6 research outputs found
Bolyais jogásztanárok síremlékei a kolozsvári Házsongárdi temetőben: Mormintele profesorilor de drept ai fostei Universităţi „Bolyai” în Cimitirul Central (Hajongard) din Cluj / Professors of law of the former Bolyai University buried in the Házsongárd (Central) Cemetery of Kolozsvár/Cluj
The Central Cemetery of Kolozsvár/Cluj is one of the oldest, still functioning cemeteries in Europe, representing a remarkable pantheon of Romanian, Hungarian, German and Jewish personalities resting here. This paper aims to offer a brief presentation of those professors of law, buried in the Central Cemetery, who have taught at the Bolyai University in Kolozsvár/Cluj (a state university with instruction in Hungarian language, established in 1945 and unified with the Romanian university in 1959).
Cimitirul Central (Hajongard) din Cluj reprezintă un veritabil „Panteon al Transilvaniei” unde-şi dorm somnul de veci personalităţi proeminente ale vieţii ştiinţifice şi culturale transilvănene. Studiul prezent îşi propune prezentarea profesorilor de drept înmormântaţi în Cimitirul Central, care au predat la Universitatea „Bolyai” din Cluj (1945–1959)