54 research outputs found

    On approximation methods generated by generalized Bochner-Riesz kernels

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    Some sharp results related to the convergence of means and families of operators generated by the generalized Bochner-Riesz kernels are obtained. The exact order of approximation of functions by these methods via KK-functional (or its realization in the case of the space LpL_p, 0<p<10<p<1) is derived

    On moduli of smoothness and averaged differences of fractional order

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    We consider two types of fractional integral moduli of smoothness, which are widely used in theory of functions and approximation theory. In particular, we obtain new equivalences between these moduli of smoothness and the classical moduli of smoothness. It turns out that for fractional integral moduli of smoothness some pathological effects arise

    Smoothness of functions vs. smoothness of approximation processes

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    We provide a comprehensive study of interrelations between different measures of smoothness of functions on various domains and smoothness properties of approximation processes. Two general approaches to this problem have been developed: the first based on geometric properties of Banach spaces and the second on Littlewood-Paley and H\"{o}rmander type multiplier theorems. In particular, we obtain new sharp inequalities for measures of smoothness given by the KK-functionals or moduli of smoothness. As examples of approximation processes we consider best polynomial and spline approximations, Fourier multiplier operators on Td\mathbb{T}^d, Rd\mathbb{R}^d, [1,1][-1, 1], nonlinear wavelet approximation, etc

    Approximation by multivariate Kantorovich-Kotelnikov operators

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    Approximation properties of multivariate Kantorovich-Kotelnikov type operators generated by different band-limited functions are studied. In particular, a wide class of functions with discontinuous Fourier transform is considered. The LpL_p-rate of convergence for these operators is given in terms of the classical moduli of smoothness. Several examples of the Kantorovich-Kotelnikov operators generated by the sinc{\rm sinc}-function and its linear combinations are provided

    On weighted conditions for the absolute convergence of Fourier integrals

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    In this paper we obtain new sufficient conditions for representation of a function as an absolutely convergent Fourier integral. Unlike those known earlier, these conditions are given in terms of belonging to weighted spaces. Adding weights allows one to extend the range of application of such results to Fourier multipliers with unbounded derivatives

    On LpL_p-error of bivariate polynomial interpolation on the square

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    We obtain estimates of the LpL_p-error of the bivariate polynomial interpolation on the Lissajous-Chebyshev node points for wide classes of functions including non-smooth functions of bounded variation in the sense of Hardy-Krause. The results show that LpL_p-errors of polynomial interpolation on the Lissajous-Chebyshev nodes have almost the same behavior as the polynomial interpolation in the case of the tensor product Chebyshev grid

    On the growth of Lebesgue constants for convex polyhedra

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    In the paper, new estimates of the Lebesgue constant L(W)=1(2π)dTdkWZdei(k,x)dx \mathcal{L}(W)=\frac1{(2\pi)^d}\int_{\mathbb{T}^d}\bigg|\sum_{{k}\in W\cap \mathbb{Z}^d} e^{i({k},\,{x})}\bigg| {\rm d}{ x} for convex polyhedra WRdW\subset\mathbb{R}^d are obtained. The main result states that if WW is a convex polyhedron such that [0,m1]××[0,md]W[0,n1]××[0,nd][0,m_1]\times\dots\times [0,m_d]\subset W\subset [0,n_1]\times\dots\times [0,n_d], then c(d)j=1dlog(mj+1)L(W)C(d)sj=1dlog(nj+1), c(d)\prod_{j=1}^d \log(m_j+1)\le \mathcal{L}(W)\le C(d)s\prod_{j=1}^d \log(n_j+1), where ss is a size of the triangulation of WW.Comment: accepted in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    Sharp estimates of approximation of periodic functions in H\"older spaces

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    The main purpose of the paper is to study sharp estimates of approximation of periodic functions in the H\"older spaces Hpr,αH_p^{r,\alpha} for all 0<p0<p\le\infty and 0<αr0<\alpha\le r. By using modifications of the classical moduli of smoothness, we give improvements of the direct and inverse theorems of approximation and prove the criteria for the precise order of decrease of the best approximation in these spaces. Moreover, we obtained strong converse inequalities for general methods of approximation of periodic functions in Hpr,αH_p^{r,\alpha}

    Hardy-Littlewood and Ulyanov inequalities

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    We give the full solution of the following problem: obtain sharp inequalities between the moduli of smoothness ωα(f,t)q\omega_\alpha(f,t)_q and ωβ(f,t)p\omega_\beta(f,t)_p for 0<p<q0<p<q\le \infty. A similar problem for the generalized KK-functionals and their realizations between the couples (Lp,Wpψ)(L_p, W_p^\psi) and (Lq,Wqφ)(L_q, W_q^\varphi) is also solved. The main tool is the new Hardy-Littlewood-Nikol'skii inequalities. More precisely, we obtained the asymptotic behavior of the quantity supTnD(ψ)(Tn)qD(φ)(Tn)p,0<p<q, \sup_{T_n} \frac{\Vert \mathcal{D}(\psi)(T_n)\Vert_q}{\Vert \mathcal{D}(\varphi)(T_n)\Vert_p},\qquad 0<p<q\le \infty, where the supremum is taken over all nontrivial trigonometric polynomials TnT_n of degree at most nn and D(ψ),D(φ)\mathcal{D}(\psi), \mathcal{D}(\varphi) are the Weyl-type differentiation operators. We also prove the Ulyanov and Kolyada-type inequalities in the Hardy spaces. Finally, we apply the obtained estimates to derive new embedding theorems for the Lipschitz and Besov spaces

    Inequalities in approximation theory involving fractional smoothness in LpL_p, 0<p<10<p<1

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    In the paper, we study inequalities for the best trigonometric approximations and fractional moduli of smoothness involving the Weyl and Liouville-Gr\"unwald derivatives in LpL_p, 0<p<10<p<1. We extend known inequalities to the whole range of parameters of smoothness as well as obtain several new inequalities. As an application, the direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory involving the modulus of smoothness ωβ(f(α),δ)p\omega_\beta(f^{(\alpha)},\delta)_p, where f(α)f^{(\alpha)} is a fractional derivative of the function ff, are derived. A description of the class of functions with the optimal rate of decrease of a fractional modulus of smoothness is given