6 research outputs found

    H. pylori как фактор риска рака желудка: доказательная база и стратегия первичной профилактики

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    Russia is a country with a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection, a high incidence of gastric cancer, and its late diagnosis. HР infection has been recognized as the leading manageable risk factor for gastric cancer. Accurate diagnostic tests must be used to identify and control the effectiveness of HP eradication, and effective schemes must be implemented for HP eradication. The aim of this article was to analyze the latest consensus documents, systematic reviews and meta-analyzes that reflected the role of HP as a risk factor for the development of gastric cancer, as well as measures for the risk reduction. We describe in detail the diagnostic methods for HP infection, provide data on their use in the Russian Federation, and analyze the efficacy of eradication regimens. In all HPinfected individuals, HP leads to chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa and launches a precancerous cascade (Correa's cascade). The risk of gastric cancer increases with severe atrophy, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia. Primary prevention of gastric cancer is most effective if the eradication is performed before atrophic gastritis develops. The available consensus documents underline the importance of HP infection identification by accurate diagnostics at this stage of chronic gastritis. In Russia, the primary HP diagnosis is based on histology (37.7%), rapid urease test (29.2%), and serology (29.7%). HP stool antigen test (31.3%), 13C-urea breath test (23.4%) and the histological method (23.3%) are most often used to control eradication. Currently, the first line of eradication therapy is recommended as triple therapy with clarithromycin prescribed for 14 days. It is recommended to use double dose of proton pump inhibitors and bismuth to increase the effectiveness of this scheme. A 14-days triple regimen enhanced by bismuth has been recommended as the first-line therapy in the Russian Federation.Россия относится к странам с высокой распространенностью инфекции Helicobacter pylori (HP), высокой заболеваемостью раком желудка и поздней его диагностикой. Ведущим устранимым фактором риска рака желудка признана инфекция HP, что определяет необходимость использования точных диагностических тестов для выявления и контроля эффективности эрадикации HP и применения эффективных схем лечения. В этой связи нашей целью был анализ последних согласительных документов, систематических обзоров и данных метаанализов, в которых отражена роль HP как фактора риска развития рака желудка, меры по снижению этого риска. В статье подробно рассмотрены возможности методов диагностики инфекции HP, приведены данные по их использованию в Российской Федерации и проанализирована эффективность схем эрадикации. Отмечено, что HP у всех инфицированных вызывает хроническое воспаление в слизистой оболочке желудка и запускает каскад предраковых изменений (каскад Корреа). По мере развития атрофии, кишечной метаплазии и дисплазии повышается риск развития рака желудка. Наиболее эффективна первичная профилактика рака желудка при проведении эрадикации до развития атрофического гастрита. В консенсусах подчеркивается важность выявления инфекции HP на этой стадии хронического гастрита с использованием точных методов диагностики. В России для первичной диагностики HР применяются гистологический метод (37,7%), быстрый уреазный (29,2%) и серологический тесты (29,7%), для контроля эрадикации наиболее часто используют выявление антигена в стуле (31,3%), 13С-уреазный дыхательный тест (23,4%) и гистологический метод (23,3%). В качестве схемы первой линии в России рекомендована тройная терапия продолжительностью 14 дней, усиленная добавлением  препаратов висмута


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    The first Russian Consensus on the quantitative evaluation of treatment results was approved by the XIII National Congress of therapists (Moscow, November 21-23, 2018).Первый Российский консенсус по количественной оценке результатов медицинских вмешательств одобрен XIII Национальным конгрессом терапевтов (г. Москва, 21-23 ноября 2018 года)

    Management of adherence-based treatment. Consensus document – Clinical guidelines. English version [упРАВЛЕНИЕ ЛЕЧЕНИЕМ НА ОСНОВЕ пРИВЕРЖЕННОСТИ. КОНСЕНСуСНЫй ДОКуМЕНТ – КЛИНИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ. АНГЛОЯзЫЧНАЯ ВЕРСИЯ]

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    Consensus Document «Management of adherence-based treatment» developed based on clinical guidelines of Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine approved by the XIV National Congress of physicians (Moscow, 20 November 2019). The document is intended primarily to assess adherence to drug therapy, adherence to lifestyle modification, and adherence to medical support for patients who need long-term or permanent treatment. The document’s authors considered the treatment adherence unanimously as the compliance of the patient’s behavior with the recommendations received from the Doctor regarding medication, dieting, and other measures of lifestyle modifications. Insufficient adherence to treatment is a global problem. Assessing adherence as a basis for making medical decisions is an essential element of improving the quality of the healthcare system. Predictions of treatment outcomes cannot be considered effective if individualized levels of adherence are not used to justify project planning and evaluation. In medical practice, quantitative assessment of adherence is preferred, suitable for patients with various diseases, and with the possibility of automated data entry and processing. Therefore, sections on medical interventions based on the assessment of treatment adherence should be reflected in national clinical guidelines. These Joint Recommendations are based on these provisions. © Group of authors, 202

    Treatment management based on adherence: Patient recommendation algorithms. Cross-disciplinary guidelines [УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЛЕЧЕНИЕМ НА ОСНОВЕ ПРИВЕРЖЕННОСТИ: АЛГОРИТМЫ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИЙ ДЛЯ ПАЦИЕНТОВ. МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ]

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    The algorithms (sample templates) of recommendations for patients, which are an integral part of adherence-based treatment management technologies, were developed by an interdisciplinary Working Group coordinated by the Treatment Adherence Section of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Physicians. The Working Group includes opinion leaders and experts in the therapeutic, gastroenterology, cardiology, preventive medicine, gerontology, oncology, hematology, immunology, phthisiopulmonology, infectious diseases, oncohematology, neurology, intensive care, rehabilitation and other specialties, both involved by the section of RSMSIM, and recommended by the Gastroenterological Scientific Society of Russia, National Association of experts in Thrombosis, Clinical Hemostasiology and Hemorheology, Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Oncohematologists Society, Russian Society of Phthisiatrists, Society of Evidence-based Neurology. The algorithms are based on the materials of «The First Russian Consensus on Quantitative Assessment of adherence to treatment», approved by the XII National Congress of Internal Medicine (2017) and Clinical Guidelines «Treatment Management on the Basis of adherence», approved by the XIV National Congress of Internal Medicine (2019), taking into account the Consenting Document - Interdisciplinary Guidelines of RSMSIM, GSSR, NATH, SEN, GSRAS, ROHS, RSP «Treatment Management on the Basis of Adherence» (2020). The algorithms of treatment strategies are recommended by the Working Group to be used as a basis for inclusion into relevant sections of clinical guidelines and clinical handbooks developed by professional medical communities, as well as for use by practitioners in medical practice. © 2020 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved