173 research outputs found
The combined effects of ionizing radiation and weightlessness on calcium and phosphorus content in the mineral fraction of the calcified tissues in the rat skeleton
Phosphorus and calcium content in the ash from skeletal bones (ribs, scapula, vertebra, and crus) of 30 rats exposed to ionizing radiation (800 rads) on the flight of the Kosmos 690 biosatellite was studied. A 10 percent decrease in ash content coefficient and 29 percent decrease in phosphorus content was found immediately after the flight, and a 9 percent decrease in phosphorus content persisted after 26 days of readaptation to terrestrial conditions
The integration of the accounting system for implementing world class manufacturing (WCM) principles
This article covers relevant issues of the development of accounting information system using the principles of integrated information space under implementation of WCM management technology. High-class internationally acknowledged business affects the key approaches to implementing social, ecological and business-processes as well as information space of economic actors. Principles underlying WCM are constant improvement and elimination of waste. In this situation, the studies oriented toward the development of theoretic and methodological projects and applications for integrating accounting systems of the economic actors into one system become especially relevant. Analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to solving this problem demonstrated that currently the issues of formation and development of the accounting system remain open. Current model of accounting system in the Russian Federation faces contradictions between new requirements and limited possibilities of the methods of traditional accounting and, consequently, the existence of qualitative, quantitative and structural changes in the development of the accounting system. Today in Russian companies there is a great number of types of accounting with a well-defined functional segment: operational, financial, managerial, statistical, fiscal as well as accounting principles IFRS/GAAP. This separation causes obstacles in the management information system and in transition to the principles WCM, creation of several duplicative uncoordinated large data of internal reporting: in parent company and its subsidiaries, head office and structural divisions of the company etc. The aim of the study is to develop methodological and methodical approaches to forming an integrated accounting system using unproductive costs and loss as an example.peer-reviewe
Histostructure of the gray matter of the spinal cord in cattle (Bos Taurus)
The scientific article presents the results of investigating the spinal cord`s morphology of a domestic bull (Bos Taurus). Data on the histo- and cytostructure of the spinal cord are given according to the results of histological, neurohistological, and morphometric studies. For their implementation, the selected material (spinal cord n = 8) was subjected to fixation in 10–12 % neutral formalin solution, followed by pouring into paraffin. Histological sections were made from paraffin blocks on a sliding microtome MS-2 with a thickness of not more than ten μm. Staining of sections with hematoxylin and eosin, according to Van Gieson's methods, as well as neuro-histological methods of impregnation of nerve tissue with silver nitrate according to the Bilshovskym-Gross method, was used for the morphometric studies, investigating the morphology of the cell, conducting and obtaining the review histological preparations. The histostructure of the spinal cord, the localization of neurons in the gray matter, and morphometric studies of structural elements were examined on histological specimens by light microscopy. The entire experimental part of the research was conducted following the requirements of the international principles of the "European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes" (Strasbourg, 1986). The spinal cord, medulla spinalis, an organ of the central nervous system of vertebrates, is located in the spinal canal. The spinal cord is protected externally by soft, arachnoid, and hard meninges. The space between the membranes and the spinal canal is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. It is well known that groups of multipolar nerve cells with the same functional value form the nuclei of the gray matter of the spinal cord. According to the results of our histological studies, a pronounced differentiation of nerve cells, which have different shapes and sizes. Among them are large, medium, and small nerve cells. The shape of nerve cells is different, which, in turn, depends on their location in certain areas of the gray matter of the spinal cord and the size of the cell. In general, there are multifaceted, stellate, spindle-shaped, elongated, rounded, and oval neurons. Small nerve cells have an oval or round, less often – irregularly rounded shape, medium – round, oval, spindle-shaped. Large nerve cells are dominated by a multifaceted shape with distinct processes. The nuclei of large nerve cells, in most cases, have a rounded shape, less often – oval, mostly in the center of the cells, seldom – eccentrically. According to the results of morphological studies, it is noted that the neurons of the gray matter of the spinal cord have different shapes and sizes. Consequently, in the gray matter, small cells are the highest quantity (47.91 ± 0.32 %) of the total number of nerve cells. The second place is occupied by average neurons (33.70 ± 0.46 %). The large cells are detected in the smallest amount (18.37 ± 0.50 %)
Pathogenetic aspects of retroviral infections
Bovine leukemia and equine infectious anemia are registered in most regions of Ukraine and in many countries worldwide. This is accompanied by economic losses and reduced quality of livestock products, which determines the relevance of the study of retroviral infections, their diagnosis, and pathogenesis. The goal of our research was to find and improve the methodological foundations of the development of the pathological process for a more in-depth study of the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention of retroviral infections. The object of the study was blood, lymph nodes, spleen, heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys for bovine leukemia and equine infectious anemia. Hematological, anatomical, histological, histochemical, morphometric, and statistical research methods were used for their study. The research group included 304 cattle aged 4–9 years and 42 horses, of which 25 were infected with the virus, and 17 were in the control group. It has been established that bovine leukemia and infectious anemia of horses is an irreversible pathological process characterized by slow progression, the presence of a latent or persistent form, with damage to cells, organs, and systems of the body, which leads to death. Infectious anemia of horses differs from leukemia of cattle by the hidden course of the pathological process. The pathogenesis of leukemia occurs in six stages, which we have identified and conventionally named
В статье за использование морфологических, нейро–гистологических и морфометрических методов исследований изложены особенности макро– и микроскопического строения спинного мозга и спинномозговых узлов шейного и грудного отделов домашнего собаки. По результатам исследований установлена площадь и форма поперечного среза спинного мозга. Последняя в шейной части имеет овальную форму, в грудной – более круглую. Наибольшая площадь поперечного среза свойственна шейной части спинного мозга (22,86 ± 0,23 мм2), несколько меньше этот показатель в грудной – (20,88 ± 0,25 мм2). При этом белое вещество шейной части мозга занимает в 4,4 раза большую площадь, чем серая. В грудной части – площадь белого вещества превышает таковую серого вещества в 6,6 раза.Спинномозговые узлы шейного отдела домашнего собаки округлой формы, снаружи покрыты хорошо выраженной соединительнотканной стромой, от которой внутрь паренхимы органа отходят многочисленные перегородки. В отличие от шейных, грудные спинномозговые узлы преимущественно имеют овоидную форму, реже – округлую.На основе морфометрических исследований приведена количественная характеристика нейронного состава и соотношения популяций нервных клеток в структуре серого вещества спинного мозга и спинномозговых узлов шейного и грудного отдела домашнего собаки, свидетельствуют о выраженной дифференциации нервных клеток, которые имеют различную форму и размеры и соответственно разное ядерно–цитоплазматическое отношение в зависимости от морфофункционального состояния нервных клеток и соответствующего отдела нейросегмента.The article, when using morphological, neuro–histological and morphometric methods of research, provides the peculiarities of macro– and microscopic build of spinal cord and spinal cord knots of neck and chest departments of a dog. According with the result of the research it was determined the shape and size of cross–section cut of the spinal cord. The last in neck department has oval shape, and in chest – more round. The biggest size of cross–section cut is common to the neck part of spinal cord (22,86±0,23 mm2), somehow lower indicator is the chest part – (20,88±0,25 mm2. At the same time the white matter of neck part of spinal cord has 4 times bigger size than grey matter. In the chest part – the size of white matter exceeds the grey matter for 6,6 times.Spinal cord knots of the neck part in a dog of round form, outside is covered with the well expressed connecting tissue stroma, from which inside the parenchyma of an organ goes numerous partitions. Contrary to neck, chest spinal cord knots have mainly oval form, rarely – round. According with the morphometric researches it was given a quantitative characteristics of neuron content and correlation of populations of nerve cells in the structure of grey matter of spinal cord and spinal cord knots of neck and chest departments of a dog that means expressed differentiation of nerve cells that have different form and size and, respectively, different nucleus–cytoplasm relation, depending on the morphofunctional state of nerve cells and appropriate part of neurosegment.У статті за використання морфологічних, нейро–гістологічних та морфометричних методів досліджень викладено особливості макро– та мікроскопічної будови спинного мозку і спинномозкових вузлів шийного і грудного відділів свійського собаки. За результатами досліджень встановлена площа і форма поперечного зрізу спинного мозку. Остання у шийній частині має овальну форму, у грудній – більш округлу.Найбільша площа поперечного зрізу властива шийній частині спинного мозку (22,86±0,23 мм2), дещо менший цей показник у грудній – (20,88±0,25 мм2). При цьому біла речовина шийної частини мозку займає у 4,4 рази більшу площу, ніж сіра. У грудній частині – площа білої речовини перевищує таку сірої речовини у 6,6 раза.Спинномозкові вузли шийного відділу свійського собаки округлої форми, ззовні вкриті добре вираженою сполучнотканинною стромою, від якої усередину паренхіми органа відходять чисельні перегородки. На відміну від шийних, грудні спинномозкові вузли переважно мають овоїдну форму, рідше – округлу.На основі морфометричних досліджень наведена кількісна характеристика нейронного складу та співвідношення популяцій нервових клітин в структурі сірої речовини спинного мозку та спинномозкових вузлів шийного і грудного відділу свійського собаки, що свідчать про виражену диференціацію нервових клітин, які мають різну форму та розміри і відповідно різне ядерно–цитоплазматичне відношення залежно від морфофункціонального стану нервових клітин та відповідного відділу нейросегменту
Morphometric parameters of the heart of domestic sheep Ovis aries L., 1758
The cardiovascular system is one of the most critical animal systems. Its main functions are to supply organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients and to remove metabolic products from tissues. Diseases of the cardiovascular system of animals cause significant economic damage, including reduced productivity, reproductive qualities, and the development of concomitant diseases. The prevention, diagnosis, surgery, and treatment of such pathologies are only possible by knowing the morphofunctional parameters of comparative anatomy, histology, and physiology. The heart plays a vital role in blood circulation and regulates the proper functioning and development of all organs of animal and human organisms. The study of the heart structure reveals topography features, age-related morphology, and development of this organ in domestic animals and remains relevant. The article is a fragment of the scientific developments of the Department of Normal and Pathological Morphology, Hygiene and Forensics of Polissia National University on the following topics: “Features of the morphology of the heart of domestic mammals” (state registration number 0121U108884); “Development, morphology and histochemistry of animal organs in normal and pathological conditions”, state registration number 0113U000900. In the study, sexually mature clinically healthy animals (n = 5) belonging to the class Mammalia – Mammals, species Ovis aries L., 1758 – domestic sheep (ram) were investigated. The study aimed to evaluate the morphological structures of the heart of mature sheep using macro- and microscopic, morphometric, and statistical research methods. The heart of a sexually mature domestic sheep was subjected to anatomical dissection. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to study the cyto- and histoarchitectonics of the heart for microscopic examination of transverse striated myocardial muscle tissue, detection of cardiomyocyte cytostructure, and Heidenhain staining of histological specimens were used. The morphology of the heart in sheep has a similar organization plan, topographic location of the organ, and anatomical and histological structure. However, there are some striking species and morphological features. The heart of the domestic sheep belongs to the expanded-shortened anatomical type (according to its development index – 145.5 ± 4.02 %). According to the studies, the absolute and relative weight of the heart of mature sheep is, accordingly, 208.4 ± 9.82 g and 0.44 ± 0.007 %, and the weight without epicardial fat is 175.0 ± 8.17 g. It has been shown that the microscopic structure of the ventricles and atria of the sheep heart differ in cytometric parameters. Cardiomyocytes of the left ventricle have the most significant volume (3982.99 ± 423.96 μm3), the smaller – of the right ventricle (2463.02 ± 318.04 μm3). The lowest index was observed in atrial cardiomyocytes (1215.93 ± 176.94 μm3). The volumes of cardiomyocyte nuclei in the left ventricle were (53.42 ± 5.18 μm3) and in the right ventricle (52.85 ± 4.33 μm3). The volume of atrial nuclei (50.16 ± 4.57 μm3) is almost the same. Such ambiguous morphometric parameters of cardiomyocytes and their nuclei volumes are directly reflected in their nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, which is the smallest in cardiomyocytes of the left ventricle (0.0136 ± 0.0062), larger in cardiomyocytes of the right ventricle (0.0219 ± 0.0079) and the largest (0.0430 ± 0.0096) in atrial cardiomyocytes. The obtained results of the study of the macro- and microscopic structure of the heart of domestic sheep significantly supplement the information on heart morphology in the relevant sections of comparative anatomy and histology and are a significant contribution to clinical cardiology
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