11 research outputs found

    Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Subverted RSA Groups

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    This work investigates zero-knowledge protocols in subverted RSA groups where the prover can choose the modulus and where the verifier does not know the group order. We introduce a novel technique for extracting the witness from a general homomorphism over a group of unknown order that does not require parallel repetitions. We present a NIZK range proof for general homomorphisms such as Paillier encryptions in the designated verifier model that works under a subverted setup. The key ingredient of our proof is a constant sized NIZK proof of knowledge for a plaintext. Security is proven in the ROM assuming an IND-CPA additively homomorphic encryption scheme. The verifier\u27s public key is reusable, can be maliciously generated and is linear in the number of proofs to be verified

    Distributed Broadcast Encryption from Bilinear Groups

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    In this work, we show that obfuscation is not necessary for DBE, and we present two DBE schemes from standard assumptions in prime-order bilinear groups. Our constructions are conceptually simple, satisfy the strong notion of adaptive security, and are concretely efficient. In fact, their performance, in terms of number of group elements and efficiency of the algorithms, is comparable with that of traditional (non distributed) broadcast encryption schemes from bilinear groups. Distributed broadcast encryption (DBE) improves on the traditional notion of broadcast encryption by eliminating the key-escrow problem: In a DBE system, users generate their own secret keys non-interactively without the help of a trusted party. Then anyone can broadcast a message for a subset SS of the users, in such a way that the resulting ciphertext size is sublinear in (and, ideally, independent of) S|S|. Unfortunately, the only known constructions of DBE requires heavy cryptographic machinery, such as general-purpose indistinguishability obfuscation, or come without a security proof. In this work, we place DBE on similar footing as traditional (non-distributed) broadcast encryption: We present two practical DBE schemes from standard assumptions in prime-order bilinear groups. Our constructions are conceptually simple, satisfy the strong notion of adaptive security, and are concretely efficient. Their performance, in terms of number of group elements and efficiency of the algorithms, is comparable with that of traditional broadcast encryption schemes from bilinear groups

    Cuckoo Commitments: Registration-Based Encryption and Key-Value Map Commitments for Large Spaces

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    Registration-Based Encryption (RBE) [Garg et al. TCC\u2718] is a public-key encryption mechanism in which users generate their own public and secret keys, and register their public keys with a central authority called the key curator. Similarly to Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), in RBE users can encrypt by only knowing the public parameters and the public identity of the recipient. Unlike IBE, though, RBE does not suffer the key escrow problem — one of the main obstacles of IBE\u27s adoption in practice — since the key curator holds no secret. In this work, we put forward a new methodology to construct RBE schemes that support large users identities (i.e., arbitrary strings). Our main result is the first efficient pairing-based RBE for large identities. Prior to our work, the most efficient RBE is that of [Glaeser et al. ePrint\u2722] which only supports small identities. The only known RBE schemes with large identities are realized either through expensive non-black-box techniques (ciphertexts of 3.6 TB for 1000 users), or via a specialized lattice-based construction [Döttling et al. Eurocrypt\u2723] (ciphertexts of 2.4 GB), or through the more complex notion of Registered Attribute-Based Encryption [Hohenberger et al. Eurocrypt’23]. By unlocking the use of pairings for RBE with large identity space, we enable a further improvement of three orders of magnitude, as our ciphertexts for a system with 1000 users are 1.7 MB. The core technique of our approach is a novel use of cuckoo hashing in cryptography that can be of independent interest. We give two main applications. The first one is the aforementioned RBE methodology, where we use cuckoo hashing to compile an RBE with small identities into one for large identities. The second one is a way to convert any vector commitment scheme into a key-value map commitment. For instance, this leads to the first algebraic pairing-based key-value map commitments

    Efficient Registration-Based Encryption

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    Registration-based encryption (RBE) was recently introduced as an alternative to identity-based encryption (IBE), to resolve the key-escrow problem: In RBE, the trusted authority is substituted with a weaker entity, called the key curator, who has no knowledge of any secret key. Users generate keys on their own and then publicly register their identities and their corresponding public keys to the key curator. RBE is a promising alternative to IBE, retaining many of its advantages while removing the key-escrow problem, the major drawback of IBE. Unfortunately, all existing constructions of RBE use cryptographic schemes in a non black-box way, which makes them prohibitively expensive. It has been estimated that the size of an RBE ciphertext would be in the order of terabytes (though no RBE has even been implemented). In this work, we propose a new approach to construct RBE, from standard assumptions in bilinear groups. Our scheme is black-box and it is concretely highly efficient—a ciphertext is 914 bytes. To substantiate this claim, we implemented a prototype of our scheme and we show that it scales to millions of users. The public parameters of the scheme are on the order of kilobytes. The most expensive operation (registration) takes at most a handful of seconds, whereas the encryption and decryption runtimes are on the order of milliseconds. This is the first-ever implementation of an RBE scheme and demonstrates that the practical deployment of RBE is already possible with today’s hardware

    Inner Product Functional Commitments with Constant-Size Public Parameters and Openings

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    Functional commitments (Libert et al.~[ICALP\u2716]) allow a party to commit to a vector v\vec v of length nn and later open the commitment at functions of the committed vector succinctly, namely with communication logarithmic or constant in nn. Existing constructions of functional commitments rely on trusted setups and have either O(1)O(1) openings and O(n)O(n) parameters, or they have short parameters generatable using public randomness but have O(logn)O(\log n)-size openings. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to construct functional commitments in which both parameters and openings can be of constant size. Our main result is the construction of FC schemes matching this complexity. Our constructions support the evaluation of inner products over small integers; they are built using groups of unknown order and rely on succinct protocols over these groups that are secure in the generic group and random oracle model

    Threshold Encryption with Silent Setup

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    We build a concretely efficient threshold encryption scheme where the joint public key of a set of parties is computed as a deterministic function of their locally computed public keys, enabling a silent setup phase. By eliminating interaction from the setup phase, our scheme immediately enjoys several highly desirable features such as asynchronous setup, multiverse support, and dynamic threshold. Prior to our work, the only known constructions of threshold encryption with silent setup relied on heavy cryptographic machinery such as indistinguishability Obfuscation or witness encryption for all of NP\mathsf{NP}. Our core technical innovation lies in building a special purpose witness encryption scheme for the statement ``at least tt parties have signed a given message\u27\u27. Our construction relies on pairings and is proved secure in the Generic Group Model. Notably, our construction, restricted to the special case of threshold t=1t=1, gives an alternative construction of the (flexible) distributed broadcast encryption from pairings, which has been the central focus of several recent works. We implement and evaluate our scheme to demonstrate its concrete efficiency. Both encryption and partial decryption are constant time, taking <7<7\,ms and <1<1\,ms, respectively. For a committee of 10241024 parties, the aggregation of partial decryptions takes <200<200\,ms, when all parties provide partial decryptions. The size of each ciphertext is 8×\approx 8\times larger than an ElGamal ciphertext

    Ring Signatures with User-Controlled Linkability

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    Anonymous authentication primitives, e.g., group or ring signatures, allow one to realize privacy-preserving data collection applications, as they strike a balance between authenticity of data being collected and privacy of data providers. At PKC 2021, Diaz and Lehmann defined group signatures with User-Controlled Linkability (UCL) and provided an instantiation based on BBS+ signatures. In a nutshell, a signer of a UCL group signature scheme can link any of her signatures: linking evidence can be produced at signature time, or after signatures have been output, by providing an explicit linking proof. In this paper, we introduce Ring Signatures with User-Controlled Linkability (RS-UCL). Compared to group signatures with user-controlled linkability, RS-UCL require no group manager and can be instantiated in a completely decentralized manner. We also introduce a variation, User Controlled and Autonomous Linkability (RS-UCAL), which gives the user full control of the linkability of their signatures. We provide a formal model for both RS-UCL and RS-UCAL and introduce a compiler that can upgrade any ring signature scheme to RS-UCAL. The compiler leverages a new primitive we call Anonymous Key Randomizable Signatures (AKRS) — a signature scheme where the verification key can be randomized — that can be of independent interest. We also provide different instantiations of AKRS based on Schnorr signatures and on lattices. Finally, we show that an AKRS scheme can additionally be used to construct an RS-UCL scheme

    Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Set Membership: Efficient, Succinct, Modular

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    We consider the problem of proving in zero knowledge that an element of a public set satisfies a given property without disclosing the element, i.e., for some uu, ``uSu \in S and P(u)P(u) holds\u27\u27. This problem arises in many applications (anonymous cryptocurrencies, credentials or whitelists) where, for privacy or anonymity reasons, it is crucial to hide certain data while ensuring properties of such data. We design new \textit{modular} and \textit{efficient} constructions for this problem through new \textit{commit-and-prove zero-knowledge systems for set membership}, i.e. schemes proving uSu \in S for a value uu that is in a public commitment cuc_u. We also extend our results to support {\em non-membership proofs}, i.e. proving uSu \notin S. Being commit-and-prove, our solutions can act as plug-and-play modules in statements of the form ``uSu \in S and P(u)P(u) holds\u27\u27 by combining our set (non-)membership systems with any other commit-and-prove scheme for P(u)P(u). Also, they work with Pedersen commitments over prime order groups which makes them compatible with popular systems such as Bulletproofs or Groth16. We implemented our schemes as a software library, and tested experimentally their performance. Compared to previous work that achieves similar properties---the clever techniques combining zkSNARKs and Merkle Trees in Zcash---our solutions offer more flexibility, shorter public parameters and 3.7×3.7 \times--30×30\times faster proving time for a set of size 2642^{64}

    Succinct Zero-Knowledge Batch Proofs for Set Accumulators

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    Cryptographic accumulators are a common solution to proving information about a large set SS. They allow one to compute a short digest of SS and short certificates of some of its basic properties, notably membership of an element. Accumulators also allow one to track set updates: a new accumulator is obtained by inserting/deleting a given element. In this work we consider the problem of generating membership and update proofs for {\em batches} of elements so that we can succinctly prove additional properties of the elements (i.e., proofs are of constant size regardless of the batch size), and we can preserve privacy. Solving this problem would allow obtaining blockchain systems with improved privacy and scalability. The state-of-the-art approach to achieve this goal is to combine accumulators (typically Merkle trees) with zkSNARKs. This solution is however expensive for provers and does not scale for large batches of elements. In particular, there is no scalable solution for proving batch membership proofs when we require zero-knowledge (a standard definition of privacy-preserving protocols). In this work we propose new techniques to efficiently use zkSNARKs with RSA accumulators. We design and implement two main schemes: 1) \harisa, which proves batch membership in zero-knowledge; 2) \insarisa, which proves batch updates. For batch membership, the prover in \harisa is orders of magnitude faster than existing approaches based on Merkle trees (depending on the hash function). For batch updates we get similar cost savings compared to approaches based on Merkle trees; we also improve over the recent solution of Ozdemir et al. [USENIX\u2720]

    Efficient Laconic Cryptography from Learning With Errors

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    Laconic cryptography is an emerging paradigm that enables cryptographic primitives with sublinear communication complexity in just two messages. In particular, a two-message protocol between Alice and Bob is called laconic if its communication and computation complexity are essentially independent of the size of Alice\u27s input. This can be thought of as a dual notion of fully-homomorphic encryption, as it enables Bob-optimized protocols. This paradigm has led to tremendous progress in recent years. However, all existing constructions of laconic primitives are considered only of theoretical interest: They all rely on non-black-box cryptographic techniques, which are highly impractical. This work shows that non-black-box techniques are not necessary for basic laconic cryptography primitives. We propose a completely algebraic construction of laconic encryption, a notion that we introduce in this work, which serves as the cornerstone of our framework. We prove that the scheme is secure under the standard Learning With Errors assumption (with polynomial modulus-to-noise ratio). We provide proof-of-concept implementations for the first time for laconic primitives, demonstrating the construction is indeed practical: For a database size of 2502^{50}, encryption and decryption are in the order of single digit milliseconds. Laconic encryption can be used as a black box to construct other laconic primitives. Specifically, we show how to construct: - Laconic oblivious transfer - Registration-based encryption scheme - Laconic private-set intersection protocol All of the above have essentially optimal parameters and similar practical efficiency. Furthermore, our laconic encryption can be preprocessed such that the online encryption step is entirely combinatorial and therefore much more efficient. Using similar techniques, we also obtain identity-based encryption with an unbounded identity space and tight security proof (in the standard model)