219 research outputs found

    Sharp Decline in Income for Non-Citizen Immigrant Households, 2006-2007

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    Uses Census Bureau data to examine trends in the median income of non-citizen immigrant households. Looks at which households are most acutely affected, in terms of race/ethnicity, region of origin, education, profession, and other demographics, and why

    Latino Labor Report, First Quarter, 2004: Wage Growth Lags Gains in Employment

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    Tracks the labor market trends for Hispanics from the first quarter of 2003 to the first quarter of 2004. Examines job gains by citizens and non-citizens nationally, and explores the political impact of the employment picture

    The Demographics of the Jobs Recovery: Employment Gains by Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Nativity

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    Analyzes percentage change in employment from 2009 to 2011 by race/ethnicity, nativity, gender, and industry, as well as trends in job growth relative to population growth

    Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: The Latino Experience in the Recession and Recovery

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    Documents trends in the labor market experience of Hispanic workers during the 2000-2003 recession and extended period of slow recovery. Compares the experience of Hispanic workers with that of non-Hispanic workers

    Latino Workers in the Ongoing Recession: 2007 to 2008

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    Examines changes in the labor market data for native-born and immigrant Hispanics/Latinos from the third quarter of 2007 through the third quarter of 2008. Analyzes the impact of the recession on the labor force participation rate, employment, and wages

    Unemployment Rises Sharply Among Latino Immigrants in 2008

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    Analyzes trends in the employment data of foreign-born Latinos/Hispanics between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the fourth quarter of 2008. Explores the recession's impact on immigrants compared with U.S.-born Latinos/Hispanics and other groups

    Latino Labor Report, 2003: Strong but Uneven Gains in Employment

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    Reviews the monthly trends in the major labor market indicators for Hispanics since January 2000. Analyzes changes in Hispanic employment and wages during 2003, and examines changes in employment by selected characteristics of Hispanic workers

    After the Great Recession: Foreign Born Gain Jobs; Native Born Lose Jobs

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    Compares labor market outcomes -- including unemployment, labor participation rates, and earnings -- between June 2009 and June 2010 by race/ethnicity and industry. Explores underlying factors such as flexibility, volatility, and demographic tr

    Latino Labor Report, 2008: Construction Reverses Job Growth for Latinos

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    Analyzes labor market data for native-born and immigrant Hispanics/Latinos from the first quarter of 2007 through the first quarter of 2008, as well as long-term trends since 2000. Examines unemployment and labor participation rates and weekly earnings

    The Wealth of Hispanic Households: 1996 - 2002

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    Focuses on Hispanic households from 1996 to 2002 to determine the effect of the 2001 recession and jobless recovery on the net worth of minority households. Looks at the recent increase in the wealth gap between whites and Hispanics
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