18 research outputs found

    Analysis productivity of logistics processes in manufacturing company

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    Aim of article is to provide indicators of productivity of in logistics processes. Many authors dealing with productivity does not introduce productivity of logistics processes. The- re are indicators for the tasks performed in companies that count of the processes as a whole and attempts to assess the impact of these subsystems on the productivity of the company. The paper is a division of logistics processes at the subsystems: supply, production, distribution and storage. Only material productivity is consistent with the productivity of the production subsystem. Productivity is divided into partial productivity such as capital, materials, labor and energy. Productivity in the company of the dairy industry has been examined. The analysis shows that the materials productivity of the production subsystem results are most similar to the productivity of the company. It should be analyzed in detail what affects the rate and determine an action plan to improve productivity. Further studies should determine the weight of the impact of the partial productivity for company productivity and the weight of the impact of logistics subsystems for partial productivity. This will indicate which areas of logistics have the most impact on company productivity

    Risk assessment modelling of technical innovation

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    Innovations constitute the main source of creating competitive advantage of a company. Effective implementation of innovations requires risk analysis of the undertaking to be made. The innovative project’s risk assessment, due to a great number of variables, is difficult in realisation. This paper presents author's method of technical innovations risk assessment. The issue complexity makes it necessary to use a multi-criteria analysis. The presented method uses the knowledge of expert to determine the weights of criteria, the probability of detection and effect. In assessment risk is developed rapport and map. Risk is described by two indicators: general and detailed. First can be defined as: low, medium or high risk. Second can be defined as: very low, low, medium, high or very high risk. The article presents also the example of use described risk of assessment

    The project of the system a method of stimulating technical solutions

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    The paper present the project of system non-routine decision support to optimize the selection of methods to stimulate the user's requirements. The aim is to characterize the different steps of building the system structure. Created database of creative problem solving methods will help to obtain the description of the indicated method. The study highlighted the general assumptions of the system and the criteria for selection of methods. In addition, it underlined the need to change the approach to scientific problems - technical, for which there is no ready-made answers. The methods used have revealed ideas for innovations in different areas. The appropriate stimulation for creating new ideas and solving tasks becomes nowadays indispensable. The developed model is intended to practical use. It will provide guidance to indicate proceedings in a particular situation. Combining them in harmony is a way to go

    Using bayesian networks to estimate the innovative risk

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    Today, the advantage of enterprises is built by the process of innovations implementation. A decision concerning the innovations implementation is always difficult and risky because innovations are specific kinds of investments and are a potential source of many threats. This is why before taking a decision about an implementation of a given solution, it is extremely important to make an analysis of its consequences. A risk analysis becomes more and more important in this aspect because it makes it possible to estimate the level of dangers which can be caused by a new investment solution. This is why the process of estimating innovation risk with the use of Bayesian networks has been presented in this work. Data from projects carried out under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy for the years 2007-2013 in Opole Province and the NETICA programme have been used in order to work out an exemplary method. It has been shown how to determine the innovative risk level with taking into consideration the adopted assumptions. Exemplary factors of the analysed risk concerning both the enterprise and the sheer undertaking have been characterised. In the first step, the most important factors of innovation risk and their measuring indicators have been specified. Assuming that the risk is a probability of an undesirable state occurrence (according to a negative concept), the authors have chosen the following indicators to estimate the danger of an innovation failure: W 1. Period of using technology in the world. W 2. Time of carrying out the project expressed in months. W 3. Value of the whole project. W 4. Size of the enterprise. W 5. Own financial resources designed for making innovation. W 6. Financial risk. W 7. Decision about granting a subsidy. The chosen factors (sources) of risk are only an exemplary set and were chosen on purpose from the point of view of an area of the analysed risk. It is necessary to remember that each potential source of danger can become the basis of a subsequent risk connected with the project being carried out. In this context, an aspect of choosing appropriate and the most important risk sources, from the point of view of the innovation efficacy, appears. It is an extremely important stage because as we know it is impossible to take into consideration all factors because the assessment of accuracy of the estimated risk shall depend on it. In this case authors also highlight the role of an expert who mainly directs the risk estimation process. This step is a little subjective but in reality, the subjectivity is present in almost every step of risk analysis. The next step included the specification of dependencies between the enumerated factors and the probability of the analysed states occurrence. Thanks to that, the elaboration of a simple Bayesian network has become possible. It has been shown, on its basis, how the level of innovation risk an be estimated if the specific information and assumptions are available

    Productivity forecasting for a manufacturing company

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    Celem publikacji jest wyznaczenie wartości wskaźnika produktywności całkowitej na kolejny okres w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym. W artykule zastosowano klasyczne metody prognozowania, które mogą mieć zastosowanie do przewidywania wskaźnika produktywności. Dokonana została ocena wyznaczonych prognoz oraz wybór najlepiej dopasowanego sposobu prognozowania. Celem analizy jest szacowanie przyszłych wartości produktywności, aby z wyprzedzeniem można było reagować na przewidywane spadki. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań najmniejszym średnim względnym błędem prognozy obarczony był model wyznaczony za pomocą wygładzania wykładniczego metodą Holta.The aim of the publication is to determine the value of the total productivity index for the next period in the manufacturing company. In the article uses classical forecasting methods that can be used to forecast the productivity index. An assessment of the forecasts and the selection of the best fit for forecasting has been done. The aim of the analysis is to estimate the future value of productivity so that anticipation can be anticipated in advance. As a result of the research, the smallest mean percentage error was burdened by a model determined by Holt exponential smoothing

    Advanced creativity as a condition required innovation process

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    The article presents conduct research into in the field of creative methods. The collected material shows that the creative methods and techniques have huge potential. Principles and strategies of creative thinking, they can reinforce a pro-innovative attitude in an organisation and facilitate making optimal decisions. Heuristic methods allow developing creative thinking for the development of an enterprise. Some case studies are presented using the methods typical for studied enterprise. The appropriate stimulation for creating new ideas and solving tasks becomes nowadays indispensable. This type of mobilization allows one to independently create condition for shaping pro-innovative work environment. The choice of more analytical and common sense methods or methods based on intuition and imagination depends on one’s personal abilities. Combining them in harmony is a way to go

    Methods for stimulating creativity in production engineering

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    The article presents possibilities of using fields of creative problem solving in engineering issues. Fields associated with so-called advanced creativity allow to combine stimulation of creativity with seeking innovative solutions. The article introduces stages leading to creative ideas as shown by two case studies of studied companies. The authors, in line with their research activity, highlighted the merits of forming creative sessions and creative teams in the company

    Risk assessment of the innovative projects implementation

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    The article presents the issue of risk assessment of innovations. Specificity of technological innovation realized in manufacturing companies has been particularly well described here. An original method of assessing the innovative projects risk has been presented. The elaborated method has been implemented in three enterprises, the business activity of which is not typical for electrical engineering, metal and mechanical engineering and companies which are going to carry out the innovative project simultaneously with already started innovative projects. Moreover, an example of the risk assessment of a chosen technological innovation has been presented

    Creative session as means of creative problem solving in an enterprise

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    The aim of this article is to present the course of a creative session in the studied enterprise with application of techniques and methods of creating innovative solutions. It shall also include presentation of creative thinking conditions, which support the ability of solving complex problems and making optimal decisions. The creative methods and techniques have huge potential. Supported with principles and strategies of creative thinking, they can reinforce a proinnovative attitude in an organisation and facilitate making optimal decisions. Each creative session is unique and all team results obtained during a meeting are valuable. Creative sessions are favourable in terms of development of an enterprise and its employees. Incorporation of new technical and organisational solutions can deliver measurable economic and social advantages. Holding a creative session does not, however, guarantee obtaining practical solutions. A successful session has predetermined time limits and includes information on cost limits. Influence on the effectiveness of decisions are based on creative problem solving tools. They raise the number of obtained interesting ideas and improve their quality. A creative session allows to train methods and techniques of creative problem solving as well as the ability of selecting them depending on the needs

    Comparison of two methods of division productivity of logistic processes in the production companies

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    The aim of the article was to present two ways to share indicators of productivity including logistic processes. The growing importance of logistics management in enterprises has prompted the authors to take up the topic of productivity of logistic processes. After introduction about productivity and author’s model analysis productivity of logistic processes in manufacturing companies has presented two ways of sharing indicators of productivity. The first way of division indicators concerned due to the resources used in production and then due to logistic processes. A second method divides the indicators inversely, that is immediately implemented due to logistic processes and then due to the resources used in production. Whereas the productivity of logistic processes by opting for the second method the division after the appointment of the first 4 partial indicators can be inferred about the effectiveness of the resources used for the implementation of logistic processes. The first method does not give right away that option. It is necessary to set a more specific indicators. As indicators of partial productivity due to resources used in production appointed productivity of: energy, labor, materials and capital. In this article has been analyzing such logistic processes as warehousing process, distribution, production logistic processes and procurement. The article is an example for manufacturing company in the food industry. For the first way of dividing it turned out that the use of energy in a company should be subject to a detailed assessment. Specific expression analysis indicated the need to examine the warehouse processes. The second way division after the appointment of the first four indicators allowed to conclude that should be explored in detail the processes of distribution and warehouse. The results are presented as graphs and tables