272 research outputs found

    Classical ultrarelativistic bremsstrahlung in extra dimensions

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    The emitted energy and the cross-section of classical scalar bremsstrahlung in massive particle collisions in D=4+d dimensional Minkowski space M_D as well as in the brane world M_4 \times T^d is computed to leading ultra-relativistic order. The particles are taken to interact in the first case via the exchange of a bulk massless scalar field \Phi and in the second with an additional massless scalar \phi confined together with the particles on the brane. Energy is emitted as \Phi radiation in the bulk and/or \phi radiation on the brane. In contrast to the quantum Born approximation, the classical result is unambiguous and valid in a kinematical region which is also specified. For D=4 the results are in agreement with corresponding expressions in classical electrodynamics.Comment: Preprint number adde

    Gravitational collapse in braneworld models with curvature corrections

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    We study the collapse of a homogeneous braneworld dust cloud in the context of the various curvature correction scenarios, namely, the induced-gravity, the Gauss-Bonnet, and the combined induced-gravity and Gauss-Bonnet. In accordance to the Randall-Sundrum model, and contrary to four-dimensional general relativity, we show in all cases that the exterior spacetime on the brane is non-static.Comment: References adde

    Cosmological Evolution of a Purely Conical Codimension-2 Brane World

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    We study the cosmological evolution of isotropic matter on an infinitely thin conical codimension-two brane-world. Our analysis is based on the boundary dynamics of a six-dimensional model in the presence of an induced gravity term on the brane and a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk. With the assumption that the bulk contains only a cosmological constant Lambda_B, we find that the isotropic evolution of the brane-universe imposes a tuned relation between the energy density and the brane equation of state. The evolution of the system has fixed points (attractors), which correspond to a final state of radiation for Lambda_B=0 and to de Sitter state for Lambda_B>0. Furthermore, considering anisotropic matter on the brane, the tuning of the parameters is lifted, and new regions of the parametric space are available for the cosmological evolution of the brane-universe. The analysis of the dynamics of the system shows that, the isotropic fixed points remain attractors of the system, and for values of Lambda_B which give acceptable cosmological evolution of the equation of state, the line of isotropic tuning is a very weak attractor. The initial conditions, in this case, need to be fine tuned to have an evolution with acceptably small anisotropy.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, typo correcte

    Asymmetric embedding in brane cosmology

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    We derive a system of cosmological equations for a braneworld with induced curvature which is a junction between several bulk spaces. The permutation symmetry of the bulk spaces is not imposed, and the values of the fundamental constants, and even the signatures of the extra dimension, may be different on different sides of the brane. We then consider the usual partial case of two asymmetric bulk spaces and derive an exact closed system of scalar equations on the brane. We apply this result to the cosmological evolution on such a brane and describe its various partial cases.Comment: 10 page

    QCD uncertainties at the LHC and the implications of HERA

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    Strong interaction physics will be ubiquitous at the Large Hadron Collider since the colliding beams consist of confined quarks and gluons. Although the main purpose of the LHC is to study the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and to search for physics beyond the Standard Model, to maximise the precision and sensitivity of such anaylses it is necessary to understand in detail various perturbative, semi-perturbative and non-perturbative QCD effects. Many of these effects have been extensively studied at HERA and will be studied further at HERA II. We discuss the impact of the knowledge thus gained on physics at the LHC.Comment: Contributed to the Proceedings of DIS04, Strbske Pleso, Slovaki

    Where the wild things are: Seasonal variation in caribou distribution in relation to climate change

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    In this study, we develop a method to analyse the relationships between seasonal caribou distribution and climate, to estimate how climatic conditions affect interactions between humans and caribou, and ultimately to predict patterns of distribution relative to climate change. Satellite locations for the Porcupine (Rangifer tarandus granti) and Bathurst (R. t. groenlandicus) caribou herds were analysed for eight ecologically-defined seasons. For each season, two levels of a key environmental factor influencing caribou distribution were identified, as well as the best climate data available to indicate the factor's annual state. Satellite locations were grouped according to the relevant combination of season and environmental factor. Caribou distributions were compared for opposing environmental factors; this comparison was undertaken relative to hunting access for the Porcupine Herd and relative to exposure to mining activity for the Bathurst Herd. Expected climate trends suggest an overall increase in access to Porcupine caribou for Aklavik (NWT) hunters during the winter and rut seasons, for Venetie (Alaska) hunters during midsummer and fall migration and for Arctic Village (Alaska) during midsummer. Arctic Village may experience reduced availability with early snowfalls in the fall, but we expect there to be little directional shift in the spring migration patterns. For the Bathurst Herd, we expect that fewer caribou would be exposed to the mines during the winter, while more caribou would be exposed to the combined Ekati and Diavik mining zone in the early summer and to the Lupin-Jericho mining zone during the fall migration. If changes in climate cause an increased presence of caribou in the mining sites, monitoring and mitigation measures may need to be intensified

    Gravitating defects of codimension-two

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    Thin gravitating defects with conical singularities in higher codimensions and with generalized Israel matching conditions are known to be inconsistent for generic energy-momentum. A way to remove this inconsistency is proposed and is realized for an axially symmetric gravitating codimension-two defect in six dimensional Einstein gravity. By varying with respect to the brane embedding fields, alternative matching conditions are derived, which are generalizations of the Nambu-Goto equations of motion of the defect, consistent with bulk gravity. For a maximally symmetric defect the standard picture is recovered. The four-dimensional perfect fluid cosmology coincides with conventional FRW in the case of radiation, but for dust it has rho^{4/3} instead of rho. A four-dimensional black hole solution is presented having the Schwarzschild form with a short-distance correction r^{-2}.Comment: Minor changes, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Brane-bulk matter relation for a purely conical codimension-2 brane world

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    We study gravity on an infinitely thin codimension-2 brane world, with purely conical singularities and in the presence of an induced gravity term on the brane. We show that in this approximation, the energy momentum tensor of the bulk is strongly related to the energy momentum tensor of the brane and thus the gravity dynamics on the brane are induced by the bulk content. This is in contrast with the gravity dynamics on a codimension-1 brane. We show how this strong result is relaxed after including a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk.Comment: 12 pages, mistake corrected, references adde