254 research outputs found

    Identification and Characterization of a Novel Polysaccharide Deacetylase C (PdaC) from Bacillus subtilis

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    Cell wall metabolism and cell wall modification are very important processes that bacteria use to adjust to various environmental conditions. One of the main modifications is deacetylation of peptidoglycan. The polysaccharide deacetylase homologue, Bacillus subtilis YjeA (renamed PdaC), was characterized and found to be a unique deacetylase. The pdaC deletion mutant was sensitive to lysozyme treatment, indicating that PdaC acts as a deacetylase. The purified recombinant and truncated PdaC from Escherichia coli deacetylated B. subtilis peptidoglycan and its polymer, (-GlcNAc-MurNAc[-L-Ala-D-Glu]-)(n). Surprisingly, RP-HPLC and ESI-MS/MS analyses showed that the enzyme deacetylates N-acetylmuramic acid (MurNAc) not GlcNAc from the polymer. Contrary to Streptococcus pneumoniae PgdA, which shows high amino acid sequence similarity with PdaC and is a zinc-dependent GlcNAc deacetylase toward peptidoglycan, there was less dependence on zinc ion for deacetylation of peptidoglycan by PdaC than other metal ions (Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+). The kinetic values of the activity toward B. subtilis peptidoglycan were K-m = 4.8 mM and k(cat) = 0.32 s(-1). PdaC also deacetylated N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) oligomers with a K-m = 12.3 mM and k(cat) = 0.24 s(-1) toward GlcNAc(4). Therefore, PdaC has GlcNAc deacetylase activity toward GlcNAc oligomers and MurNAc deacetylase activity toward B. subtilis peptidoglycan.ArticleJOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 287(13):9765-9776 (2012)journal articl

    Clinical Study in 11 Cases of Endobronchial Foreign Body

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    We report 11 cases of endobronchial foreign body. From January 1982 through December 1994, a total of 11 cases were diagnosed roentogenographically and bronchoscopically at our hospital. These patients consisted of 10 men and 1 woman with a mean age of 58.5 years (range 33 to 77 years). Symptoms on presenting were usually cough, sputum, or chest pain. The foreign bodies were inorganic in 10 cases and of organic origin in 1 case. Three patients were not aware that they had aspirated a foreign body. In 9 patients, the endobronchial foreign bodies were successfully removed endoscopically. One patient spontaneously expectorated the foreign body before bronchoscopy. One patient underwent thoracotomy because the foreign body could not be removed bronchoscopically. There were no severe complications during or after the endoscopic removal of the foreign bodies, but in one patient extraction of the foreign body caused pneumonia after bronchoscopy. In conclusion, flexible bronchoscopy is useful for the diagnosis and treatment of endobronchial foreign bodies

    Gliosarcoma arising from a fibrillary astrocytoma

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    We report a 67-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a gliosarcoma at a second operation after diagnosis of a fibrillary astrocytoma 5 months previously. Initially, she underwent a CT-guided stereotactic biopsy. Histological examination showed fibrillary astrocytoma (World Health Organization [WHO] grade II). Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on 1 p, 10q, and 19q was not detected. She received chemotherapy, but no radiotherapy. Five months after the biopsy, MRI revealed rapid tumor growth. Tissue obtained from partial removal of the tumor revealed gliosarcoma (WHO grade IV), and LOH on 10q and 19q was detected. The history, histopathology, and genetic alterations of this patient are discussed.ArticleJOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 18(9):1251-1254 (2011)journal articl

    Interferon-α suppresses hepatitis B virus enhancer II activity via the protein kinase C pathway

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    AbstractHBV has two enhancer (En) regions each of which promotes its own transcription. En II regulates production of pregenomic RNA, a key product of HBV replication, more strongly than En I. Although IFN-α has been found to suppress En I activity, its effect on En II activity has not been examined. Here we used luciferase assay to demonstrate that IFN-α suppresses En II activity. Analysis with several deletion/mutation constructs identified two major segments, nt 1703–1727 and nt 1746–1770, within the En II sequence as being responsible for the suppressive effects of IFN-α. Pre-treatment with protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors blocked this effect regardless of the expression levels of phospho-STAT1 and Mx upon IFN-α stimulation. These results indicate that IFN-α suppresses En II activity via the PKC pathway, which may be an alternative suppressive pathway for HBV replication. (136 words)

    Neural Mechanism of Altered Limb Perceptions Caused by Temporal Sensorimotor Incongruence

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    Previous studies have demonstrated that patients with strokes or pathological pain suffer distorted limb ownership and an inability to perceive their affected limbs as a part of their bodies. These disturbances are apparent in experiments showing time delays between motor commands and visual feedback. The experimental paradigm manipulating temporal delay is considered possible to clarify, in detail, the degree of altered limb perception, peculiarity and movement disorders that are caused by temporal sensorimotor incongruence. However, the neural mechanisms of these body perceptions, peculiarity and motor control remain unknown. In this experiment, we used exact low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (eLORETA) with independent component analysis (ICA) to clarify the neural mechanisms of altered limb perceptions caused by temporal sensorimotor incongruence. Seventeen healthy participants were recruited, and temporal sensorimotor incongruence was systematically evoked using a visual feedback delay system. Participants periodically extended their right wrists while viewing video images of their hands that were delayed by 0, 150, 250, 350 and 600 ms. To investigate neural mechanisms, altered limb perceptions were then rated using the 7-point Likert scale and brain activities were concomitantly examined with electroencephalographic (EEG) analyses using eLORETA-ICA. These experiments revealed that peculiarities are caused prior to perceptions of limb loss and heaviness. Moreover, we show that supplementary motor and parietal association areas are involved in changes of peculiarity, limb loss, heaviness and movement accuracy due to temporal sensorimotor incongruence. We suggest that abnormalities in these areas contribute to neural mechanisms that modify altered limb perceptions and movement accuracy

    Controlling oxygen coordination and valence of network forming cations

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    Understanding the structure-property relationship of glass material is still challenging due to a lack of periodicity in disordered materials. Here, we report the properties and atomic structure of vanadium phosphate glasses characterized by reverse Monte Carlo modelling based on neutron/synchrotron X-ray diffraction and EXAFS data, supplemented by Raman and NMR spectroscopy. In vanadium-rich glass, the water durability, thermal stability and hardness improve as the amount of P2O5 increases, and the network former of the glass changes from VOx polyhedra to the interplay between VOx polyhedra and PO4 tetrahedra. We find for the first time that the coordination number of oxygen atoms around a V4+ is four, which is an unusually small coordination number, and plays an important role for water durability, thermal stability and hardness. Furthermore, we show that the similarity between glass and crystal beyond the nearest neighbour distance is important for glass properties. These results demonstrate that controlling the oxygen coordination and valence of the network-forming cation is necessary for designing the properties of glass

    Topological 2-form Gravity in Four Dimensions

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    A kind of topological field theory is proposed as a candidate to describe the global structure of the 2-form Einstein gravity with or without a cosmological constant. Indeed in the former case, we show that a quantum state in the candidate gives an exact solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. The BRST quantization based on the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky (BFV) formalism is carried out for this topological version of the 2-form Einstein gravity.Comment: 15 page