35 research outputs found

    An Area-Aggregated Dynamic Traffic Simulation Model

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    Microscopic and macroscopic dynamic traffic models not fast enough to run in an optimization loop to coordinate traffic measures over areas of twice a trip length (50x50 km). Moreover, in strategic planning there are models with a spatial high level of detail, but lacking the features of traffic dynamics. This paper introduces the Network Transmission Model (NTM), a model based on areas, exploiting the Macroscopic or Network Fundamental Diagram (NFD). For the first time, a full operational model is proposed which can be implemented in a network divided into multiple subnetworks, and the physical properties of spillback of traffic jams for subnetwork to subnetwork is ensured. The proposed model calculates the traffic flow between to cell as the minimum of the demand in the origin cell and the supply in the destination cell. The demand first increasing and then decreasing as function of the accumulation in the cell; the supply is first constant and then decreasing as function of the accumulation. Moreover, demand over the boundaries of two cells is restricted by a capacity. This system ensures that traffic characteristics move forward in free flow, congestion moves backward and the NFD is conserved. Adding the capacity gives qualitatively reasonable effects of inhomogeneity. The model applied on a test case with multiple destinations, and re-routing and perimeter control are tested as control measures

    The Effect of Crosswalks on Traffic Flow

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    In urban areas and especially in inner cities, pedestrians crossing the road considerably influence the road traffic flow. For political reasons, priority could be given to pedestrians. A larger number of crossings reduces the pedestrian load per crossing and facilitates both the pedestrian flow and the car flow; the ultimate case is a “cross anywhere” scenario. Earlier work shows that the road capacity decreases with the square of the pedestrian crossing time, hence a short crossing time is desired. Crosswalks can ensure pedestrians cross orthogonally, and thus quickly, and can thereby improve traffic flow. Moreover, a limited number of crosswalks is less stressful than a “cross anywhere” scenario for a car driver since (s)he only needs to expect crossing pedestrians at dedicated crosswalks. This paper studies the effect of the distances between crosswalk and road traffic capacity. The paper’s goal is finding a single formula or universal set of charts that can describe the effect of pedestrian crosswalks on traffic flow under virtually all scenarios (with long blocks). This type of result would obviate the need for simulations of specific situations when only a rough assessment of the effect of crosswalks is desired. Traffic flow for several distances between pedestrian crossings is simulated, and moreover, a non-constant inter-crosswalk spacing is considered. The simulation results can be used for other situations, using transformations and an interpolation recipe. Overall, the closer the crosswalks, the better the flow. However, spacings closer than approximately 25-50 meters do not add much. Speed of traffic under a broad array of pedestrian crossing scenarios is given

    Distil the informative essence of loop detector data set: Is network-level traffic forecasting hungry for more data?

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    Network-level traffic condition forecasting has been intensively studied for decades. Although prediction accuracy has been continuously improved with emerging deep learning models and ever-expanding traffic data, traffic forecasting still faces many challenges in practice. These challenges include the robustness of data-driven models, the inherent unpredictability of traffic dynamics, and whether further improvement of traffic forecasting requires more sensor data. In this paper, we focus on this latter question and particularly on data from loop detectors. To answer this, we propose an uncertainty-aware traffic forecasting framework to explore how many samples of loop data are truly effective for training forecasting models. Firstly, the model design combines traffic flow theory with graph neural networks, ensuring the robustness of prediction and uncertainty quantification. Secondly, evidential learning is employed to quantify different sources of uncertainty in a single pass. The estimated uncertainty is used to "distil" the essence of the dataset that sufficiently covers the information content. Results from a case study of a highway network around Amsterdam show that, from 2018 to 2021, more than 80\% of the data during daytime can be removed. The remaining 20\% samples have equal prediction power for training models. This result suggests that indeed large traffic datasets can be subdivided into significantly smaller but equally informative datasets. From these findings, we conclude that the proposed methodology proves valuable in evaluating large traffic datasets' true information content. Further extensions, such as extracting smaller, spatially non-redundant datasets, are possible with this method.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Macroscopic analysis and modelling of multi-class, flexible-lane traffic

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    An excessive demand of vehicles to a motorway bottleneck leads to traffic jams. Motorbikes are narrow and can drive next to each other in a lane, or in-between lanes in low speeds. This paper analyses the resulting traffic characteristics and presents numerical scheme for a macroscopic traffic flow model for these two classes. The behavior included is as follows. If there are two motorbikes behind each other, they can travel next to each other in one lane, occupying the space of one car. Also, at low speeds of car traffic, they can go in between the main lanes, creating a so-called filtering lane. The paper numerically derives functions of class-specific speeds as function of the density of both classes, incorporating flexible lane usage dependent on the speed. The roadway capacity as function of the motorbike fraction is derived, which interesting can be in different types of phases (with motorbikes at higher speeds or not). We also present a numerical scheme to analyse the dynamics of this multi-class system. We apply the model to an example case, revealing the properties of the traffic stream , queue dynamics and class specific travel times. The model can help in showing the relative advantage in travel time of switching to a motorbike

    Large Car-following Data Based on Lyft level-5 Open Dataset: Following Autonomous Vehicles vs. Human-driven Vehicles

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    Car-Following (CF), as a fundamental driving behaviour, has significant influences on the safety and efficiency of traffic flow. Investigating how human drivers react differently when following autonomous vs. human-driven vehicles (HV) is thus critical for mixed traffic flow. Research in this field can be expedited with trajectory datasets collected by Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). However, trajectories collected by AVs are noisy and not readily applicable for studying CF behaviour. This paper extracts and enhances two categories of CF data, HV-following-AV (H-A) and HV-following-HV (H-H), from the open Lyft level-5 dataset. First, CF pairs are selected based on specific rules. Next, the quality of raw data is assessed by anomaly analysis. Then, the raw CF data is corrected and enhanced via motion planning, Kalman filtering, and wavelet denoising. As a result, 29k+ H-A and 42k+ H-H car-following segments are obtained, with a total driving distance of 150k+ km. A diversity assessment shows that the processed data cover complete CF regimes for calibrating CF models. This open and ready-to-use dataset provides the opportunity to investigate the CF behaviours of following AVs vs. HVs from real-world data. It can further facilitate studies on exploring the impact of AVs on mixed urban traffic.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    A Microscopic Investigation Into the Capacity Drop: Impacts of Longitudinal Behavior on the Queue Discharge Rate

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    Lane Determination With GPS Precise Point Positioning

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