11 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction

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    Poster presentation: An important challenge in neuroscience is understanding how networks of neurons go about processing information. Synapses are thought to play an essential role in cellular information processing however quantitative and mathematical models of the underlying physiologic processes that occur at synaptic active zones are lacking. We are generating mathematical models of synaptic vesicle dynamics at a well-characterized model synapse, the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction. This synapse's simplicity, accessibility to various electrophysiological recording and imaging techniques, and the genetic malleability intrinsic to Drosophila system make it ideal for computational and mathematical studies. We have employed a reductionist approach and started by modeling single presynaptic boutons. Synaptic vesicles can be divided into different pools; however, a quantitative understanding of their dynamics at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction is lacking [4]. We performed biologically realistic simulations of high and low release probability boutons [3] using partial differential equations (PDE) taking into account not only the evolution in time but also the spatial structure in two dimensions (the extension to three dimensions will be implemented soon). PDEs are solved using UG, a program library for the calculation of multi-dimensional PDEs solved using a finite volume approach and implicit time stepping methods leading to extended linear equation systems be solvedwith multi-grid methods [3,4]. Numerical calculations are done on multi-processor computers for fast calculations using different parameters in order to asses the biological feasibility of different models. In preliminary simulations, we modeled vesicle dynamics as a diffusion process describing exocytosis as Neumann streams at synaptic active zones. The initial results obtained with these models are consistent with experimental data. However, this should be regarded as a work in progress. Further refinements will be implemented, including simulations using morphologically realistic geometries which were generated from confocal scans of the neuromuscular junction using NeuRA (a Neuron Reconstruction Algorithm). Other parameters such as glutamate diffusion and reuptake dynamics, as well as postsynaptic receptor kinetics will be incorporated as well

    Synaptic boutons sizes are tuned to best fit their physiological performances

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    To truly appreciate the myriad of events which relate synaptic function and vesicle dynamics, simulations should be done in a spatially realistic environment. This holds true in particular in order to explain as well the rather astonishing motor patterns which we observed within in vivo recordings which underlie peristaltic contractionsas well as the shape of the EPSPs at different forms of long-term stimulation, presented both here, at a well characterized synapse, the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of the Drosophila larva (c.f. Figure 1). To this end, we have employed a reductionist approach and generated three dimensional models of single presynaptic boutons at the Drosophila larval NMJ. Vesicle dynamics are described by diffusion-like partial differential equations which are solved numerically on unstructured grids using the uG platform. In our model we varied parameters such as bouton-size, vesicle output probability (Po), stimulation frequency and number of synapses, to observe how altering these parameters effected bouton function. Hence we demonstrate that the morphologic and physiologic specialization maybe a convergent evolutionary adaptation to regulate the trade off between sustained, low output, and short term, high output, synaptic signals. There seems to be a biologically meaningful explanation for the co-existence of the two different bouton types as previously observed at the NMJ (characterized especially by the relation between size and Po), the assigning of two different tasks with respect to short- and long-time behaviour could allow for an optimized interplay of different synapse types. We can present astonishing similar results of experimental and simulation data which could be gained in particular without any data fitting, however based only on biophysical values which could be taken from different experimental results. As a side product, we demonstrate how advanced methods from numerical mathematics could help in future to resolve also other difficult experimental neurobiological issues

    Synaptic bouton sizes are tuned to best fit their physiological performances : poster presentation from Twentieth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2011, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 - 28 July 2011

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    Poster presentation from Twentieth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2011 Stockholm, Sweden. 23-28 July 2011. To truly appreciate the myriad of events which relate synaptic function and vesicle dynamics, simulations should be done in a spatially realistic environment. This holds true in particular in order to explain the rather astonishing motor patterns presented here which we observed within in vivo recordings which underlie peristaltic contractions at a well characterized synapse, the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of the Drosophila larva. To this end, we have employed a reductionist approach and generated three dimensional models of single presynaptic boutons at the Drosophila larval NMJ. Vesicle dynamics are described by diffusion-like partial differential equations which are solved numerically on unstructured grids using the uG platform. In our model we varied parameters such as bouton-size, vesicle output probability (Po), stimulation frequency and number of synapses, to observe how altering these parameters effected bouton function. Hence we demonstrate that the morphologic and physiologic specialization maybe a convergent evolutionary adaptation to regulate the trade off between sustained, low output, and short term, high output, synaptic signals. There seems to be a biologically meaningful explanation for the co-existence of the two different bouton types as previously observed at the NMJ (characterized especially by the relation between size and Po),the assigning of two different tasks with respect to short- and long-time behaviour could allow for an optimized interplay of different synapse types. As a side product, we demonstrate how advanced methods from numerical mathematics could help in future to resolve also other difficult experimental neurobiological issues

    Zweischleifenkorrekturen zum leptonischen Zerfall des Z-Bosons

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde, basierend auf der Parallel-/Orthogonalraum-Methode, eine neue Methode zur Berechnung von allgemeinen massiven Zweischleifen-Dreipunkt-Tensorintegralen mit planarer und gedrehter reduzierter planarer Topologie entwickelt. Die Ausarbeitung und Implementation einer Tensorreduktion fuer Integrale, welche eine allgemeine Tensorstruktur im Minkowski-Raum besitzen koennen, wurde durchgefuehrt. Die Entwicklung und Implementation eines Algorithmus zur semi-analytischen Berechnung der schwierigsten Integrale, die nach der Tensorreduktion verbleiben, konnte vollendet werden. (Fuer die anderen Basisintegrale koennen wohlbekannte Methoden verwendet werden.) Die Implementation ist bezueglich der UV-endlichen Anteile der Masterintegrale, die auch nach Tensorreduktion noch die zuvor erwaehnten Topologien besitzen, abgeschlossen. Die numerischen Integrationen haben sich als stabil erwiesen. Fuer die verbleibenden Teile des Projektes koennen wohlbekannte Methoden verwendet werden. In weiten Teilen muessen lediglich noch Links zu existierenden Programmen geschrieben werden. Fuer diejenigen wenigen verbleibenden speziellen Topologien, welche noch zu implementieren sind, sind (wohlbekannte) Methoden zu implementieren. Die Computerprogramme, die im Rahmen dieses Projektes entstanden, werden auch fuer allgemeinere Prozesse in das xloops-Projekt einfliessen. Deswegen wurde sie soweit moeglich fuer allgemeine Prozesse entwickelt und implementiert. Der oben erwaehnte Algorithmus wurde insbesondere fuer die Evaluation der fermionischen NNLO-Korrekturen zum leptonischen schwachen Mischungswinkel sowie zu aehnlichen Prozessen entwickelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde ein Grossteil der fuer die fermionischen NNLO-Korrekturen zu den effektiven Kopplungskonstanten des Z-Zerfalls (und damit fuer den schachen Mischungswinkel) notwendigen Arbeit durchgefuehrt.The topic of this thesis was the development of a new method which allows to calculate general massive two-loop three-point tensor integrals with planar and rotated reduced planar topology based on the parallel/orthogonal space method. I elaborated and implemented a tensor reduction for these integrals with arbitrary tensor structure in Minkowski space to a well-defined set of master integrals. I developed and implemented an algorithm for the semi-analytical calculation of the most difficult integrals as they remain after the tensor reduction. (For the other basic integrals, well-known methods can be used.) Therefore, the implementation is finished with respect to the UV-finite part of those master integrals which still have the above mentioned topologies after tensor reduction. The numerical integrations were found stable. Well-known methods can be used for the still missing parts of the project. In big parts, it is merely necessary to create links to existing codes. (Well-known) methods still have to be implemented only for a few special topologies. The computer programs coding the algorithms arising from our project will be included as well for more general processes within the xloops project. For this reason, they were developed and implemented for general processes as much as possible. The aforementioned algorithm was designed especially for the evaluation of the fermionic corrections at NNLO to the weak leptonic mixing angle, but also for corrections to similar processes. I did a big part of the work necessary for the fermionic NNLO corrections to the effective coupling constants of the Z-decay (and therefore for the weak mixing angle) within this thesis

    1D-3D hybrid modeling : from multi-compartment models to full resolution models in space and time

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    Investigation of cellular and network dynamics in the brain by means of modeling and simulation has evolved into a highly interdisciplinary field, that uses sophisticated modeling and simulation approaches to understand distinct areas of brain function. Depending on the underlying complexity, these models vary in their level of detail, in order to cope with the attached computational cost. Hence for large network simulations, single neurons are typically reduced to time-dependent signal processors, dismissing the spatial aspect of each cell. For single cell or networks with relatively small numbers of neurons, general purpose simulators allow for space and time-dependent simulations of electrical signal processing, based on the cable equation theory. An emerging field in Computational Neuroscience encompasses a new level of detail by incorporating the full three-dimensional morphology of cells and organelles into three-dimensional, space and time-dependent, simulations. While every approach has its advantages and limitations, such as computational cost, integrated and methods-spanning simulation approaches, depending on the network size could establish new ways to investigate the brain. In this paper we present a hybrid simulation approach, that makes use of reduced 1D-models using e.g., the NEURON simulator—which couples to fully resolved models for simulating cellular and sub-cellular dynamics, including the detailed three-dimensional morphology of neurons and organelles. In order to couple 1D- and 3D-simulations, we present a geometry-, membrane potential- and intracellular concentration mapping framework, with which graph- based morphologies, e.g., in the swc- or hoc-format, are mapped to full surface and volume representations of the neuron and computational data from 1D-simulations can be used as boundary conditions for full 3D simulations and vice versa. Thus, established models and data, based on general purpose 1D-simulators, can be directly coupled to the emerging field of fully resolved, highly detailed 3D-modeling approaches. We present the developed general framework for 1D/3D hybrid modeling and apply it to investigate electrically active neurons and their intracellular spatio-temporal calcium dynamics

    3D spatially resolved models of the intracellular dynamics of the hepatitis C genome replication cycle

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    Mathematical models of virus dynamics have not previously acknowledged spatial resolution at the intracellular level despite substantial arguments that favor the consideration of intracellular spatial dependence. The replication of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral RNA (vRNA) occurs within special replication complexes formed from membranes derived from endoplasmatic reticulum (ER). These regions, termed membranous webs, are generated primarily through specific interactions between nonstructural virus-encoded proteins (NSPs) and host cellular factors. The NSPs are responsible for the replication of the vRNA and their movement is restricted to the ER surface. Therefore, in this study we developed fully spatio-temporal resolved models of the vRNA replication cycle of HCV. Our simulations are performed upon realistic reconstructed cell structures—namely the ER surface and the membranous webs—based on data derived from immunostained cells replicating HCV vRNA. We visualized 3D simulations that reproduced dynamics resulting from interplay of the different components of our models (vRNA, NSPs, and a host factor), and we present an evaluation of the concentrations for the components within different regions of the cell. Thus far, our model is restricted to an internal portion of a hepatocyte and is qualitative more than quantitative. For a quantitative adaption to complete cells, various additional parameters will have to be determined through further in vitro cell biology experiments, which can be stimulated by the results deccribed in the present study

    Synaptic bouton properties are tuned to best fit the prevailing firing pattern

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    The morphology of presynaptic specializations can vary greatly ranging from classical single-release-site boutons in the central nervous system to boutons of various sizes harboring multiple vesicle release sites. Multi-release-site boutons can be found in several neural contexts, for example at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) of body wall muscles of Drosophila larvae. These NMJs are built by two motor neurons forming two types of glutamatergic multi-release-site boutons with two typical diameters. However, it is unknown why these distinct nerve terminal configurations are used on the same postsynaptic muscle fiber. To systematically dissect the biophysical properties of these boutons we developed a full three-dimensional model of such boutons, their release sites and transmitter-harboring vesicles and analyzed the local vesicle dynamics of various configurations during stimulation. Here we show that the rate of transmission of a bouton is primarily limited by diffusion-based vesicle movements and that the probability of vesicle release and the size of a bouton affect bouton-performance in distinct temporal domains allowing for an optimal transmission of the neural signals at different time scales. A comparison of our in silico simulations with in vivo recordings of the natural motor pattern of both neurons revealed that the bouton properties resemble a well-tuned cooperation of the parameters release probability and bouton size, enabling a reliable transmission of the prevailing firing-pattern at diffusion-limited boutons. Our findings indicate that the prevailing firing-pattern of a neuron may determine the physiological and morphological parameters required for its synaptic terminals