10 research outputs found

    Observed size distribution changes in American lobsters over a 12-year period in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada

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    Size distribution and size frequency information of American lobsters (Homarus americanus) are often used to help estimate the age distributions, and reproductive output for the species and to guide the determination of appropriate minimum legal sizes for the fishery. This study used truncated linear regression models to estimate the effects of sampling year, sampling month, lobster sex and water depth on the lobster size. A dataset of almost 130,000 trap–caught lobsters from the two most important lobster fishing areas of Atlantic Canada collected over a 12-year period (2004–2015) was analyzed. It was shown that truncated models can help to account for biases due to the trap sampling method from vessels and from wharf samplings. There were significant annual and seasonal changes in size distribution, and data collected outside the fishing season showed a significant increase in carapace length in 2014 and 2015, potentially reflecting a northward shift of the range of lobster populations due to more favourable settlement and recruitment habitats. Size also increased in late summer, likely due to moult. Our results demonstrated that landed lobsters, especially females, were smaller than the predicted size-at-maturity in the region (96.5 mm carapace length), which could have long-term repercussions for the stock’s reproductive potential

    Differences in diversity and community composition of the shell microbiome of apparently healthy lobsters Homarus americanus across Atlantic Canada

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    Host-microbe dynamics are of increasing interest in marine research due to their role in host health and productivity. Changes in the shell microbiome of American lobsters have been associated with epizootic shell disease, a syndrome that is spreading northwards across the eastern U.S. and Canadian Atlantic coast. This study analyzed differences in alpha and beta diversity, as well as differentially abundant taxa, in the shell-associated bacterial community of apparently healthy lobsters from four lobster fishing areas (LFAs) in Atlantic Canada. Over 180 lobsters from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (PEI) were sampled during seven sampling events over four sampling months. The bacterial community was identified using novel PacBio long-read sequencing, while alpha and beta diversity parameters were analyzed using linear regression models and weighted UniFrac distances. The bacterial richness, diversity and evenness differed by sampling location, sampling month, and molt stage, but not by lobster sex or size, nor sampling depth. Similarly, based on LFA, sampling month, year and lobster molt stage, the shell microbiome differed in microbial community composition with up to 34 out of 162 taxa differing significantly in abundance between sampling groups. This large-scale microbial survey suggests that the shell microbial diversity of apparently healthy lobsters is influenced by spatial and temporal factors such as geographic location, as well as the length of time the carapace is exposed to the surrounding seawater

    Differences in diversity and community composition of the shell microbiome of apparently healthy lobsters Homarus americanus across Atlantic Canada

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    Host-microbe dynamics are of increasing interest in marine research due to their role in host health and productivity. Changes in the shell microbiome of American lobsters have been associated with epizootic shell disease, a syndrome that is spreading northwards across the eastern U.S. and Canadian Atlantic coast. This study analyzed differences in alpha and beta diversity, as well as differentially abundant taxa, in the shell-associated bacterial community of apparently healthy lobsters from four lobster fishing areas (LFAs) in Atlantic Canada. Over 180 lobsters from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (PEI) were sampled during seven sampling events over four sampling months. The bacterial community was identified using novel PacBio long-read sequencing, while alpha and beta diversity parameters were analyzed using linear regression models and weighted UniFrac distances. The bacterial richness, diversity and evenness differed by sampling location, sampling month, and molt stage, but not by lobster sex or size, nor sampling depth. Similarly, based on LFA, sampling month, year and lobster molt stage, the shell microbiome differed in microbial community composition with up to 34 out of 162 taxa differing significantly in abundance between sampling groups. This large-scale microbial survey suggests that the shell microbial diversity of apparently healthy lobsters is influenced by spatial and temporal factors such as geographic location, as well as the length of time the carapace is exposed to the surrounding seawater

    Long-read sequencing reveals the shell microbiome of apparently healthy American lobsters Homarus americanus from Atlantic Canada

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    The shell microbial community of lobsters—a key factor in the development of epizootic shell disease (ESD)—is still insufficiently researched in Atlantic Canada and many knowledge gaps remain. This study aimed to establish a baseline description and analysis of the shell microbiome of apparently healthy lobsters from four locations in the region. More than 180 lobster shell swab samples were collected from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island (PEI). PacBio long-read 16S rDNA sequencing and bioinformatic analyses in QIIME2 identified the shell-associated bacteria. The shell microbiome of healthy lobsters consisted mainly of the bacterial classes Gammaproteobacteria, Saprospiria, Verrucomicrobiae, Alphaproteobacteria, Flavobacteriia, Acidimicrobiia and Planctomycetia. The microbial composition differed regionally and seasonally, with some classes showing decreased or increased relative abundances in the PEI samples as well as in the winter and spring samples in Nova Scotia. The core shell microbiome included potentially pathogenic as well as beneficial bacterial taxa, of which some were present only in certain regions. Bacterial taxa that have previously been associated with ESD were present on healthy lobsters in Atlantic Canada, but their frequency differed by location, sampling time, and moult stage. This study indicated that geographical and seasonal factors influenced the shell microbiome of apparently healthy lobsters more than host factors such as sex, size, and moult stage. Our results provide valuable reference microbial data from lobsters in a disease-free state

    Population size impacts host–pathogen coevolution

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    Ongoing host–pathogen interactions are characterized by rapid coevolutionary changes forcing species to continuously adapt to each other. The interacting species are often defined by finite population sizes. In theory, finite population size limits genetic diversity and compromises the efficiency of selection owing to genetic drift, in turn constraining any rapid coevolutionary responses. To date, however, experimental evidence for such constraints is scarce. The aim of our study was to assess to what extent population size influences the dynamics of host–pathogen coevolution. We used Caenorhabditus elegans and its pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis as a model for experimental coevolution in small and large host populations, as well as in host populations which were periodically forced through a bottleneck. By carefully controlling host population size for 23 host generations, we found that host adaptation was constrained in small populations and to a lesser extent in the bottlenecked populations. As a result, coevolution in large and small populations gave rise to different selection dynamics and produced different patterns of host–pathogen genotype-by-genotype interactions. Our results demonstrate a major influence of host population size on the ability of the antagonists to co-adapt to each other, thereby shaping the dynamics of antagonistic coevolution

    Endoparasitic Insights of Free-Living Fin (Balaenoptera physalus), Humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) from Eastern Canadian Waters

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    Purpose!#!To date, little is still known on parasite infections affecting free-living large whale populations worldwide. Data presented should be considered as a baseline study for future monitoring surveys on endoparasites affecting whales, thereby enhancing investigations on impacts of zoonotic parasitoses not only on vulnerable or endangered baleen whale population health but also on public health.!##!Methods!#!The presented study is a first report on gastrointestinal parasites infecting different free-living baleen whales inhabiting East Canadian waters using non-invasive methods. Individual faecal samples from fin (n = 3; Balaenoptera physalus), humpback (n = 4; Megaptera novaeangliae) and North Atlantic right whales (n = 1; Eubalaena glacialis) were collected without animal disturbance, within their natural habitats on an ecological expedition during annual surveys in summer 2017. Faecal samples were assessed by standardized diagnostic methods, such as sodium acetate acetic formalin (SAF) technique, carbol fuchsin-stained faecal smears, Giardia/Cryptosporidium coproantigen ELISAs and were applied for further identification.!##!Results!#!Parasitological infections included three different potentially zoonotic parasite species, one protozoa (Entamoeba spp.) and two metazoans (Diphyllobothriidae gen. sp., Ascaridida indet.). No positive Giardia/Cryptosporidium coproantigen ELISA could be found in the studied whales.!##!Conclusion!#!This study adds to the current knowledge of intestinal and zoonotic parasite infections of vulnerable to partly endangered free-ranging baleen whales. Only few or no parasitological studies exist for these whale species, usually dealing with only one dead specimen. We call for more research in this field especially for the importance of conservation of free-living marine mammals using non-invasive methods

    Parasite Fauna of the White-Streaked Grouper (Epinephelus ongus) from the Thousand Islands, Java, Indonesia

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    Purpose!#!Fish parasites can cause diseases in humans and lead to commercial losses in fisheries and aquaculture. The objectives of this study were to analyze E. ongus's parasite fauna regarding food safety and parasite transmission risk between Epinephelus species and test whether E.ongus populations can be distinguished by their parasite community.!##!Methods!#!We studied the metazoan parasite fauna of 30 white-streaked groupers Epinephelus ongus from the Thousand Islands, Java Sea, Indonesia, and compared the parasite community with specimens from Karimunjawa archipelago, Java Sea, from a former study. We used common fish parasitological methods for fish examination and parasite calculations.!##!Results!#!We found 12 metazoan parasite species, establishing five new host and five new locality records, increasing the known parasite fauna of E. ongus by 21%. No anisakid worms infected E. ongus. All but one (trematode Gyliauchen cf. nahaensis) species have been previously reported from Epinephelus. Parasite abundance of E. ongus differed significantly between the two regions.!##!Conclusions!#!Due to a certain degree of host specificity to groupers, there is potential risk of parasite transmission from E. ongus into groupers in mariculture or surrounding fishes, which increases (sea) food security related health risks from zoonotic parasites and calls for better monitoring and management plans for E. ongus. The regional separation of the Thousand Islands and Karimunjawa with different food availability and fish ecology causes different parasite abundances, distinguishing two separate E. ongus populations by their parasite fauna

    Fisheries dataset on moulting patterns and shell quality of American lobsters H. americanus in Atlantic Canada

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    Abstract: Monitoring the moulting phenology of American lobsters (Homarus americanus) is important for maintaining sustainable lobster stocks. Changes in lobster landings can affect reproduction and disease susceptibility. Data on lobster moult indicators and on life-history traits (sex, size) were collated from a twelve-year monitoring program (2004–2015) in six lobster fishing areas in Atlantic Canada. A total of 141,659 lobsters were sampled over 1,195 sampling events using a standardized protocol and commercial lobster fishing traps. The dataset contains pleopod stages, estimated hemolymph protein levels (°Brix values) and shell hardness as well as lobster sex and size. Evaluation of sex ratio dynamics is also possible but existing biases in sampling males and females needs to be noted. This dataset is valuable in terms of inferring spatio-temporal trends in the life history of lobsters, as well as in the analysis of their moult cycle, and hence more generally for fisheries science and marine ecology