391 research outputs found

    Framing Invisible Things

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    Performance and effectiveness of one-pass data compression algorithms.

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    Sparse Simultaneous Signal Detection With Applications in Genomics

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    Studying complex diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, can lead to the detection of pleiotropic loci with otherwise small effects. Through the detection of pleiotropic loci the genetic architecture of these complex diseases can be better defined, allowing for subsequent improvements in their treatment and prevention efforts. Here, we investigate the genetic relatedness of complex diseases through the detection and quantification of simultaneous disease-associated genetic variants using genome-wide association study (GWAS) data. We propose two max-type statistics, with and without an added level of dependency on the directions of the genetic effects, that globally test whether a pair of complex diseases shares at least one disease-associated genetic variant. The proposed global tests are based on the simultaneity of complex disease-associated genetic variants, allowing for the determination of exact p-values from a permutation distribution assuming independence. While an independence assumption is often imposed on genetic variants, we propose a perturbation procedure for evaluating the statistical significance of one of the proposed global tests, preserving the inherent dependency structure among genetic variants. We extend that global test beyond the detection of genetic relatedness at identical genetic variants to the detection of genetic relatedness within dependency-defined windows across the genome. With the proposed methods we identify pairs of pediatric autoimmune diseases (pAIDs) that exhibit evidence of genetic sharing, such as Crohn\u27s disease and ulcerative colitis. We then characterize the detected genetic sharing between a pair of complex diseases through the quantification of shared disease-associated genetic variants using GWAS data. We develop a quantification measure as a function of standardized variant effect sizes, adjusted for the total number of genetic variants and varied GWAS sample size. The quantification measure acts as an estimate of the genetic correlation among shared disease-associated genetic variants. We use a bootstrapping procedure to estimate the properties of our quantification measure. In applying the developed measure to pAID GWAS we observe similar trends in relatedness among pAIDs pairs

    Residential Foreclosures\u27 Impact on Nearby Single-Family Residential Properties;a New Approach to the Spatial and Temporal Dimensions

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    This dissertation analyzes the impact that foreclosures have on neighboring property values. It focuses on foreclosures\u27 impact based upon face blocks, not straight-line distances and it also incorporates time and the use of spatial statistics. Findings from this study show that properties in the foreclosure process longer have a greater negative impact on nearby property values than properties with more recent foreclosure filings. The first negative impact is not seen until a year after the filing. Therefore, policy responses need to be as swift as possible in preventing any negative impact on neighboring property values and should not focus on extending the length of time a property is in foreclosur

    Parental Adherence to a Research Protocol to Investigate the Effect of the Wilbarger Therapressure ProgramTM: A Qualitative Study

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    Background: The Wilbarger Therapressure ProgramTM is a technique applied by parents at home for sensory overresponsivity in children. The program is anecdotally reported to be demanding on parents, which can affect parental adherence. Currently, there is an absence of high quality research to support the use of the program. This pilot study aimed at developing appropriate research protocols to investigate the effectiveness of the program on the stress response of children with sensory overresponsivity. This article reports on the second phase of the project. Method: After participating in the trial data collection protocols to investigate the effect of the intervention, five participants participated in semi-structured interviews that sought to obtain their perceptions on the data collection protocols and explore their adherence to the protocols. Results: The participants acknowledged the demanding nature of involvement in the study; however, participant adherence was high. The participants were motivated to be involved and to contribute to the intervention outcomes and the research. The participants described the aspects that influenced their adherence. Conclusion: The participants provided suggestions for future, larger studies


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    Kurikulum yang digunakan SMK sudah seharusnya mengacu dengan apa yang ada didalam Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI). Secara kompetensi kadang ada perbedaan antara apa yang ada dalam Kurikulum dengan yang ada dalam Standar tersebut. Penelitian ini pertama bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi dasar yang diajarkan di SMK Se-Bandung Raya, kompetensi keahlian Mekatronika mata pelajaran Teknik Kontrol Sistem Mekatronika, kedua yaitu mengetahui kompetensi dasar mana yang sesuai dengan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI), dan yang ketiga mengetahui kesenjangan antara kompetensi dasar di sekolah dengan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Mix Method Kualitatif Desktiptif dengan menggunakan metode perhitungan persentase Recall. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kompetensi Dasar Mata pelajaran Teknik Kontrol Sistem Mekatronika SMKN 1 Cimahi dan SMKN 2 Cimahi sudah 100% tersampaikan kepada siswa, akan tetapi SMK Karya Bhakti PUSDIKPAL Cimahi terutama pada aspek psikomotor yang diajarkan hanya 87%, 13% nya terdapat aspek psikomotor pada Kompetensi Dasar 4.41 sampai 4.46. Perhitungan tiga variable, rata – rata bagi Aspek Kognitif meliputi Variabel Elemen Kompetensi Unjuk Kerja (40,84% kategori lemah), Batasan Variabel (42,23% kategori cukup), Pengetehuan Keterampilan Penunjang (50% kategori cukup) , bagi Aspek Psikomotor meliputi Variabel Elemen Kompetensi Unjuk Kerja (40,84%, kategori lemah), Batasan Variabel (42,23% kategori cukup), Pengetahuan Keterampilan Penunjang (47,1%, kategori cukup). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari hasil gap yang ada inilah yang harus dipertimbangkan bagi pihak sekolah terutama pada aspek kompetensi yang tercantum di Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia untuk dapat menjalankan kompetensi pada standar yang ada dengan baik, sehingga kompetensi siswa SMK dapat berkembang dan memiliki daya saing yang tinggi. The curriculum used by Vocational High School should refer to what is in the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI). In terms of competence, sometimes there are differences between what is in the curriculum and what is in the standard. This study first aims to determine the basic competencies taught at Vocational High School throughout Bandung Raya, the competence of Mechatronics expertise in the Mechatronics System Control Technique subject, the second is to find out which basic competencies are in accordance with the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI), and the third to know the gaps. between basic competencies in schools with the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI). This study used a descriptive qualitative mix method using the method of calculating the percentage of recall. The results showed that the basic competencies of the Mechatronics System Control Engineering Subject at SMKN 1 Cimahi and SMKN 2 Cimahi were 100% conveyed to students, but SMK Karya Bhakti PUSDIKPAL Cimahi, especially in the psychomotor aspects taught only 87%, 13% of which there are psychomotor aspects in Basic Competence 4.41 to 4.46. The calculation of three variables, the average for the Cognitive Aspects includes the Variable Element of Work Performance Competence (40.84% weak category), Variable Limits (42.23% sufficient category), Knowledge of Supporting Skills (50% sufficient category), for Psychomotor Aspects includes Variable Elements of Performance Competency (40.84%, weak category), Variable Limits (42.23% sufficient category), Knowledge of Supporting Skills (47.1%, sufficient category). It can be concluded that from the results of the existing gap, the school must consider the competence aspects listed in the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards to be able to carry out competencies in existing standards properly, so that the competence of SMK students can develop and have high competitiveness


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    Abstract The Public Works Service of Gorontalo Province still confronts a problem, i.e., unavailability of the evaluation of maturity level measurement of information technology performance. Thus, its loss towards the development of information technology information in the aforementioned provincial service will be slow. This present study aimed to find out the maturity level of information technology performance and to provide a recommendation in terms of performance betterment to improve information technology performance in the Public Works Service of Gorontalo Province. Cobit 4.1 Framework was used on account of its function as a supporting tool featuring the most appropriate scope of discussion from the aspect of research needs. One of which was to measure the performance of service delivery to be more beneficial in information technology management by applying DS (Delivery and Support) and ME (Monitoring Evaluation) domains. It was indicated that the performance maturity level in the site area had not arrived at the expected value. For such reasons, it was expected that the evaluation of information technology performance measurement could serve as the source of information. This research suggested the provincial service to enhance its information technology performance. Keywords: Governance Evalution; Information Technology Performance; Cobit 4.1 Framework; DS and ME Domains

    Interprofessional collaboration within teams comprised of health and other professionals: a systematic review of measurement tools and their psychometric properties

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    Background and Purpose: Measuring collaboration within interprofessional teams allows professionals to evaluate their practice, set benchmarks and improve outcomes. In the context of healthcare, most research has focused on teams comprised solely of health professionals, with limited attention given to collaboration between health and other professionals. Given the escalating complexities of healthcare, and the growing need for interprofessional collaborative practice involving team members external to health care, this represents a considerable gap in the literature. Therefore, the purpose of this review was to identify tools that measure collaboration within interprofessional teams comprised of members from health and other disciplines, and evaluate their psychometric properties. This review focused on the area of children’s services, to assist professionals working in this area with their collaborative practice. Methods: A systematic search including nineteen electronic databases was conducted. Eleven articles (describing ten tools) were identified for inclusion and were critically appraised. Results: Overall, it was found that few psychometrically sound tools exist for more diverse professional groups working together. The PINCOM-Q was found to be the most appropriate tool for the context of children’s services, and with the highest critical appraisal score, as reported. Conclusions: Recommendations are made for further development of existing tools before practical implementation. Further research could develop new and innovative tools to accommodate the evolving composition of future interprofessional teams

    Learning data-derived vehicle motion models for use in localisation and mapping

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    Various solutions to the Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) problem have been proposed over the last 20 years. In particular, extending the fundamental solution of the SLAM problem has attracted a great deal of attention. Most extensions address shortcomings such as data association, computational complexity and improving predictions of a vehicle’s state. However, nearly all SLAM implementations still depend on analytical models to provide estimates for state transitions. Learning data-derived non-analytical models for use during localisation and mapping provides an alternative that could significantly improve estimates and increase the flexibility of models. A methodology to learn motion models without knowledge of the higher-order dynamics is therefore proposed using tapped delay-line neural networks (TDL-NN). Incorporating the learned Nth-order Markov model into a recursive Bayesian estimator requires that the learned model be assumed independent of the transitional model, forming a black box estimator. Both real-world and simulated training data were evaluated, along with changes to the input data’s format, to determine the best vehicle motion predictor. Furthermore, an evaluation methodology is defined to asses how well the models could learn each motion type. A comprehensive analysis of the one-forward prediction using various statistical measures was used to determine the most appropriate metric. The methodology evaluated the predictions at different levels of depth, providing supplementary information on the type of motions that are learnable. Outcomes of the experiments revealed that inherently learning a vehicle’s dynamics cannot be achieved using TDL-NNs. Currently the best that such an approach can learn is the delta between the vehicle’s states. Consequently, modifications are required to the learning algorithms as well as the input data’s format that will force the strategies to learn the higher-order dynamics.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2018.Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringMEngUnrestricte
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