1 research outputs found

    An Improved Integrity-Based Hybrid Multi-User Data Access Control for Cloud Heterogeneous Supply Chain Databases

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    Cloud-based supply chain applications play a vital role in the multi-user data security framework for heterogeneous data types. The majority of the existing security models work effectively on small to medium-sized datasets with a homogenous data structure. In contrast, Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems in the real world utilize heterogeneous databases. The heterogeneous databases include a massive quantity of raw SCM data and a scanned image of a purchase quotation. In addition, as the size of the database grows, it becomes more challenging to provide data security on multi-user SCM databases. Multi-user datatypes are heterogeneous in structure, and it is complex to apply integrity and confidentiality models due to high computational time and resources. Traditional multi-user integrity algorithms are difficult to process heterogeneous datatypes due to computational time and variation in hash bit size. Conventional attribute-based encryption models such as "Key-policy attribute-based encryption" (KP-ABE), "Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption" (CP-ABE) etc., are used to provide strong data confidentiality on large textual data. Providing security for heterogeneous databases in a multi-user SCM system requires a significant computational runtime for these conventional models. An enhanced integrity-based multi-user access control security model is created for heterogeneous databases in the cloud infrastructure to address the problems with heterogeneous SCM databases. A non-linear integrity model is developed to provide strong integrity verification in the multi-user communication process. A multi-user based access control model is implemented by integrating the multi-user hash values in the encoding and decoding process. Practical results proved that the multi-user non-linear integrity-based multi-access control framework has better runtime and hash bit variation compared to the conventional models on large cloud-based SCM databases