14 research outputs found

    Femoral neck fracture in geriatric patients and the need for rehabilitation after hemiarthroplasty

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    Hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fracture in geriatric patients is a problem of great social importance. When carrying out the treatment after such trauma, medical, structural, technical and rehabilitation tasks are included. The goal of postoperative behavior is to achieve rapid adaptation of patients to self-care and restoration of hygiene and household habits, and their return to their social environment in their new biological state

    Primary large joint endroprosthesis in Paget's disease. Clinical experience

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    Paget’s disease is an idiopathic condition of abnormal bone remodeling in which normal bone is replaced by an active interaction between excessive bone resorption and abnormal new bone formation. The condition is always observed in patients over 40 years of age with asymptomatic lesions discovered incidentally on radiographs. The diagnosis is made with radiographs showing characteristic findings of lesions with a diffuse blastic appearance and laboratory tests showing elevated serum ALP and increased urinary collagen cross-links. Treatment in asymptomatic patients is observation. Medical treatment with bisphosphonates is indicated in symptomatic patients

    Trends In Chronic Kidney Disease In Bulgaria

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    Хроничните бъбречни заболявания са едни от най-разпространените медицински състояния на зрялата и напредналата възраст, особено в развитите страни, където застаряването на населението им отрежда едно от първите места сред причините за смъртност. Те много често не се диагностицират преди развитието на крайната фаза на бъбречната недостатъчност поради липса на съществени клинични оплаквания от страна на пациентите, което обуславя нуждата от скрининг с определени лабораторни показатели. Както у нас, така и в световен мащаб, е налице тенденция за прогресивно нарастване на бъбречните заболявания, водещи до хронична бъбречна недостатъчност.Chronic kidney disease is one of the most widespread medical conditions of adults and elderly people. In developed countries where the aging population is increasing, kidney disease is the first among the causes of mortality. It is difficult to diagnose due to lack of complaints, indicating the need for screening through laboratory tests. In Bulgaria and in the world there is a tendency for a progressive increase of the kidney diseases leading to chronic kidney failure

    Chronic Renal Failure And Changes In Laboratory Performance

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    Хроничната бъбречна недостатъчност е състояние, което настъпва в резултат от необратима загуба на основните бъбречни функции. При напреднало хронично бъбречно заболяване терапевтичните възможности са ограничени и са насочени към ограничаване на прогресията на бъбречната недостатъчност, намаляване на сърдечно-съдовите усложнения, своевременно започване на бъбречно заместващо лечение, подобряване на преживяемостта и качеството на живот на болните. Тъй като честотата на хронично бъбречните заболявания е с нарастваща тенденция през последните години, от съществено значение е поставянето на ранната диагноза и насочване към нефролог за допълнително диагностично уточняване и провеждане на лечение.Chronic kidney failure is a condition that occurs as a result of irreversible loss of essential kidney function. In the case of progressive chronic kidney disease, therapeutic options are limited and are aimed at limiting the progression of renal failure, reducing cardiovascular complications, initiation of renal replacement therapy, improving survival and quality of life of the patients. The incidence of chronic kidney disease has been increasing in recent years, therefore early diagnosis as well as timely treatment by a nephrologist are very important

    Diagnosis and Gluten-Free Nutrition in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

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    Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an endocrine disease. It is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland. In terms of etiology, thyroiditis occurs due to a genetic predisposition, which leads to a violation of the immune system. It erroneously recognizes its own proteins as foreign. As a result, "autoaggression" occurs in the body, and it reacts against its own thyroid gland with an inflammatory reaction. This damages both the cells of the gland as well as its function. An important factor in the disease is the environment, micronutrient deficiencies, and nutrition. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about gluten-free foods and their negative impact on human health. Gluten proteins have long been of interest to the food industry due to their high impact on the baking qualities of wheat flour. The link between gluten and Hashimoto's thyroiditis is twofold. Although evidence is insufficient, after all there is some evidence that gluten triggers the immune response and impairs thyroid function

    Does the design of the hip hemiprosthesis affect the risk of stem loosening?

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    Фрактурата на бедрената шийка при възрастни пациенти обхваща 15%-25% от всички болни с травми на опорно двигателния апарат, постъпили за болнично лечение. С напредването на възрастта е установено и нарастване броя на тези счупвания. Все още не съществува универсален надежден критерий за избор на терапевтичен метод при вътреставните счупвания на бедрената шийка. Статията представя сравнителни резултати на износване на тазобедрена протезата. Проучването е проведено за периода 2011г.-2015г. в клиниката по „Ортопедия и травматология` при УМБАЛ „Св. Анна` - Варна.Femoral neck fracture in adult patients accounts for 15%-25% of all patients with locomotor injuries admitted for hospital treatment. As the age progresses, the number of these traumas increases. There is still no reliable universal criterion for choosing a therapeutic method for internal femoral tears. The article presents comparative results for hip prosthesis wear. The survey was conducted for the period 2011-2015 in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic at St. Anna University Hospital, Varna

    Morphology of the femoral head in fractures of the femoral neck (own clinico-morphological experience)

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    Вътреставното счупване на бедрената шийка при възрастни хора над 75-годишна възраст е сериозен терапевтичен проблем в наши дни. Независимо от модерните хирургични и анестезиологични методи в съвременната медицина това застрашава живота на пациентите. Лечението на фрактурата на бедрената шийка е било винаги предизвикателство за травматолога. Исторически то е претърпяло значителни трансформации. След множеството инженерни иновации усъвършенствали ортопедичните импланти, днес оперативното лечение при фрактура на бедрената шийка е без алтернатива.Internal femoral neck fracture in older people over the age of 75 is a serious therapeutic problem these days. Regardless of modern surgical and anesthesiological methods in modern medicine, this endangers patients' lives. The treatment of femoral neck fracture has always been challenging for traumatology. Historically, it has undergone significant transformations. After many engineering innovations perfected orthopedic implants, today's surgical fracture treatment has no alternative

    Postoperative behavior and rehabilitation of patients with hip endoprosthesis

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    Ендопротезирането на тазобедрената става при фрактура на бедрената шийка е проблем с голямо социално значение, в решаването на който са включени медицински, конструкционно-технически и рехабилитационни задачи. Първата непосредствена цел на следоперативното лечение е постигането на бърза адаптация на пациентите към самообслужване и възстановяване на хигиенните и битови навици при новото за тях биологично състояние.The endoprosthesis of the hip joint in a femoral neck fracture is a problem of great social significance, the solution to which includes medical, structural, technical and rehabilitation tasks. The first immediate goal of post-operative treatment is to achieve rapid adaptation of patients to self-care and to restore hygienic and household habits in their new biological condition

    Rapid Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases through Miniature PCR Devices

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    Proper diagnosis and follow-up of all diseases require laboratory diagnosis based on principles and standards of good practice. Nucleic acid testing near the patient played an important role in the outbreak of the infectious disease COVID-19 . Rapid tests aim to achieve fast, simple, and automatic detection of nucleic acids. Instead of the normal detection methods used in laboratory diagnostics, miniature PCR devices are now available. This article focuses on microfluidics in combination with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, which allows miniaturization of PCR processes in a chip device with the potential advantages of ultra-fast speed, low cost, low sample consumption, portability, high performance, and the ability to integrate and automate