5 research outputs found

    Autonomous Vehicles and Automated Warehousing Systems for Industry 4.0

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    The rapid development of new technologies that enabled the emergence of important development segments such as the Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Information and Communication Technologies, Enterprise Architecture, and Enterprise Integration, have led to completely new manufacturing paradigms, which is called under the common name – Industry 4.0. The constantly growing use of autonomous vehicles and associated logistics solutions is among the most influential factors that foster this novel intelligent production framework. This paper describes the results of the latest research activities of the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems in the Industry 4.0 domain where the focus lies on the shop floor digitalization and advanced control concepts that enable the transfer of technology and delivery of high-scalable logistic solutions

    Femoroacetabular impingement as a cause of hip pain in young adult patients. Diagnosis and treatment methods using arthroscopy

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    Konflikt udowo-panewkowy jest nie do końca poznanym problemem klinicznym, który jest jedną z przyczyn dolegliwości bólowych stawu biodrowego u pacjentów w 3. i 4. dekadzie życia. Zjawisko opisali i zdefiniowali po raz pierwszy Reinhold Ganz i wsp. w 2003 roku. Od tego czasu powstało wiele ciekawych i oryginalnych prac, a problemem tym zajęli się zarówno ortopedzi, radiolodzy, jak i fizjoterapeuci. W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu dostępnego piśmiennictwa. Przedstawiono dane epidemiologiczne, sposoby rozpoznawania, leczenia ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem techniki artroskopowej.Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is not well recognized clinical problem and one of the possible cause of hip pain in young adult patients in 3rd and 4th decade of life. This phenomenon was described by Reinhold Ganz et al. in 2003. Since than many interesting oryginal papers about FAI were published by orthopedic surgeons, radiologists and physiotherapists. In this paper we do reasearch of the avaible literature, we presented information about epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment in particular taking into account hip arthroscopy

    Revitalisation of the shaft top of mineshaft “Górsko” in “Wieliczka” salt mine

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    The article presents the historical context of the shaft top of mineshaft “Górsko” in the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine, the current condition of the building, and planned adaptation of the closed shaft top facility for service purposes. Construction works comprise operations to eliminate the destructive factors, stop the process of decay, restate the full aesthetical value of the elevation, and enable full use of the building