3 research outputs found

    Exploring Low E-Participation in Policy Making in Ghana: A Case Study of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly

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    The way people interact and collaborate with others in this modern society in terms of business and governance has seen drastic modification. Previously, demographic difference and distances of geographic locations always distance and separated citizen from the government. Fortunately, the emergence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) which has provided online platforms have helped bridged this gap. This study employed explanatory research design coupled with cross sectional and convenient sampling techniques to select a sample size of 219 respondents for the study. Primary and secondary data were used for the research. The study also employed the ordinary least squares multiple regression econometric model in estimating the impact of factors that influence E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana Finally, the study concluded that trust factors have a negative influence on electronic participation in policy making of local government in Ghana and is not statistically significant whereas social factors such as culture and gender inequalities have a positive impact E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana. Technical factors consisting of technological infrastructure and information technology literacy also has a positive impact on E-participation in policy making of local government in Ghana. Keywords: Electronic Participation (E-Participation), Policy Making, Local Government, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-2-01 Publication date: January 31st 2020

    Governance in Higher Education: A Comparative Study on Ghana and China

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    Governance in higher education is one key concern for policy makers on restructuring the higher educational systems all over the world. The concepts of higher education governance often bring conflict between institutions and politicians on issues concerning institutional management. This study examined the concepts of higher education governance based on a comparative study of china and Ghana. The study gave special attention to various reforms on governance, higher education autonomy, funding, higher education law and structure of decision making in both countries. This paper argued that, if government limits its influence on higher education governance and higher education institutions are given a significant level of autonomy to make decision on academic program development and appointment of key positions, it will enable the higher education leaders use their expertise to develop high quality higher education. However, it’s worth mentioning that, this paper does not argue for governmental absence on higher education governance and management; government will continue with policy formulation on higher education. The comparative study is adopted because, china’s higher education has attracted many students from developing countries in Africa and Asia and Ghana as an African country has over ten thousand students pursuing programs at all levels. Higher institutions in Ghana in the past decade have enjoyed good academic relationship with Chinese institutions. Ghana as a middle-income country in the quest to build high quality higher education can learn from the Chinese system. This study will also contribute to literatures in educational governance. Keywords: higher education, governance, autonomy, reforms

    Environmental Issues of Livestock Production in Developing Countries: Need for Government Intervention Using the Truck Based Approach

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    Globally, the natural environment faces a range of unprecedented challenges which are require a well-structured strategic approach in solving it. One of these challenges is the ever-increasing greenhouse gas emission. Currently majority of our daily activities directly or indirectly contributes to greenhouse gas emission. An effort was taken to understand better the principal function of livestock production in the pollution of the natural environment and to ascertain mitigation policies to curb the effects on human life.Theories such as the Enforcement Strategic Theory, Utilitarian Commitment Theory, Deterrence Theory, and the Social factors Commitment Based theory were used in this study. Already processed statistics, policy strategies, laws in economics as well as authors intuitive proposals and ideas were used in this study. It was ascertained that population growth, fluctuating economies, food preferences, and urbanization had imposed pressure on livestock production and the agricultural sector, thereby leading to the release of odor, ammonia, pathogens, excess phosphorus and nitrogen harming the natural environment and also contribute to greenhouse gas emission. A more significant proportion of the growth in crop production is anticipated because of a rise in the demand for livestock feed. It was found that most livestock farmers do not have a well-regulated operation in most developing countries. To reduce or eliminate these effects, the “truck-based approach” was therefore propounded and proposed to enhance the smooth movement of the livestock droppings to either the crop farm or to the processing house or to the storage room to reduce or prevent unnecessary dumping. Keywords: Livestock Production, Environmental Issues, Green House Gas, Truck Based Approach, Government Regulation, and Developing Countries. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-22-04 Publication date: November 30th 202