, and after 4 sessions (n = 60; follow-up 1) and 8 sessions (n = 32; follow- up 2). At each interview, clients completed measures of methamphetamine use and dependence, other substance use, injecting risk practices, psychological distress and quality of life. The median age of participants was 41 years and 56.4% identified as HIV-positive. Participants attended a median of 5 sessions and attended treatment for a median of 112 days. There was a significant reduction in the median days of methamphetamine use in the previous 4 weeks between baseline (4 days), follow-up 1 (2 days) and follow-up 2 (2 days; p = .001). There was a significant reduction in the proportion of participants reporting methamphetamine dependence between baseline (92.1%), follow-up 1 (78.3%) and follow-up 2 (71.9%, p < .001). There were also significant reductions in psychological distress (p < .001), and significant improvements in quality of life (p < .001). Clients showed reductions in methamphetamine use and improved psychosocial functioning over time, demonstrating the potential effectiveness of a LGBTI-specific treatment service

    Australian gay and bisexual men's online preferences about sex with HIV-positive partners

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    Background Among gay and bisexual men (GBM), 'serosorting' is common and involves restricting sex, or at least condomless sex, to partners of the same HIV status. The prevalence of men conveying their serosorting preferences regarding partners they meet online remains unclear. Methods: This study reviewed 57178 Australian online profiles obtained directly from a popular gay website. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with preferences for meeting HIV-positive partners. Results: Men could indicate their preferences from a list of 22 types of partners; 4358 profiles (7.6%) indicated an interest in meeting HIV-positive men. There were 1959 profiles (3.4%) listing a preference for 21 of the 22 types of men, including 1498 men (2.6%) that specifically excluded HIV-positive men. Men who specifically excluded HIV-positive men on their profiles were younger (mean age 34.7 years), less likely to identify as gay (25.6%) and more likely to always prefer 'safer sex' (55.3%) than those who specifically included them (mean age 39.6 years; 62.8% gay-identified; 30.9% preferred safer sex; P<0.001). Men who specifically excluded HIV-positive partners on their profiles were also more likely to live outside major capital cities (P<0.001). Conclusions: Being younger, living outside major cities, not identifying as gay, always preferring safer sex and either Caucasian or Asian background were associated with excluding HIV-positive men as potential sex partners. These factors may reflect lower social and community engagement with the gay community. The disinclination to include HIV-positive men as potential sex partners may be due to fear of infection, stigma or poor information about HIV

    Willingness to use and have sex with men taking HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): Results of online surveys of Australian gay and bisexual men, 2011-2015

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    Objective Assess willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), support for others using it and willingness to have sex with partners using PrEP among Australian gay and bisexual men (GBM). Methods National, online cross-sectional surveys of Australian GBM were conducted in 2011, 2013 and 2015. Scales measuring support for and willingness to have sex with men using PrEP were developed in 2015 using factor analysis. Trends and associations with key measures were analysed using multivariate logistic regression. Results During 2011-2015, 3850 surveys were completed by GBM. Willingness to use PrEP among HIV-negative and untested men did not change between 2011 (28.2%) and 2015 (31.7%, p=0.13). In 2015, willingness to use PrEP was independently associated with younger age, having an HIV-positive regular partner, recent condomless anal intercourse with casual male partners (CAIC), more than 10 male sex partners in the previous 6months, ever having taken postexposure prophylaxis and having fewer concerns about using PrEP. In 2015, 54.5% of GBM supported other GBM taking PrEP and 39% were willing to have sex with men using PrEP. Support for and willingness to have sex with PrEP users were both associated with being HIV-positive, having a university degree and having two or more male partners in the previous 6months. Willingness to have sex with men on PrEP was also associated with recent CAIC and using party drugs for sex, but was less likely among men who consistently used or had a positive experience using condoms. Discussion Interest in and support for using PrEP are concentrated among men who engage in higher risk practices and who know more about living with HIV. This is consistent with the targeting of PrEP in Australia

    Trends in Attitudes to and the Use of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis by Australian Gay and Bisexual Men, 2011–2017: Implications for Further Implementation from a Diffusion of Innovations Perspective

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    Using repeated, national, online, cross-sectional surveys of Australian gay and bisexual men (GBM), we analysed trends related to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Specifically, we analysed trends in PrEP use, willingness to use PrEP, and concern about using PrEP during 2011–2017. We assessed support for GBM using PrEP and willingness to have sex with men taking PrEP between 2015 and 2017. For time-based analyses, we used multivariate logistic regression, controlling for sampling variations over time. We constructed new scales assessing reduced concern about HIV among PrEP users and non-users in 2017, and used multivariate logistic regression to identify independent correlates of PrEP use (vs. non-use). The analyses included 4567 HIV-negative and untested participants (2011–2017). PrEP use increased from 0.5% in 2011 to 25.5% in 2017 (p < 0.001). Willingness to use PrEP increased from 27.9% in 2011 to 36.5% in 2017 (p < 0.001) while concern about using PrEP fell (52.1–36.1%, p < 0.001). Support for GBM using PrEP remained stable (52.5% in 2015, 51.9% in 2017, p = 0.62), and willingness to have sex with men taking PrEP increased from 34.9% in 2015 to 49.0% in 2017 (p < 0.001). In 2017, 22.8% of non-PrEP-users had reduced HIV concern because of PrEP, while 73.6% of PrEP users had reduced HIV concern and greater sexual pleasure because of PrEP. The analysis of PrEP users vs. non-users in 2017 indicated that PrEP users were more sexually active and reported higher risk sexual practices, were more likely to live in New South Wales and Victoria, and to be in full-time employment. They were also more likely to know HIV-positive people and other PrEP users. Diffusion of Innovations theory suggests that future PrEP users in Australia may be less adventurous and require greater reassurance about PrEP’s efficacy and legitimacy, to sustain rollout and address current disparities in uptake

    Awareness and knowledge of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among Australian gay and bisexual men: results of a national, online survey

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    Background: Expanded access to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is being actively debated in Australia. Awareness and knowledge of this HIV-prevention method have not been assessed in detail in the primary affected population, gay and bisexual men. Methods: Awareness and knowledge of PrEP were assessed among Australian gay and bisexual men, who were asked to complete a national, anonymous, online survey in 2015. Associations with PrEP awareness were identified with multivariate logistic regression and associations with PrEP knowledge were identified using multivariate linear regression. Results: Among 1251 participants, 954 (77%) were aware of PrEP. The most common sources of information were gay community media, Australian websites and friends. Awareness of PrEP was independently associated with older age, living in a capital city, having a university degree, being tested for HIV, being HIV-positive, having condomless anal intercourse with regular male partners, and ever having taken post-exposure prophylaxis. Men in monogamous relationships were less likely to be aware of PrEP. Among men who were aware of PrEP, the mean PrEP knowledge score was 6.8 out of 13. Relatively few participants knew that taking PrEP involved regular clinical monitoring and that in Australia PrEP was only recommended for people at risk of HIV. Better knowledge was independently associated with living in a capital city, having a university degree, being in full-time employment, being HIV-positive, and ever having taken post-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP. Conclusions: To assist in appropriate PrEP uptake, we recommend educating gay and bisexual men about current Australian prescribing guidelines and how PrEP is accessed in Australia

    Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2015

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    The Sydney Gay Community Periodic Survey is a cross-sectional survey of gay and homosexually active men recruited at a range of gay community sites in Sydney. Since 1996, the project has been funded by the NSW Ministry of Health and supported by ACON and Positive Life NSW. The major aim of the survey is to provide data on sexual, drug use and testing practices related to the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmissible infections (STIs) among gay men in Sydney. The data presented in this report are from the period 2011 to 2015