3 research outputs found

    What It Takes To Fly: Exploring The Effect Of Variant Propeller Pitches And Lengths On The Efficiency Of Propeller-Powered Hover Boards

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    This paper details the modeling of a propeller-powered hover board and provides an investigation into how the pitch and diameter of the propellers impacts the efficiency of the device. Hover boards are a potentially valuable technology, and the most accessible means of producing lift on hover boards is with propellers. It is important to understand how the pitch and diameter of a propeller impact the amount of weight a hover board can lift, but due to the overwhelming range of propellers that exist, it is difficult to choose the most efficient variation. Thus, we determine a propellerā€™s maximum upward force at a given current and the effect of pitch and diameter on its performance to ultimately forward the development of this technology. A testing apparatus was constructed to investigate each propeller and measure both the maximum mass the propeller could lift, as well as the current that was drawn at this maximum point. Our results found that the propellers with a greater pitch were more efficient when their diameter was greater and the propellers with a smaller pitch were more efficient when their diameter was smaller. Through extrapolating using the trend line, it is possible to calculate how many 3.8-pitch or 6-pitch propellers of any diameter would be needed to lift a human being. Through these equations, if the diameter of a 3.8-inch pitch or 6-inch pitch propeller is known, then the maximum lift and the current drawn to achieve said lift can be found. Future investigation into these trends over a greater range of propeller diameters and pitches is recommended in order to gather more conclusive results. Cet article discute de la modeĢlisation dā€™un aeĢroglisseur propulseĢ par une heĢlice, et fournit une enqueĢ‚te de lā€™effet du pas et du diameĢ€tre des heĢlices sur lā€™efficaciteĢ de lā€™appareil. Les aeĢroglisseurs sont une technologie potentiellement valable, et la facĢ§on la plus accessible aĢ€ produire de la portance sur les aeĢroglisseurs est lā€™utilisation dā€™heĢlices. Il est important de comprendre lā€™impact du pas et du diameĢ€tre sur la quantiteĢ de poids que lā€™aeĢroglisseur peut soulever, mais aĢ€ cause de la gamme eĢcrasante dā€™heĢlices qui existe, il est difficile de choisir la variation la plus efficace. Donc, une expeĢrience fut creĢeĢe pour deĢterminer la portance maximale dā€™une heĢlice avec un certain courant et lā€™effet du pas et du diameĢ€tre sur sa performance, menant en fin de compte au progreĢ€s dans le deĢveloppement de cette technologie. Un model dā€™expeĢrimentation a eĢteĢ construit pour eĢvaluer chaque heĢlice et mesurer le poids maximale quā€™il peut supporter, ainsi que le courant maximale aĢ€ ce point. Nos reĢsultats montrent que les heĢlices avec un pas plus grand eĢtaient plus efficaces lorsque leur diameĢ€tre eĢtait plus grand, alors que les heĢlices avec un pas plus petit eĢtaient plus efficaces lorsque leur diameĢ€tre eĢtait plus petit. En extrapolant les donneĢes en utilisant la ligne de tendance, il est possible de deĢterminer combien dā€™heĢlices dā€™un pas de 3,8 pouces ou de 6 pouces, de nā€™importe quel diameĢ€tre, seraient requises pour soulever un eĢ‚tre humain. Avec ces calculs, si le diameĢ€tre dā€™une heĢlice dā€™un pas de 3,8 pouces ou dā€™une heĢlice dā€™un pas de 6 pouces est connu, la portance maximale et le courant requis pour atteindre cette porteĢe peuvent eĢ‚tre deĢtermineĢs. Une investigation future dans ces tendances aĢ€ travers une gamme plus large de diameĢ€tres et de pas dā€™heĢlices est recommandeĢe afin de recueillir des reĢsultats plus concluants.

    What it Takes To Get Off The Ground

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    This coop experience has opened my eyes to the role that scientic research plays in the development of new inventions and technology. I have learned that in order to ensure your idea will work, you have to first test the science on a smaller scale (especially if you are new to the nature of the science you plan to explore). I went into this program intending to build a hover board, but I quickly realized that I was enteringĀ a foreign field of engineering and I had oversimplied the development process.

    Discovering health disparities: Designing a secure multiparty architecture for social health research

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    Social determinants such as a personā€™s race, level of education, and income can be responsible for their health outcomes. Consequently, we see that discrimination along the social spectrum results in health disparities. In an effort to close the gaps in healthcare systems, these determinants have been heavily researched. Open questions remain regarding their underlying mechanisms, which can potentially be answered by combining government data from social sectors with healthcare data. Under modern data legislation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation in the European Union, it is challenging to combine these government datasets for such research purposes. Multiparty computation (MPC), a cryptographic technique that allows for two or more parties to securely compute a function over data, opens the door for siloed government datasets to be combined and analyzed in a manner compliant with data legislation. This paper presents survey data from experts that supports the feasibility of using MPC to securely investigate the social determinants of health, as well as a potential architecture based on additive secret sharing that could be utilized by governments to investigate these determinants. This is the first formal research into this application of MPC and it aims to evaluate how new developments in cryptography can be leveraged to advance health equity and bring justice to those systemically discriminated against.CSE3000 Research ProjectComputer Science and Engineerin