15 research outputs found

    Trusting your Mafia: Social Capital and Illicit Markets in Bosnia.

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    What role does social capital play in the use of violence in illicit markets? Social capital is a multi-dimensional concept that includes networks, trusts and norms, and researchers have made great progress identifying the role social capital plays in economic development. Economies embedded within a social context characterized by high levels of social capital benefit from lower transactions costs, increased efficiency, and increased innovation. Nevertheless, a sticking point in the literature remains, namely, that it is difficult to disentangle the effects of social capital from the effects of formal institutions. We argue this ambiguity is the result of social capital studies that focus almost exclusively on licit markets with formal institutions. To remedy this, we look at markets with no formal institutions: illicit markets. We focus on the role of networks and find that social capital can reduce transaction costs and consequently levels of violence, but only if network ties are bridging\u27 and thus weak. However, if network ties are \u27bonding\u27 and thus strong, social capital in illicit markets encourages exclusionary relationships and the regular use of violence.\u2

    Summary: Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

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    This is the summary of Qualitative Transparency Deliberations Final Report on Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), Working Group number III.4.10.2139/ssrn.333348

    Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

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    This report focuses on set-analytic approaches that use algorithms and computer software for parts of their analysis, particularly Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). We concentrate on transparency concerning the "analytic moment" that stretches from assigning membership scores of cases in the condition and outcome sets to the presentation and interpretation of the results obtained via the truth table's logical minimization. We do not address transparency issues related to the research processes prior to and after this analytic moment as they are not specific to set-analytic approaches and are covered by other QTD working groups, such as those on research ethics, text-based sources, and non-automated content analysis

    Summary: Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

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    This is the summary of Qualitative Transparency Deliberations Final Report on Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), Working Group number III.4.10.2139/ssrn.333348

    Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

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    This report focuses on set-analytic approaches that use algorithms and computer software for parts of their analysis, particularly Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). We concentrate on transparency concerning the "analytic moment" that stretches from assigning membership scores of cases in the condition and outcome sets to the presentation and interpretation of the results obtained via the truth table's logical minimization. We do not address transparency issues related to the research processes prior to and after this analytic moment as they are not specific to set-analytic approaches and are covered by other QTD working groups, such as those on research ethics, text-based sources, and non-automated content analysis