10 research outputs found

    Stereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR): Assessment of cardiac and respiratory heart motion in ventricular tachycardia patients - A STOPSTORM.eu consortium review

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    Aim: To identify the optimal STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR) strategy for individual patients, cardiorespiratory motion of the target volume in combination with different treatment methodologies needs to be evaluated. However, an authoritative overview of the amount of cardiorespiratory motion in ventricular tachycardia (VT) patients is missing. Methods: In this STOPSTORM consortium study, we performed a literature review to gain insight into cardiorespiratory motion of target volumes for STAR. Motion data and target volumes were extracted and summarized. Results: Out of the 232 studies screened, 56 provided data on cardiorespiratory motion, of which 8 provided motion amplitudes in VT patients (n = 94) and 10 described (cardiac/cardiorespiratory) internal target volumes (ITVs) obtained in VT patients (n = 59). Average cardiac motion of target volumes was < 5 mm in all directions, with maximum values of 8.0, 5.2 and 6.5 mm in Superior-Inferior (SI), Left-Right (LR), Anterior-Posterior (AP) direction, respectively. Cardiorespiratory motion of cardiac (sub)structures showed average motion between 5–8 mm in the SI direction, whereas, LR and AP motions were comparable to the cardiac motion of the target volumes. Cardiorespiratory ITVs were on average 120–284% of the gross target volume. Healthy subjects showed average cardiorespiratory motion of 10–17 mm in SI and 2.4–7 mm in the AP direction. Conclusion: This review suggests that despite growing numbers of patients being treated, detailed data on cardiorespiratory motion for STAR is still limited. Moreover, data comparison between studies is difficult due to inconsistency in parameters reported. Cardiorespiratory motion is highly patient-specific even under motion-compensation techniques. Therefore, individual motion management strategies during imaging, planning, and treatment for STAR are highly recommended

    A Framework for Assessing the Effect of Cardiac and Respiratory Motion for Stereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation Using a Digital Phantom With a 17-Segment Model: A STOPSTORM.eu Consortium Study

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    PURPOSE: The optimal motion management strategy for patients receiving stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation (STAR) for the treatment of ventricular tachycardia (VT) is not fully known. We developed a framework using a digital phantom to simulate cardiorespiratory motion in combination with different motion management strategies to gain insight into the effect of cardiorespiratory motion on STAR. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The 4-dimensional (4D) extended cardiac-torso (XCAT) phantom was expanded with the 17-segment left ventricular (LV) model, which allowed placement of STAR targets in standardized ventricular regions. Cardiac- and respiratory-binned 4D computed tomography (CT) scans were simulated for free-breathing, reduced free-breathing, respiratory-gating, and breath-hold scenarios. Respiratory motion of the heart was set to population-averaged values of patients with VT: 6, 2, and 1 mm in the superior-inferior, posterior-anterior, and left-right direction, respectively. Cardiac contraction was adjusted by reducing LV ejection fraction to 35%. Target displacement was evaluated for all segments using envelopes encompassing the cardiorespiratory motion. Envelopes incorporating only the diastole plus respiratory motion were created to simulate the scenario where cardiac motion is not fully captured on 4D respiratory CT scans used for radiation therapy planning. RESULTS: The average volume of the 17 segments was 6 cm 3 (1-9 cm 3). Cardiac contraction-relaxation resulted in maximum segment (centroid) motion of 4, 6, and 3.5 mm in the superior-inferior, posterior-anterior, and left-right direction, respectively. Cardiac contraction-relaxation resulted in a motion envelope increase of 49% (24%-79%) compared with individual segment volumes, whereas envelopes increased by 126% (79%-167%) if respiratory motion also was considered. Envelopes incorporating only the diastole and respiration motion covered on average 68% to 75% of the motion envelope. CONCLUSIONS: The developed LV-segmental XCAT framework showed that free-wall regions display the most cardiorespiratory displacement. Our framework supports the optimization of STAR by evaluating the effect of (cardio)respiratory motion and motion management strategies for patients with VT

    A single reference measurement can predict liver tumor motion during respiration

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    AimTo evaluate liver tumor motion and how well reference measurement predicts motion during treatment.Material and methodsThis retrospective study included 20 patients with colorectal cancer that had metastasized to the liver who were treated with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. An online respiratory tumor tracking system was used. Tumor motion amplitudes in the superior-inferior (SI), latero-lateral (LL), and anterior-posterior (AP) directions were collected to generate patient-specific margins. Reference margins were generated as the mean motion and 95th percentile of motion from measurements recorded for different lengths of time (1, 3, and 5[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]min). We analyzed the predictability of tumor motion in each axis, based on the reference measurement and intra-/interfraction motions.ResultsAbout 96,000 amplitudes were analyzed. The mean tumor motions were 9.9[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]4.2[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm, 2.6[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.8[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm, and 4.5[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]1.8[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm in the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively. The intrafraction variations were 3.5[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]1.8[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm, 0.63[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.35[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm, and 1.4[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.65[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm for the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively. The interfraction motion variations were 1.32[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.79[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm, 0.31[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.23[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm, and 0.68[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]±[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]0.62[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]mm for the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively. The Pearson's correlation coefficients for margins based on the reference measurement (mean motion or 95th percentile) and margins covering 95% of the motion during the whole treatment were 0.8–0.91, 0.57–0.7, and 0.77–0.82 in the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively.ConclusionLiver tumor motion in the SI direction can be adequately represented by the mean tumor motion amplitude generated from a single 1[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]min reference measurement. Longer reference measurements did not improve results for patients who were well-educated about the importance of regular breathing. Although the study was based on tumor tracking data, the results are useful for ITV delineation when tumor tracking is not available

    Real-time measurement of ICD lead motion during stereotactic body radiotherapy of ventricular tachycardia

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    Background: Here we aimed to evaluate the respiratory and cardiac-induced motion of a ICD lead used as surrogate in the heart during stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of ventricular tachycardia (VT). Data provides insight regarding motion and motion variations during treatment. Materials and methods: We analyzed the log files of surrogate motion during SBRT of ventricular tachycardia performed in 20 patients. Evaluated parameters included the ICD lead motion amplitudes; intrafraction amplitude variability; correlation error between the ICD lead and external markers; and margin expansion in the superior-inferior (SI), latero-lateral (LL), and anterior-posterior (AP) directions to cover 90% or 95% of all amplitudes. Results: In the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively, the mean motion amplitudes were 5.0 ± 2.6, 3.4. ± 1.9, and 3.1 ± 1.6 mm. The mean intrafraction amplitude variability was 2.6 ± 0.9, 1.9 ± 1.3, and 1.6 ± 0.8 mm in the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively. The margins required to cover 95% of ICD lead motion amplitudes were 9.5, 6.7, and 5.5 mm in the SI, LL, and AP directions, respectively. The mean correlation error was 2.2 ± 0.9 mm. Conclusions: Data from online tracking indicated motion irregularities and correlation errors, necessitating an increased CTV-PTV margin of 3 mm. In 35% of cases, the motion variability exceeded 3 mm in one or more directions. We recommend verifying the correlation between CTV and surrogate individually for every patient, especially for targets with posterobasal localization where we observed the highest difference between the lead and CTV motion

    Dosimetric comparison of MRI-based HDR brachytherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with advanced cervical cancer: A virtual brachytherapy study

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    AimTo evaluate the treatment plans of 3D image-guided brachytherapy (BT) and stereotactic robotic radiotherapy with online image guidance – CyberKnife (CK) in patients with locally advanced cervix cancer.Methods and materialsTen pairs of plans for patients with locally advanced inoperable cervical cancer were created using MR based 3D brachytherapy and stereotaxis CK. The dose that covers 98% of the target volume (HR CTV D98) was taken as a reference and other parameters were compared.ResultsOf the ten studied cases, the dose from D100 GTV was comparable for both devices, on average, the BT GTV D90 was 10–20% higher than for CK. The HR CTV D90 was higher for CK with an average difference of 10–20%, but only fifteen percent of HR CTV (the peripheral part) received a higher dose from CK, while 85% of the target volume received higher doses from BT. We found a significant organ-sparing effect of CK compared to brachytherapy (20–30% lower doses in 0.1[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]cm3, 1[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]cm3, and 2[[ce:hsp sp="0.25"/]]cm3).ConclusionBT remains to be the best method for dose escalation. Due to the significant organ-sparing effect of CK, patients that are not candidates for BT could benefit from stereotaxis more than from classical external beam radiotherapy

    Cardiac Radiosurgery for Malignant Ventricular Tachycardia

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    Abstract Ventricular tachycardia is a frequent cause of mortality after myocardial infarction. Current treatment includes the implantation of cardioverter defibrillators and adjunctive therapies such as catheter ablation or cardiac surgery. In patients where standard treatment fails, preclinical data showed that radiosurgery ablation of the ectopic substrate might be a viable option. Authors present a case report of cardiac radiosurgery in a patient with malignant ventricular tachycardia. Stereotactic radiosurgery system CyberKnife was used; the applied dose was 25 Gy in one fraction. Within the follow-up period of 120 days, no signs of toxicity were noted no episode of malignant arrhythmia has been detected. This case report demonstrates that stereotactic radiosurgery of recurrent ventricular tachycardia after inefficient catheter ablation might be a viable option for patients unsuitable for cardiosurgical intervention. Further research on this topic is highly warranted

    Stereotactic radiotherapy for spinal hemangioblastoma — disease control and volume analysis in long-term follow up

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    Background: This retrospective analysis evaluated the long-term outcome of spinal stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) treatment for hemangioblastomas. Materials and methods: Between 2010 and 2018, 5 patients with 18 Von-Hippel Lindau-related pial-based spinal hemangioblastomas were treated with fractionated SBRT. After precisely registering images of all relevant datasets, we delineated the gross tumor volume, spinal cord (including intramedullary cysts and/or syrinxes), and past radiotherapy regions. A sequential optimization algorithm was used for dose determinations, and patients received 25–26 Gy in five fractions or 24 Gy in three fractions. On-line image guidance, based on spinal bone structures, and two orthogonal radiographs were provided. The actuarial nidus control, surgery-free survival, cyst/syrinx changes, and progression-free survival were calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method. Toxicities were graded according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v5.0. Results: The median follow-up was 5 years after SBRT. Patients displayed one nidus progression, one need of neurosurgery, and two cyst/syrinx progressions directly connected to symptom worsening. No SBRT-related complications or acute adverse radiation-related events occurred. However, one asymptomatic radiological sign of myelopathy occurred two years after SBRT. All tumors regressed; the one-year equivalent tumor volume reduction was 0.2 mL and the median volume significantly decreased by 28% (p = 0.012). Tumor volume reductions were not correlated with the mean (p = 0.19) or maximum (p = 0.16) dose. Conclusions: SBRT for pial-based spinal hemangioblastomas was an effective, safe, viable alternative to neurosurgery in asymptomatic patients. Escalating doses above the conventional dose-volume limits of spinal cord tolerance showed no additional benefit.

    A framework for assessing the impact of cardiac and respiratory motion for STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR) using a digital phantom with a 17-segment model - A STOPSTORM.eu consortium study

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    The optimal motion management strategy for patients receiving stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation (STAR) for the treatment of ventricular tachycardia (VT) is not fully known. We developed a framework using a digital phantom to simulate cardiorespiratory motion in combination with different motion management strategies to gain insight into the impact of cardiorespiratory motion on STAR. The 4D XCAT phantom was expanded with the 17-segment left ventricular (LV) model which allowed placement of STAR targets in standardized ventricular regions. Cardiac- and respiratory-binned 4D-CT scans were simulated for free-breathing, reduced free-breathing, respiratory-gating, and breath-hold scenarios. Respiratory motion of the heart was set to population-averaged values of VT patients: 6, 2, and 1 mm in the Superior-Inferior, Posterior-Anterior, and Left-Right direction, respectively. Cardiac contraction was adjusted by reducing LV ejection fraction to 35%. Target displacement was evaluated for all segments using envelopes encompassing the cardiorespiratory motion. Envelopes incorporating only the diastole plus respiratory motion were created to simulate the scenario where cardiac motion is not fully captured on 4D-respiratory CT scans used for radiotherapy planning. The average volume of the 17 segments was 6 cm (1-9 cm ). Cardiac contraction-relaxation resulted in maximum segment (centroid) motion of 4, 6, and 3.5 mm in Superior-Inferior, Posterior-Anterior, and Left-Right direction, respectively. Cardiac contraction-relaxation resulted in a motion envelope increase of 49% (24-79%) compared to individual segment volumes, whereas envelopes increased by 126% (79-167%) if also respiratory motion was considered. Envelopes incorporating only the diastole and respiration motion covered on average 68-75% of the motion envelope. The developed LV-segmental XCAT framework showed that free-wall regions display the most cardiorespiratory displacement. Our framework supports the optimization of STAR by evaluating the impact of (cardio)respiratory motion and motion management strategies for VT patients