81 research outputs found

    Introduction to the McPherson number, Ξ₯(G)\Upsilon(G) of a simple connected graph

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    The concept of the \emph{McPherson number} of a simple connected graph GG on nn vertices denoted by Ξ₯(G)\Upsilon(G), is introduced. The recursive concept, called the \emph{McPherson recursion}, is a series of \emph{vertex explosions} such that on the first interation a vertex v∈V(G)v \in V(G) explodes to arc (directed edges) to all vertices u∈V(G)u \in V(G) for which the edge vuβˆ‰E(G)vu \notin E(G), to obtain the mixed graph G1β€².G'_1. Now G1β€²G'_1 is considered on the second iteration and a vertex w∈V(G1β€²)=V(G)w \in V(G'_1) = V(G) may explode to arc to all vertices z∈V(G1β€²)z \in V(G'_1) if edge wzβˆ‰E(G)wz \notin E(G) and arc (w,z)(w, z) or (z,w)βˆ‰E(G1β€²).(z, w) \notin E(G'_1). The \emph{McPherson number} of a simple connected graph GG is the minimum number of iterative vertex explosions say β„“,\ell, to obtain the mixed graph Gβ„“β€²G'_\ell such that the underlying graph of Gβ„“β€²G'_\ell denoted Gβ„“βˆ—G^*_\ell has Gβ„“βˆ—β‰ƒKn.G^*_\ell \simeq K_n. We determine the \emph{McPherson number} for paths, cycles and nn-partite graphs. We also determine the \emph{McPherson number} of the finite Jaco Graph Jn(1),n∈N.J_n(1), n \in \Bbb N. It is hoped that this paper will encourage further exploratory research.Comment: 9 pages. To be submitted to the Pioneer Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science

    A Note on the Gutman Index of Jaco Graphs

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    The concept of the \emph{Gutman index}, denoted Gut(G)Gut(G) was introduced for a connected undirected graph GG. In this note we apply the concept to the underlying graphs of the family of Jaco graphs, (\emph{directed graphs by definition}), and describe a recursive formula for the \emph{Gutman index} Gut(Jn+1βˆ—(x)).Gut(J^*_{n+1}(x)). We also determine the \emph{Gutman index} for the trivial \emph{edge-joint} between Jaco graphs.Comment: 8 pages. The paper has been approved in terms of notation, and its alignment to the unifying definition of the family of Jaco graph

    A note on the Brush Numbers of Mycielski Graphs, ΞΌ(G)\mu(G)

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    The concept of the brush number br(G)b_r(G) was introduced for a simple connected undirected graph GG. The concept will be applied to the Mycielskian graph ΞΌ(G)\mu(G) of a simple connected graph GG to find br(ΞΌ(G))b_r(\mu(G)) in terms of an \emph{optimal orientation} of GG. We prove a surprisingly simple general result for simple connected graphs on nβ‰₯2n \geq 2 vertices namely: br(ΞΌ(G))=br(ΞΌβ†’(G))=2βˆ‘i=1ndGbr(G)β†’+(vi).b_r(\mu(G))= b_r(\mu^{\rightarrow}(G)) = 2\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}d^+_{G^{\rightarrow}_{b_r(G)}}(v_i).Comment: 5 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1501.0138

    A Study on Linear Jaco Graphs

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    We introduce the concept of a family of finite directed graphs (\emph{positive integer order,} f(x)=mx+c;x,m∈Nf(x) = mx + c; x,m \in \Bbb N and c∈N0)c \in \Bbb N_0) which are directed graphs derived from an infinite directed graph called the f(x)f(x)-root digraph. The f(x)f(x)-root digraph has four fundamental properties which are; V(J∞(f(x)))={vi:i∈N}V(J_\infty(f(x))) = \{v_i: i \in \Bbb N\} and, if vjv_j is the head of an arc then the tail is always a vertex vi,i<jv_i, i < j and, if vkv_k for smallest k∈Nk \in \Bbb N is a tail vertex then all vertices vβ„“,k<β„“<jv_\ell, k < \ell < j are tails of arcs to vjv_j and finally, the degree of a vertex vkv_k is d(vk)=mk+cd(v_k) = mk + c. The family of finite directed graphs are those limited to n∈Nn \in \Bbb N vertices by lobbing off all vertices (and corresponding arcs) vt,t>n.v_t, t > n. Hence, trivially we have d(vi)≀mi+cd(v_i) \leq mi + c for i∈N.i \in \Bbb N. It is meant to be an \emph{introductory paper} to encourage further research.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.171

    Competition Graphs of Jaco Graphs and the Introduction of the Grog Number of a Simple Connected Graph

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    Let Gβ†’G^\rightarrow be a simple connected directed graph on nβ‰₯2n \geq 2 vertices and let Vβˆ—V^* be a non-empty subset of V(Gβ†’)V(G^\rightarrow) and denote the undirected subgraph induced by Vβˆ—V^* by, ⟨Vβˆ—βŸ©.\langle V^* \rangle. We show that the \emph{competition graph} of the Jaco graph Jn(1),n∈N,nβ‰₯5,J_n(1), n \in \Bbb N, n \geq 5, denoted by C(Jn(1))C(J_n(1)) is given by:\\ \\ C(Jn(1))=⟨Vβˆ—βŸ©Vβˆ—={vi∣3≀i≀nβˆ’1}βˆ’{vivmi∣mi=i+dJn(1)+(vi),3≀i≀nβˆ’2}βˆͺ{v1,v2,vn}.C(J_n(1)) = \langle V^* \rangle_{V^* = \{v_i|3 \leq i \leq n-1\}} - \{v_iv_{m_i}| m_i = i + d^+_{J_n(1)}(v_i), 3 \leq i \leq n-2\} \cup \{v_1, v_2, v_n\}.\\ \\ Further to the above, the concept of the \emph{grog number} g(Gβ†’)g(G^\rightarrow) of a simple connected directed graph Gβ†’G^\rightarrow on nβ‰₯2n \geq 2 vertices as well as the general \emph{grog number} of the underlying graph GG, will be introduced. The \emph{grog number} measures the efficiency of an \emph{optimal predator-prey strategy} if the simple directed graph models an ecological predator-prey web.\\ \\ We also pose four open problems for exploratory research.Comment: title has been correcte

    Contemplating on Brush Numbers of Mycielski Jaco Graphs, μ(Jn(1)),n∈N\mu(J_n(1)), n \in \Bbb N

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    The concept of the brush number br(G)b_r(G) was introduced for a simple connected undirected graph GG. The concept will be applied to the Mycielski Jaco graph μ(Jn(1)),n∈N,\mu(J_n(1)), n \in \Bbb N, in respect of an \emph{optimal orientation} of Jn(1)J_n(1) associated with br(Jn(1)).b_r(J_n(1)). Further for the aforesaid, the concept of a \emph{brush centre} of a simple connected graph will be introduced. Because brushes themselves may be technology of kind, the technology in real world application will normally be the subject of maintenance or calibration or virus vetting or alike. Finding a \emph{brush centre} of a graph will allow for well located maintenance centres of the brushes prior to a next cycle of cleaning.Comment: 8 page

    Contemplating some invariants of the Jaco Graph, Jn(1),n∈NJ_n(1), n \in \Bbb N

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    Kok et.al. [7] introduced Jaco Graphs (\emph{order 1}). In this essay we present a recursive formula to determine the \emph{independence number} Ξ±(Jn(1))=∣I∣\alpha(J_n(1)) = |\Bbb I| with, I={vi,j∣v1=v1,1∈I\Bbb I = \{v_{i,j}| v_1 = v_{1,1} \in \Bbb I and vi=vi,j=v(d+(vm,(jβˆ’1))+m+1)}.v_i = v_{i,j} =v_{(d^+(v_{m, (j-1)}) + m +1)}\}. We also prove that for the Jaco Graph, Jn(1),n∈NJ_n(1), n \in \Bbb N with the prime Jaconian vertex viv_i the chromatic number, Ο‡(Jn(1))\chi(J_n(1)) is given by: \begin{equation*} \chi(J_n(1)) \begin{cases} = (n-i) + 1, &\text{if and only if the edge vivnv_iv_n exists,}\\ \\ = n-i &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{equation*} We further our exploration in respect of \emph{domination numbers, bondage numbers} and declare the concept of the \emph{murtage number} of a simple connected graph GG, denoted m(G)m(G). We conclude by proving that for any Jaco Graph Jn(1),n∈NJ_n(1), n \in \Bbb N we have that 0≀m(Jn(1))≀3.0 \leq m(J_n(1)) \leq 3.Comment: 10 pages. To be submitted to the Pioneer Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science

    Some New Results on the Curling Number of Graphs

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    Let S=S1S2S3…SnS=S_1S_2S_3\ldots S_n be a finite string. Write SS in the form XYY…Y=XYkXYY\ldots Y=XY^k, consisting of a prefix XX (which may be empty), followed by kk copies of a non-empty string YY. Then, the greatest value of this integer kk is called the curling number of SS and is denoted by cn(S)cn(S). Let the degree sequence of the graph GG be written as a string of identity curling subsequences say, X1k1∘X2k2∘X3k3β€¦βˆ˜XlklX^{k_1}_1\circ X^{k_2}_2\circ X^{k_3}_3 \ldots \circ X^{k_l}_l. The compound curling number of GG, denoted cnc(G)cn^c(G) is defined to be, cnn(G)=∏i=1lkicn^n(G) = \prod\limits^{l}_{i=1}k_i. In this paper, we discuss the curling number and compound curling number of certain products of graphs.Comment: 11 Pages in Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 201

    Curling Numbers of Certain Graph Powers

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    Given a finite nonempty sequence SS of integers, write it as XYkXY^k, where YkY^k is a power of greatest exponent that is a suffix of SS: this kk is the curling number of SS. The concept of curling number of sequences has already been extended to the degree sequences of graphs to define the curling number of a graph. In this paper we study the curling number of graph powers, graph products and certain other graph operations.Comment: 8 Pages, Submitte

    A study on the curling number of graph classes

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    Given a finite nonempty sequence SS of integers, write it as XYkXY^k, consisting of a prefix XX (which may possibly be empty), followed by kk copies of a non-empty string YY. Then, the greatest such integer kk is called the curling number of SS and is denoted by cn(S)cn(S). The concept of curling number of sequences has already been extended to the degree sequences of graphs to define the curling number of a graph. In this paper we study the curling number of graph powers, graph products and certain other graph operations.Comment: 8 Pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1509.0022
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