29 research outputs found

    Recognizing and Tackling Inhaler Technique Decay in Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disesase (COPD) Clinical Practice

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    A poor inhaler technique continues to represent a substantial barrier to effective asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management. It can result in perceived lack of treatment effectiveness even with apparent adherence to a prescribed regimen of inhaled maintenance therapies, potentially resulting in an unnecessary change or escalation of treatment. Many patients are not trained to inhaler mastery in real-world practice; furthermore, even where mastery is initially achieved, an ongoing assessment and education are seldom maintained. In this review, we present an overview of the evidence for deterioration of the inhaler technique over time after training, investigate the factors that contribute to this deterioration, and explore innovative approaches to addressing the problem. We also propose steps forward drawn from the literature and our clinical insights.</p

    The Long-term Burden of COPD Exacerbations during Maintenance Therapy and Lung Function Decline

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    Data Sharing Statement The dataset supporting the conclusions of this article was derived from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (www.cprd.com) and the Optimum Patient Care Research Database (www.opcrd.co.uk). The CPRD has broad National Research Ethics Service Committee (NRES) ethics approval for purely observational research using the primary care data and established data linkages. The OPCRD has ethical approval from the National Health Service (NHS) Research Authority to hold and process anonymized research data (Research Ethics Committee reference: 15/EM/0150). This study was approved by the Anonymized Data Ethics Protocols and Transparency (ADEPT) committee ā€“ the independent scientific advisory committee for the OPCRD, and the Independent Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) for the CPRD. The authors do not have permission to give public access to the study dataset; researchers may request access to CPRD or OPCRD data for their own purposes. Access to CPRD can be made via the CPRD website (https://www.cprd.com/researcher/) or via the inquiries email [email protected]. Access to OCPRD can be made via the OCPRD website (https://opcrd.co.uk/our-database/data-requests/) or via the inquiries email [email protected]. Funding This study is funded by AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca participated in the study design and reporting.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Comparison of adverse events associated with different spacers used with non-extrafine beclometasone dipropionate for asthma

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    The authors would like to extend their acknowledgement to Dr. Antony Hardjojo for proof-reading this manuscript. This study is funded by Chiesi Limited. All relevant data are within the paper and the supporting information files. The dataset supporting the conclusions of this article was derived from the UK Optimum Patient Care Research Database (www.opcrd.co.uk). We do not have permission to give public access to these databases; however, researchers may request access for their own purposes. Request for access to OCPRD can be made via the OCPRD website (https://opcrd.co.uk/our-database/data-requests/) or via the enquiries email [email protected] reviewedPublisher PD

    Diagnostic Performance of a Machine Learning Algorithm (Asthma/Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [COPD] Differentiation Classification) Tool Versus Primary Care Physicians and Pulmonologists in Asthma, COPD, and Asthma/COPD Overlap

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    Funding The study was funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, United States. Acknowledgement The studies were funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, United States. Under the direction of authors, Rabi Panigrahy, Preethi B and Ian Wright (professional medical writers; Novartis) assisted in the preparation of this article in accordance with the third edition of Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines (http://www.ismpp.org/gpp3)Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Effectiveness, usability and acceptability of a smart inhaler programme in patients with asthma:protocol of the multicentre, pragmatic, open-label, cluster randomised controlled ACCEPTANCE trial

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    Introduction Suboptimal asthma control is associated with incorrect inhaler use and poor medication adherence, which could lead to unfavourable clinical and economic outcomes. Smart inhaler programmes using electronic monitoring devices (EMDs) could support self-management and increase medication adherence and asthma control. However, evidence on long-term benefits and acceptability is scarce. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of a smart inhaler asthma self-management programme on medication adherence and clinical outcomes in adults with uncontrolled asthma, to evaluate its acceptability and to identify subgroups who would benefit most based on patient characteristics.Methods and analysis This open-label cluster randomised controlled trial of 12 months will be conducted in primary care in the Netherlands. General practices will be randomly assigned to either intervention or control group. We aim to include 242 patients. The intervention consists of (1) an EMD attached to the patientā€™s inhaler that measures medication use; (2) a smartphone application to set medication reminders, receive motivational messages and track asthma symptoms; and (3) a portal for healthcare professionals to view data on medication use. The control group is passively monitored by the EMD but cannot view their inhaler data or receive feedback. Eligible patients are adults with suboptimal controlled asthma (Asthma Control Questionnaire score ā‰„0.75) with evidence of non-adherence established by the EMD during a 6-week run-in period. Primary outcome is the difference in mean medication adherence between intervention and control group. Secondary outcomes include asthma control, asthma-related quality of life, exacerbations, acceptance, cost-effectiveness and whether the effect of the intervention on medication adherence and asthma control is modified by patient characteristics (eg, self-efficacy, medication beliefs and eHealth literacy).Trial registration numberNL7854

    Does mixing inhaler devices lead to unchecked inhaler technique errors in patients with COPD? : Findings from the cross-sectional observational MISMATCH study

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    Funding Information: The members of the MISMATCH study group would like to acknowledge Titia Klemmeijer (founder of the IMIS foundation; 'Inhalatie Medicatie Instruction School') for her assistance in formulating the list of additional errors, and Chantal Arling, Thomas le Rutte & Landy Torre for their time and efforts to perform the reassessments of the video recordings. Finally, they would like to thank the participants who generously gave their time to participate in the PIFotal study and provided informed consent to use their video/data for future research. This work was supported by Chiesi Pharmaceuticals. The PIFotal study was cofunded by Boehringer Ingelheim.Peer reviewe