119 research outputs found

    Reheating after Inflation

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    The theory of reheating of the Universe after inflation is developed. The transition from inflation to the hot Universe turns out to be strongly model-dependent and typically consists of several stages. Immediately after inflation the field ϕ\phi begins rapidly rolling towards the minimum of its effective potential. Contrary to some earlier expectations, particle production during this stage does not lead to the appearance of an extra friction term Γϕ˙\Gamma\dot\phi in the equation of motion of the field ϕ\phi. Reheating becomes efficient only at the next stage, when the field ϕ\phi rapidly oscillates near the minimum of its effective potential. We have found that typically in the beginning of this stage the classical inflaton field ϕ\phi very rapidly (explosively) decays into ϕ\phi-particles or into other bosons due to broad parametric resonance. This stage cannot be described by the standard elementary approach to reheating based on perturbation theory. The bosons produced at this stage, as well as some part of the classical field ϕ\phi which survives the stage of explosive reheating, should further decay into other particles, which eventually become thermalized. The last stages of decay can be described in terms of perturbation theory. Complete reheating is possible only in those theories where a single massive ϕ\phi-particle can decay into other particles. This imposes strong constraints on the structure of inflationary models. On the other hand, this means that a scalar field can be a cold dark matter candidate even if it is strongly coupled to other fields.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, UH-IfA-94/35; SU-ITP-94-13; YITP/U-94-15 (paper replaced by its version to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Suppressing the lower Multipoles in the CMB Anisotropies

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    The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy power on the largest angular scales observed both by WMAP and COBE DMR appears to be lower than the one predicted by the standard model of cosmology with almost scale free primordial perturbations arising from a period of inflation \cite{cobe,Bennett:2003bz,Spergel,Peiris}. One can either interpret this as a manifestation of cosmic variance or as a physical effect that requires an explanation. We discuss various mechanisms that could be responsible for the suppression of such low \ell multipoles. Features in the late time evolution of metric fluctuations may do this via the integral Sachs-Wolfe effect. Another possibility is a suppression of power at large scales in the primordial spectrum induced by a fast rolling stage in the evolution of the inflaton field at the beginning of the last 65 e-folds of inflation. We illustrate this effect in a simple model of inflation and fit the resulting CMB spectrum to the observed temperature-temperature (TT) power spectrum. We find that the WMAP observations suggest a cutoff at kc=4.91.6+1.3×104k_c=4.9^{+1.3}_{-1.6}\times 10^{-4}Mpc1^{-1} at 68% confidence, while only an upper limit of kc<7.4×104k_c < 7.4\times 10^{-4}Mpc1^{-1} at 95%. Thus, although it improves the fit of the data, the presence of a cutoff in power spectrum is only required at a level close to 2σ2\sigma. This is obtained with a prior which corresponds to equal distribution wrt kck_c. We discuss how other choices (such as an equal distribution wrt lnkc\ln k_c which is natural in the context of inflation) can affect the statistical interpretation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, replaced with published version, comparison with recent papers is extende

    Structure of Resonance in Preheating after Inflation

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    We consider preheating in the theory 1/4λϕ4+1/2g2ϕ2χ21/4 \lambda \phi^4 + 1/2 g^2\phi^2\chi^2 , where the classical oscillating inflaton field ϕ\phi decays into χ\chi-particles and ϕ\phi-particles. The parametric resonance which leads to particle production in this conformally invariant theory is described by the Lame equation. It significantly differs from the resonance in the theory with a quadratic potential. The structure of the resonance depends in a rather nontrivial way on the parameter g2/λg^2/\lambda. We construct the stability/instability chart in this theory for arbitrary g2/λg^2/\lambda. We give simple analytic solutions describing the resonance in the limiting cases g2/λ1g^2/\lambda\ll 1 and g2/λ1g^2/\lambda \gg 1, and in the theory with g2=3λg^2=3\lambda, and with g2=λg^2 =\lambda. From the point of view of parametric resonance for χ\chi, the theories with g2=3λg^2=3\lambda and with g2=λg^2 =\lambda have the same structure, respectively, as the theory 1/4λϕ41/4 \lambda \phi^4, and the theory λ/(4N)(ϕi2)2\lambda /(4 N) (\phi^2_i)^2 of an N-component scalar field ϕi\phi_i in the limit NN \to \infty. We show that in some of the conformally invariant theories such as the simplest model 1/4λϕ41/4 \lambda\phi^4, the resonance can be terminated by the backreaction of produced particles long before or or become of the order ϕ2\phi^2. We analyze the changes in the theory of reheating in this model which appear if the inflaton field has a small mass.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, 12 figure

    Inflation and de Sitter Thermodynamics

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    We consider the quasi-de Sitter geometry of the inflationary universe. We calculate the energy flux of the slowly rolling background scalar field through the quasi-de Sitter apparent horizon and set it equal to the change of the entropy (1/4 of the area) multiplied by the temperature, dE=TdS. Remarkably, this thermodynamic law reproduces the Friedmann equation for the rolling scalar field. The flux of the slowly rolling field through the horizon of the quasi-de Sitter geometry is similar to the accretion of a rolling scalar field onto a black hole, which we also analyze. Next we add inflaton fluctuations which generate scalar metric perturbations. Metric perturbations result in a variation of the area entropy. Again, the equation dE=TdS with fluctuations reproduces the linearized Einstein equations. In this picture as long as the Einstein equations hold, holography does not put limits on the quantum field theory during inflation. Due to the accumulating metric perturbations, the horizon area during inflation randomly wiggles with dispersion increasing with time. We discuss this in connection with the stochastic decsription of inflation. We also address the issue of the instability of inflaton fluctuations in the ``hot tin can'' picture of de Sitter horizon.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Warm inflation and scalar perturbations of the metric

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    A second-order expansion for the quantum fluctuations of the matter field was considered in the framework of the warm inflation scenario. The friction and Hubble parameters were expended by means of a semiclassical approach. The fluctuations of the Hubble parameter generates fluctuations of the metric. These metric fluctuations produce an effective term of curvature. The power spectrum for the metric fluctuations can be calculated on the infrared sector.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, to be published in General Rel. and Gravitatio

    Universe Reheating after Inflation

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    We study the problem of scalar particle production after inflation by a rapidly oscillating inflaton field. We use the framework of the chaotic inflation scenario with quartic and quadratic inflaton potentials. Particular attention is paid to parametric resonance phenomena which take place in the presence of the quickly oscillating inflaton field. We have found that in the region of applicability of perturbation theory the effects of parametric resonance are crucial, and estimates based on first order Born approximation often underestimate the particle production. In the case of the quartic inflaton potential V(φ)=λφ4V(\varphi) = \lambda \varphi^4, the particle production process is very efficient even for small values of coupling constants. The reheating temperature of the universe in this case is [λlog(1/λ)]1\left[\lambda\, \log\, (1/\lambda) \right]^{- 1} times larger than the corresponding estimates based on first order Born approximation. In the case of the quadratic inflaton potential the reheating process depends crucially on the type of coupling between the inflaton and the other scalar field and on the magnitudes of the coupling constants. If the inflaton coupling to fermions and its linear (in inflaton field) coupling to scalar fields are suppressed, then, as previously discussed by Kofman, Linde and Starobinsky (see e.g. Ref. 13), the inflaton field will eventually decouple from the rest of the matter, and the residual inflaton oscillations may provide the (cold) dark matter of the universe. In the case of the quadratic inflaton potential we obtain the lowest and the highest possible bounds on the effective energy density of the inflaton field when it freezes out.Comment: 40 pages, Preprint BROWN-HET-957 (revised version, some mistakes corrected), uses phyzz

    Quantum Creation of an Open Inflationary Universe

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    We discuss a dramatic difference between the description of the quantum creation of an open universe using the Hartle-Hawking wave function and the tunneling wave function. Recently Hawking and Turok have found that the Hartle-Hawking wave function leads to a universe with Omega = 0.01, which is much smaller that the observed value of Omega > 0.3. Galaxies in such a universe would be about 1010810^{10^8} light years away from each other, so the universe would be practically structureless. We will argue that the Hartle-Hawking wave function does not describe the probability of the universe creation. If one uses the tunneling wave function for the description of creation of the universe, then in most inflationary models the universe should have Omega = 1, which agrees with the standard expectation that inflation makes the universe flat. The same result can be obtained in the theory of a self-reproducing inflationary universe, independently of the issue of initial conditions. However, there exist two classes of models where Omega may take any value, from Omega > 1 to Omega << 1.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. New materials are added. In particular, we show that boundary terms do not help to solve the problem of unacceptably small Omega in the new model proposed by Hawking and Turok in hep-th/9803156. A possibility to solve the cosmological constant problem in this model using the tunneling wave function is discusse

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, Superheavy Long-Living Particles, and Matter Creation after Inflation

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    The highest energy cosmic rays, above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut-off of cosmic ray spectrum, may be produced in decays of superheavy long-living X-particles. We conjecture that these particles may be produced naturally in the early Universe from vacuum fluctuations during inflation and may constitute a considerable fraction of Cold Dark Matter. We predict a new cut-off in the UHE cosmic ray spectrum E_{cut-off} < m_inflaton \approx 10^{13} GeV, the exact position of the cut-off and the shape of the cosmic ray spectrum beyond the GZK cut-off being determined by the QCD quark/gluon fragmentation. The Pierre Auger Project installation might discover this phenomenon.Comment: LaTeX, 8 page