5 research outputs found

    Acid-base balance and electrolytes for athletic horses

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    Doğada vücutlarını terleme yolu ile serinleten iki tür bilinmektedir. Bunlar, atlar ve insanlardır. Tek tırnaklıların teri hipertonik olduğu için, uzun süreli egzersiz büyük miktarda elektrolit kaybı ile sonuçlanır. Egzersiz, asit-baz dengesi ile yakın ilişkilidir. Antrenman yapan atlar, hem laktik asit birikimi nedeni ile metabolik asidozise, hem de hızlı solunuma bağlı olarak kan CO2 seviyesinin düşmesi nedeni ile solunum alkolozisine meyillidirler. Bu durum, atın performansını sınırlayabilir ve aşırı durumlarda sıcak vurması gibi öldürücü koşullar ortaya çıkabilir. Bu makalenin amacı, yarış atları için sıvı ve elektrolit katkıları hakkında önerilerde bulunmaktır. Sıvı ve elektrolit yetersizliklerinin miktarı, asit-baz dengesinde meydana gelen yeme bağlı değişiklikler ve uygulamalar tartışılmıştır.Horses and humans are the only species known to cool their bodies primarily through evaporation of sweat. As equine sweat is hypertonic, prolonged exercise results in large electrolyte loses. Exercise, is also associated with changes in acid-base status. Exercising horses often show a tendency to both metabolic acidosis, due to the accumulation of lactate, and respiratory alkalosis, as a consequence of hyperventilation. This may limit the horse’s performance and, in extreme cases, result in potentially fatal conditions such as heat stroke. The aim of this article has been to provide recommendations on fluid and electrolyte supplementation for equine athletes. The quantitation of fluid and electrolyte deficits, implementation of treatments and dietary induced modification of the acid-base status are discussed

    Recent advances in the nutrition of athletic horses

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    Yarış atlarının beslenmesine ilişkin bilgiler son on yıldır önemli ölçüde artış göstermiştir. Bu süre içerisinde, araştırmacılar dünyada yarış atlarının beslenmesi ve egzersiz fizyolojisi üzerine yüzlerce araştırma yürütmüşlerdir. Bununla beraber, bu konuda birçok farklı görüş belirmiştir. Bir atın besin gereksinimleri aktivitesine ya da beklenen performansına göre değişir. Ağırlık ve hayvanda istenen vücut kondüsyonu da gereksinimleri etkiler. Yaşama payı rasyonu ergin bir atın normal çevre koşullarında, hiç bir egzersiz yapmadığı durumda ağırlığını ya da kondüsyon derecesini koruyan rasyondur. Egzersiz enerji gereksinimini yükseltir. İşin yoğunluk ve süresine bağlı olarak enerji gereksinimi yaşama payının % 25, % 50 veya % 100 üzerine çıkabilir. Spor atlarının performansını geliştirmeyi amaçlayan bir çok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmaların çoğu yarışta daha iyi bir performans elde edilmesinde ya da yorgunluğun ortaya çıkış süresinin uzatılmasında istatistiksel yönden önemli bir farklılık oluşturmamıştır. Bununla birlikte yarışlardaki performansın sadece zaman olarak ölçülmediğinin, bazen de sonucun boy hatta burun farkı ile belirlendiğinin unutulmaması gerekir. Bu nedenle atın bireysel performansını etkileyebilecek beslenmeyle ilgili her uygulama önemli olabilir. Bu derleme, yarış atlarında beslenme prensiplerini ve performansı artırmak amacı ile kullanılan yem katkı maddelerini konu almaktadır.The knowledge of athletic horses nutrition has increased dramatically in the last decade. During this time, research groups around the world have conducted hundreds of experiments on athletic horses nutrition and exercise physiology. However, numerous conflicting reports persist. The nutrient requirement for a horse depends on the activity or function the horse is expected to perform. The weight and the desired body condition of an animal also affect the requirements. A maintenance ration is that on which a mature idle horse will maintain normal weight, or condition score under average climate conditions while doing nothing. Work causes the energy requirement to increase. As the intensity or duration of the work increases from light to moderate to intense, the requirements for energy increase 25%, 50%, and 100% above maintenance, respectively. A lot of research has been directed at attempts to improve performance of the equine athletes. Many of the studies did not show statistically significant improvements in race times or increased time to fatigue. However, it must be remembered that success in racing performances is not always measured in time, but by comparative lengths or even by a nose. Therefore, any nutritional practices that have a change to enhance an individual horse’s performance become significant. This review is directed toward knowledge on the effect of nutrition on the performance and the feed additives to improve performance in the equine athletes

    Influence of Diet Type on Oral Health of Dogs

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    Canine dietary requirements and nutritional habits have changed since dogs were first domesticated. Therefore, periodontal diseases (PD) are the most common problem affecting dogs in all age groups. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between diet type and oral health of dogs examined in veterinary clinic. To reveal the association between nutrition and oral health, two trials were held at the same veterinary practice in Istanbul-Turkey during 2016 and 2018. For the first trial; data coming from 100 patients examined, pre-determined questionnaire forms were filled by the owners. For the second trial, 106 dogs that came to the clinic during 2018 were examined by veterinarians for oral health and a form was filled out for each patients. It was determined that most of dogs (Trial 1: 82.0%; Trial 2: 71.7%) were fed dry food and also most of dogs older than 4 years had oral health problems (P<0.05). No statistically significant association was determined between oral health and type of diet, gender, and home dental care in Trial 1. Also, it was observed that oral problems in dogs fed once a day were significantly fewer than those in dogs fed two or more times a day (P<0.05). However, in Trial 2, statistically significant association was determined between PD and age, type of diet, oral health (P<0.05). These results suggest that oral health problems are more likely to be seen in older animals and feeding dogs with dry food decreases the occurrence of PD

    Determination of the mineral levels of feedstuffs in the Marmara region and their relation to nutritional disorders in sheep

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    This study was carried out in the Marmara region, which is known as one of the regions where animal husbandry is most developed in Turkey. The aim of the study was to determine and collect data on the mineral contents of forages and feedstuffs that are harvested and used in animal nutrition in the region. A further aim was to determine the blood mineral levels of sheep in order to gain information on the mineral insufficiency and/or excess mineral levels in sheep, which are fed mainly with these feedstuffs. Fifty-five different locations in 11 provinces within the whole of the Marmara region, where sheep farming is a common practice, were selected for this study. All locations were visited twice during the study, in autumn (November-December) and in spring (May-June), to collect samples in order to determine the effect of seasonal changes on the mineral contents of forages and the blood mineral levels of sheep. In each location, samples from the available forage and blood samples of 5-6 sheep were collected. Forage and the blood samples were analyzed in order to determine the Ca, P, Mg, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn levels. Spectrophotometric analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometer were used to determine the level of phosphorus and other minerals in forage samples, respectively. Blood samples were analyzed for their Ca, Pi and Mg levels using a colorimetric autoanalyzer and K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn levels using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Collected data are shown in the tables in terms of the average of the Marmara region as well as on a province basis for the forage, and on a province basis for the blood samples. Results of this study show that there are variations in the mineral contents of forage amongst the provinces. as well as amongst various locations within the same province. Seasonal changes are also shown to have an effect on mineral contents of forage. Excess or insufficient mineral levels in forage bring about no clinical signs of a disease in sheep of the same particular region. in light of the data collected in this study, it is clear that preventive measures can be taken to avoid some performance losses in sheep in the region