9 research outputs found

    Segments and Subclasses of Pseudo-Borrowed Onyms in the German Literary Language

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    The article describes a system-structural analysis of 311 German pseudo-borrowings. The research objective was to classify pseudo-borrowed onyms in the German literary language as pseudo-borrowings or proper names. Pseudo-borrowed onyms are different from assimilates, erratives, pseudomotives, homeonims, memorative fictionyms, and pseudo-Latin cognomens. The sampling was based on six criteria: 1) the onyms developed from a morpheme of the donor language; 2) they violate the principle of reversibility; 3) they belong to the category of  nomina propria ; 4) they are capitalized; 5) they belong to the German language; 6) they imitate a foreign language. German pseudo-borrowed onyms are represented by fourteen segments, the largest of which are the Maccaronian (Common Romanian) segments of pseudo-Latinisms (88 units, 28.3 %) and pseudo-Italianisms (80 units, 25.7 %). The largest onymic subclasses are represented by anthroponyms in the subset of realonyms (36 units, 11.6 %) and fictionyms (149 units, 47.9 %), as well as pragmonyms in the pseudo-Italian segment (70 units, 22.5 %). Fictionyms (166 units, 53 %) dominate over realonyms and come from translated fiction. Pseudo-borrowed onyms differ from appellants in their word formation because they are not tied to prestigious donor languages. The hybrid specificity of pseudo-borrowed onyms make it impossible to localize them as onymic or appellative

    Neutron Age Determination in Fast Reactor Materials using the Group Method

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    The article deals with the methods of identifying fast neutron age in sodium (Na) and uranium-238 (238U); describes the model of advanced and effective fast neutron nuclear reactors (FN), where Na is a coolant while 238U is involved in the fuel cycle in large quantities; justifies the choice of the group method for calculating the neutron age value in the substances mentioned above that can show the accuracy of the used constants for Na and estimate various versions of multilevel description of neutron moderation in 238U – the most powerful resonance absorber of the neutron reactor active zone

    The effectiveness of absorption heat pumps application for the increase of economic efficiency of CHP operation

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    The article deals with a comparative analysis of CHP operational efficiency in various working modes before and after the absorption heat pumps installation. The calculation was performed using a mathematical model of the extraction turbine PT- 80/100-130/13. Absorption heat pumps of LLC “OKB Teplosibmash” were used as AHP models for the analysis. The most effective way of absorption lithium-bromide heat pumps application as a part of the turbine PT-80/100-130/13 turned out to be their usage in a heat-producing mode during a non-heating season with a load of hot water supply. For this mode the dependence of the turbine heat efficiency on the heat load of the external consumer at a given throttle flow was analyzed

    Analysis of the Irtysh surface water as natural sources of water supply and steam production in the heat and power industry

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    The article demonstrates the results of experimental analysis of the Irtysh and Tobol underground and surface water as natural water supply sources and steam production in the heat and power industry; priority locations for water sampling have been identified and substantiated; a qualitative analysis of the Irtysh and Tobol samples has been proved; the reasons for the deviation from the water quality and the required degree of treatment for bringing it to the required indicies are revealed; the mineral composition of water is determined taking into account the peculiarities of the hydrological layers through which the river flows; it is proved that the organic composition is formed due to compounds that are washed out of the reservoir’s soil as a result of biological processes; the mineral and organic substances that are brought into the Irtysh, Tobol by waste waters of populated areas and industrial enterprises are revealed; it is proved that the water of the Irtysh River is fresh, belongs to hydrocarbonate class and is suitable for steam production in the heat and power industry

    The effectiveness of absorption heat pumps application for the increase of economic efficiency of CHP operation

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    The article deals with a comparative analysis of CHP operational efficiency in various working modes before and after the absorption heat pumps installation. The calculation was performed using a mathematical model of the extraction turbine PT- 80/100-130/13. Absorption heat pumps of LLC “OKB Teplosibmash” were used as AHP models for the analysis. The most effective way of absorption lithium-bromide heat pumps application as a part of the turbine PT-80/100-130/13 turned out to be their usage in a heat-producing mode during a non-heating season with a load of hot water supply. For this mode the dependence of the turbine heat efficiency on the heat load of the external consumer at a given throttle flow was analyzed

    Analysis of the Irtysh surface water as natural sources of water supply and steam production in the heat and power industry

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    The article demonstrates the results of experimental analysis of the Irtysh and Tobol underground and surface water as natural water supply sources and steam production in the heat and power industry; priority locations for water sampling have been identified and substantiated; a qualitative analysis of the Irtysh and Tobol samples has been proved; the reasons for the deviation from the water quality and the required degree of treatment for bringing it to the required indicies are revealed; the mineral composition of water is determined taking into account the peculiarities of the hydrological layers through which the river flows; it is proved that the organic composition is formed due to compounds that are washed out of the reservoir’s soil as a result of biological processes; the mineral and organic substances that are brought into the Irtysh, Tobol by waste waters of populated areas and industrial enterprises are revealed; it is proved that the water of the Irtysh River is fresh, belongs to hydrocarbonate class and is suitable for steam production in the heat and power industry

    Analysis of the Irtysh surface water as natural sources of water supply and steam production in the heat and power industry

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    The article demonstrates the results of experimental analysis of the Irtysh and Tobol underground and surface water as natural water supply sources and steam production in the heat and power industry; priority locations for water sampling have been identified and substantiated; a qualitative analysis of the Irtysh and Tobol samples has been proved; the reasons for the deviation from the water quality and the required degree of treatment for bringing it to the required indicies are revealed; the mineral composition of water is determined taking into account the peculiarities of the hydrological layers through which the river flows; it is proved that the organic composition is formed due to compounds that are washed out of the reservoir’s soil as a result of biological processes; the mineral and organic substances that are brought into the Irtysh, Tobol by waste waters of populated areas and industrial enterprises are revealed; it is proved that the water of the Irtysh River is fresh, belongs to hydrocarbonate class and is suitable for steam production in the heat and power industry