384 research outputs found

    Burden of Human Papillomavirus among Haitian Immigrants in Miami, Florida: Community-Based Participatory Research in Action

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    Background. Haitian immigrant women residing in Little Haiti, a large ethnic enclave in Miami-Dade County, experience the highest cervical cancer incidence rates in South Florida. While this disparity primarily reflects lack of access to screening with cervical cytology, the burden of human papillomavirus (HPV) which causes virtually all cases of cervical cancer worldwide, varies by population and may contribute to excess rate of disease. Our study examined the prevalence of oncogenic and nononcogenic HPV types and risk factors for HPV infection in Little Haiti. Methods. As part of an ongoing community-based participatory research initiative, community health workers recruited study participants between 2007 and 2008, instructed women on self-collecting cervicovaginal specimens, and collected sociodemographic and healthcare access data. Results. Of the 242 women who contributed adequate specimens, the overall prevalence of HPV was 20.7%, with oncogenic HPV infections (13.2% of women) outnumbering nononcogenic infections (7.4%). Age-specific prevalence of oncogenic HPV was highest in women 18–30 years (38.9%) although the prevalence of oncogenic HPV does not appear to be elevated relative to the general U.S. population. The high prevalence of oncogenic types in women over 60 years may indicate a substantial number of persistent infections at high risk of progression to precancer

    Prestripping section of the MILAC accelerator based on the principle of alternating-phase focusing with the moving bunch center

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    The main task facing the personnel of the linear accelerator of multicharged ions (MILAC) at the NSC KIPT was carrying out the fundamental investigations in the field of nuclear physics and material engineering

    Lung cancer survival among Florida male firefighters

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    IntroductionLung cancer is a leading cause of cancer incidence and death in the United States. Although most firefighters are fit and do not smoke, they are exposed to many known carcinogens during and in the aftermath of firefighting activities. Comprehensive epidemiologic investigations on lung cancer survival for both career and volunteer firefighters have not been undertaken.MethodsData from the Florida Cancer Data System (1981–2014) were linked with firefighter certification records from the Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office to identify all patients of this occupational group; lung cancer cause-specific survival data were compared with other occupational groups using Cox regression models with occupation as the main effect. Adjusted hazard ratios (aHR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated.ResultsOut of 210,541 male lung cancer cases diagnosed in Florida (1981–2014), 761 were firefighters (604 career, 157 volunteer). Lung cancer death was similar between volunteer (75.2%) and career firefighters (74.0%) but lower than non-firefighters (80.0%). Survival at 5 years was higher among firefighters (29.7%; career: 30.3%; volunteer: 27.4%) than non-firefighters (23.8%). In a multivariable model, compared with non-firefighters, firefighters have significantly higher cause-specific survival (aHR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.77–0.91; p < 0.001). However, there were no significant survival differences between career and volunteer firefighters (1.14; 0.93–1.39; p = 0.213). In a separate multivariable model with firefighters as the comparator, other broad occupational groups had significantly lower cause-specific survival [white collar: 1.11 (1.02–1.21); blue collar: 1.15 (1.05–1.25); service: 1.13 (1.03–1.25); others/unknown: 1.21 (1.12–1.32); all p-values < 0.02].ConclusionLung cancer survival is significantly higher among firefighters compared with non-firefighters, but there is no significant difference between career and volunteer firefighters. Improved survival for firefighters might be due to a healthy worker effect, lower smoking prevalence relative to other worker groups, and possibly superior treatment adherence and compliance. Many firefighters are cross-trained as EMTs/paramedics and possess a level of medical knowledge that may favorably impact treatment engagement and better navigation of complex cancer care

    Radio frequency plasma reactive engine

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    Risk of Cancer Death Among White, Black, and Hispanic Populations in South Florida

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    Background: The cancer burden in South Florida, with a population of more than 6 million with a heavily Hispanic and large Afro-Caribbean population, has not been quantified. Methods: We analyzed 2012–2016 cancer mortality data from South Florida for white, Hispanic, and black populations with disaggregation for Cuban, Puerto Rican, South American, African American, and Afro-Caribbean groups. We calculated cancer site-specific and all-sites combined age-adjusted mortality rates, and we used negative binomial regression to determine mortality rate ratios to compare South Florida’s cancer mortality rates with those of the rest of the nation. Results: We analyzed 53,837 cancer deaths. Per 100,000 population, cancer mortality rates in South Florida were similar among white (173 per 100,000) and black (176 per 100,000) men and among white and black women (133 for both), and they were lowest among Hispanic men (151 per 100,000) and women (93 per 100,000). However, compared with their counterparts nationally, Hispanic residents in South Florida had higher cancer mortality rates, largely driven by Cuban residents, and mortality rates among white and black residents, especially male residents, were substantially lower. Liver cancer rates were high among white and Puerto Rican “baby boomers”; lung cancer mortality was low among all groups except Cuban men; cervical cancer was high among white, black, and Puerto Rican women. Conclusion: Cancer patterns are not monochromatic in all US regions; South Florida is distinctive. Meeting the needs of an aging diverse population presents challenges for all major metropolitan areas. Expanding surveillance, increasing minority participation in clinical trials, and investing in culturally specific community-based health promotion must continue

    Public health practitioners’ perspectives of migrant health in an English region

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    Objectives: Migration is a complex and contested topic of public debate. Professionals working in public health must negotiate this politicised complexity, yet few studies examine the perspectives and practices of public health professionals in relation to migrant health. This study seeks to redress this by exploring how migrant health is conceptualised and addressed by public health professionals after a key transitional point in the reorganisation of public health in England and the public vote for the UK to leave the EU. Study design: Qualitative in-depth exploratory study Methods: Ten interviews and one focus group were conducted with 14 public health professionals’ working at Public Health England (PHE) or local authorities in an English region. Recordings were transcribed and thematic analysis was conducted. Results: Professionals viewed migrant health mainly through a health inequalities lens; migrants were considered vulnerable and their health often determined by wider social issues. This influenced public health professionals’ perceived ability to affect change. Public health professionals were greatly influenced by the societal, policy and institutional, post-Brexit vote context in England, describing a nervousness around addressing migrant health. At an institutional level, public health professionals described a sense that migrant health was not prioritised. It was considered ‘too hard’ and complex, especially with shrinking resources and highly politicised social narratives. Consequently, migrant health was often not directly addressed in current practice. The gaps identified by public health professionals were: lack of knowledge of health needs and cultural difference; lack of access to appropriate training; lack of cultural diversity within the public health workforce; and concerns about meaningful community engagement. Conclusions: These findings raise concerns about public health professionals’ ability to address the health needs of migrants living in England. The gaps highlighted require further and deeper examination across relevant organisations including the broader public health infrastructure in the UK

    Investigation of parameters of the working substance - low temperature plasma in the ionization resonator chamber of the RF reactive engine

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    This paper is the extension of investigations of the RF engine designed for orientation and stabilization of the spacecrafts orbit, and it is undertaken for measuring of plasma parameters of RF discharge in the ionization resonator chamber. The experiments were performed at the frequency of 80 MHz on the model engine, in which a length of coaxial line with shortening capacities at the ends was used as the ionization resonator chamber. As the result of the experiments, conditions of the RF discharge ignition in the resonator chamber are studied; dependencies of plasma density and temperature versus applied power and working body pressure are obtained for various gases. The measurements of the thrust were performed at the special-purpose test bench. The data obtained allow making a conclusion that further investigations in this direction hold much promise.Представлена робота продовжує дослідження НВЧ – двигуна, призначеного для орієнтації та стабілізації орбіти космічних апаратів, й виконана з метою виміряти параметри плазми НВЧ – розряду в іонізаційній камері – резонаторі двигуна. Експерименти проводились з частотою 80 МГц на макеті двигуна, в якому в якості іонізаційної камери використовувався відрізок коаксиальної лінії зі скорочуваючими ємностями на кінцях. В експериментах вивчені умови запалювання НВЧ – розряду в камері–резонаторі, отримані залежності густини та температури плазми від прикладеної потужності та тиску робочого тіла для різних газів. На спеціалізованому випробному стенді були проведені вимірювання тяги. Отримані результати дозволяють зробити висновок про перспективність подальших досліджень у цьому напрямку.Настоящая работа является продолжением исследований СВЧ – двигателя предназначенного для ориентации и стабилизации орбиты космических аппаратов и предпринята с целью измерения параметров плазмы СВЧ – разряда в ионизационной камере – резонаторе двигателя. Эксперименты проводились на частоте 80 МГц на макете двигателя, в котором в качестве ионизационной камеры – резонатора использовался отрезок коаксиальной линии с укорачивающими емкостями на концах. В экспериментах изучены условия зажигания СВЧ разряда в камере - резонаторе, получены зависимости плотности и температуры плазмы от приложенной мощности и давления рабочего тела для различных газов. На специализированном испытательном стенде были проведены измерения тяги. Полученные данные позволяют сделать вывод о перспективности дальнейших исследований в этом направлении

    RF installation for the grain disinfestation

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    The ecologically pure method of grain product disinfestations through the grain treatment with the RF electric field is described. The experimental data obtained showed that with strengths of the electrical RF field of E=5 kV/cm and frequency of 80 MHz the relative death rate is 100%. The time of the grain treatment in this case is 1 sec. The pulses with a duration of 600 μs and repetition rate of 2 Hz were used, the duration of the front was 10 μs. The schematic layout of installation with a productivity of 50 tones/h and power of 10 kW is given