445 research outputs found

    Nuclear sensing of viral DNA, epigenetic regulation of herpes simplex virus infection, and innate immunity

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    AbstractHerpes simplex virus (HSV) undergoes a lytic infection in epithelial cells and a latent infection in neuronal cells, and epigenetic mechanisms play a major role in the differential gene expression under the two conditions. HSV viron DNA is not associated with histones but is rapidly loaded with heterochromatin upon entry into the cell. Viral proteins promote reversal of the epigenetic silencing in epithelial cells while the viral latency-associated transcript promotes additional heterochromatin in neuronal cells. The cellular sensors that initiate the chromatinization of foreign DNA have not been fully defined. IFI16 and cGAS are both essential for innate sensing of HSV DNA, and new evidence shows how they work together to initiate innate signaling. IFI16 also plays a role in the heterochromatinization of HSV DNA, and this review will examine how IFI16 integrates epigenetic regulation and innate sensing of foreign viral DNA to show how these two responses are related

    Disruption of the UL41 gene in the herpes simplex virus 2 dl5-29 mutant increases its immunogenicity and protective capacity in a murine model of genital herpes

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    AbstractThe herpes simplex virus 2 dl5-29 replication-defective mutant virus has been shown to induce protective immunity in mice and both prophylactic and therapeutic immunity in guinea pigs. In an attempt to improve the efficacy of dl5-29 we disrupted its UL41 gene, producing the triple mutant virus dl5-29-41L. dl5-29-41L has a decreased ability to inhibit host cell protein synthesis and a reduced cytopathic effect on cultured cells. When used to immunize mice, dl5-29-41L elicited significantly stronger neutralizing antibody responses and significantly stronger CD4+ and CD8+ cellular immune responses than dl5-29. The enhanced immune responses corresponded with increased protective capacity in a murine model of genital herpes. The protective immunity elicited by either virus was very durable, protecting mice for at least 7 months. Furthermore, we show that cell lysate preparations of both viruses were significantly more efficacious than the corresponding extracellular virus preparations

    Role for A-Type Lamins in Herpesviral DNA Targeting and Heterochromatin Modulation

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    Posttranslational modification of histones is known to regulate chromatin structure and transcriptional activity, and the nuclear lamina is thought to serve as a site for heterochromatin maintenance and transcriptional silencing. In this report, we show that the nuclear lamina can also play a role in the downregulation of heterochromatin and in gene activation. Herpes simplex virus DNA initiates replication in replication compartments near the inner edge of the nucleus, and histones are excluded from these structures. To define the role of nuclear lamins in HSV replication, we examined HSV infection in wild-type and A-type lamin–deficient (Lmna−/−) murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). In Lmna−/− cells, viral replication compartments are reduced in size and fail to target to the nuclear periphery, as observed in WT cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence studies demonstrate that HSV DNA is associated with increased heterochromatin in Lmna−/− MEFs. These results argue for a functional role for A-type lamins as viral gene expression, DNA replication, and growth are reduced in Lmna−/− MEFs, with the greatest effect on viral replication at low multiplicity of infection. Thus, lamin A/C is required for targeting of the viral genome and the reduction of heterochromatin on viral promoters during lytic infection. The nuclear lamina can serve as a molecular scaffold for DNA genomes and the protein complexes that regulate both euchromatin and heterochromatin histone modifications

    Decreasing Herpes Simplex Viral Infectivity in Solution by Surface-Immobilized and Suspended N,N-Dodecyl,methyl-polyethylenimine

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    Purpose To explore surface-immobilized and suspended modalities of the hydrophobic polycation N,N-dodecyl,methyl-polyethylenimine (DMPEI) for the ability to reduce viral infectivity in aqueous solutions containing herpes simplex viruses (HSVs) 1 and 2. Methods Surface-immobilized (coated onto surfaces) and suspended DMPEI were incubated with aqueous solutions containing HSV-1 or -2 to measure the antiviral effect of the hydrophobic polycation’s formulations on HSVs. Results DMPEI coated on either polyethylene slides or male latex condoms dramatically decreases infectivity in solutions containing HSV-1 or -2. Moreover, DMPEI suspended in aqueous solution markedly reduces the infectious titer of these HSVs. Conclusion Our results suggest potential uses of DMPEI for both prophylaxis (in the form of coated condoms) and treatment (as a topical suspension) for HSV infections.Martin Family Graduate FellowshipNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant AI057552)United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF-07-D-0004

    Herpes Simplex Virus 1 ICP27 Is Required for Transcription of Two Viral Late (γ2) Genes in Infected Cells

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    AbstractThe herpes simplex virus infected cell protein 27 (ICP27) is required for the expression of certain early viral proteins and for many late proteins during productive infection. Expression of at least one late (γ2) gene, that encoding glycoprotein C, is severely restricted in the absence of functional ICP27. The exact mode of action by which ICP27 induces late gene expression is not known, but the effect is apparent at the mRNA level as demonstrated by Northern blot analysis. To determine whether ICP27 activates late genes via transcriptional or posttranscriptional mechanisms, we initially used nuclear run-on assays to measure transcription of viral genes in Vero cells infected with wild-type (WT) virus or an ICP27 nonsense mutant virus, n504. We observed a 4-fold reduction in the nuclear run-on signal from the coding strand of the gC gene for n504-infected cells compared to that of WT-infected cells. However, interpretation of the results was complicated by the observation of a significant signal from the noncoding strand in these experiments. To obviate the problem of symmetrical transcription, we utilized in vivo RNA pulse-labeling to measure the amount of transcription of viral genes in cells infected with either WT virus or n504 virus. We found a 5- to 10-fold reduction in the transcription of the gC and UL47 genes, two late genes, in cells infected with n504 compared to that in cells infected with WT virus. In contrast, transcription of the ICP8 gene, an early gene, was similar in WT and n504 virus-infected cells. We also examined the stability of the gC and UL47 gene transcripts in n504-infected cells, and we found it to be comparable to that in WT virus-infected cells, further supporting an effect on transcription. Transcription of the gC and UL47 genes by n504 was normal in a cell line that expresses WT ICP27. From these results we conclude that ICP27 is required for transcription of the late gC and UL47 genes during productive infection

    Persistent Elevated Expression of Cytokine Transcripts in Ganglia Latently Infected with Herpes Simplex Virus in the Absence of Ganglionic Replication or Reactivation

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    AbstractInfection of mouse trigeminal ganglia by herpes simplex virus induces cytokine expression that persists long after infectious virus or viral antigens become undetectable. To examine mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, we used a thymidine kinase mutant, dlsptk, which fails to replicate in ganglia and does not reactivate upon ganglionic explant. Using quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction assays, we found that levels of interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α transcripts in dlsptk-infected ganglia were lower than those in wild type-infected ganglia, but were significantly (eight- to 10-fold) higher than those in mock-infected ganglia from Day 3 to Day 100 postinfection. We also studied latency-associated transcript (LAT) negative mutants that exhibit increased expression of productive cycle transcripts in ganglia. Ganglia infected with these mutants contained levels of cytokine transcripts similar to those in wild type-infected ganglia; any increases in viral antigen expression mediated by the LAT deletion were not accompanied by increased cytokine expression. Thus, neither viral replication, the ability to reactivate, nor LAT expression in ganglia is required for persistent elevated cytokine expression. The results provide indirect evidence that low-level expression of viral productive cycle genes in neurons can provide signals that elicit cytokine expression

    Proteomics of herpes simplex virus infected cell protein 27: association with translation initiation factors

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    AbstractThe herpes simplex virus (HSV) immediate early ICP27 protein plays an essential role in stimulating viral early and late gene expression. ICP27 appears to be multifunctional in that it has been reported to stimulate viral late gene transcription, polyadenylation site usage, and RNA export. We report here on proteomic studies involving immunoprecipitation of ICP27 and mass spectrometric identification of co-precipitated proteins. These studies show an association of ICP27 with the cellular translation initiation factors poly A binding protein (PABP), eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3), and eukaryotic initiation factor 4G (eIF4G) in infected cells. Immunoprecipitation-western blot studies confirmed these associations. Finally, purified MBP-tagged ICP27 (MBP-27) can interact with eIF3 subunits p47 and p116 in vitro. These results suggest that ICP27 may also play a role in stimulating translation of certain viral and host mRNAs and/or in inhibiting host mRNA translation

    Vaginal Submucosal Dendritic Cells, but Not Langerhans Cells, Induce Protective Th1 Responses to Herpes Simplex Virus-2

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    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2 infection occurs primarily at the genital mucosal surfaces and is a leading cause of ulcerative lesions. Despite the availability of animal models for HSV-2 infection, little is known regarding the mechanism of immune induction within the vaginal mucosa. Here, we examined the cell types responsible for the initiation of protective Th1 immunity to HSV-2. Intravaginal inoculation of HSV-2 led to a rapid recruitment of submucosal dendritic cells (DCs) to the infected epithelium. Subsequently, CD11c+ DCs harboring viral peptides in the context of MHC class II molecules emerged in the draining lymph nodes and were found to be responsible for the stimulation of IFNγ secretion from HSV-specific CD4+ T cells. Other antigen-presenting cells including B cells and macrophages did not present viral peptides to T cells in the draining lymph nodes. Next, we assessed the relative contribution to immune generation by the Langerhans cells in the vaginal epithelium, the submucosal CD11b+ DCs, and the CD8α+ lymph node DCs. Analysis of these DC populations from the draining lymph nodes revealed that only the CD11b+ submucosal DCs, but not Langerhans cell–derived or CD8α+ DCs, presented viral antigens to CD4+ T cells and induced IFNγ secretion. These results demonstrate a previously unanticipated role for submucosal DCs in the generation of protective Th1 immune responses to HSV-2 in the vaginal mucosa, and suggest their importance in immunity to other sexually transmitted diseases

    Risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with varenicline:systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective To determine the risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events associated with use of varenicline compared with placebo in randomised controlled trials. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing study effects using two summary estimates in fixed effects models, risk differences, and Peto odds ratios. Data sources Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and clinicaltrials.gov. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Randomised controlled trials with a placebo comparison group that reported on neuropsychiatric adverse events (depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, suicide, insomnia, sleep disorders, abnormal dreams, somnolence, fatigue, anxiety) and death. Studies that did not involve human participants, did not use the maximum recommended dose of varenicline (1 mg twice daily), and were cross over trials were excluded. Results In the 39 randomised controlled trials (10 761 participants), there was no evidence of an increased risk of suicide or attempted suicide (odds ratio 1.67, 95% confidence interval 0.33 to 8.57), suicidal ideation (0.58, 0.28 to 1.20), depression (0.96, 0.75 to 1.22), irritability (0.98, 0.81 to 1.17), aggression (0.91, 0.52 to 1.59), or death (1.05, 0.47 to 2.38) in the varenicline users compared with placebo users. Varenicline was associated with an increased risk of sleep disorders (1.63, 1.29 to 2.07), insomnia (1.56, 1.36 to 1.78), abnormal dreams (2.38, 2.05 to 2.77), and fatigue (1.28, 1.06 to 1.55) but a reduced risk of anxiety (0.75, 0.61 to 0.93). Similar findings were observed when risk differences were reported. There was no evidence for a variation in depression and suicidal ideation by age group, sex, ethnicity, smoking status, presence or absence of psychiatric illness, and type of study sponsor (that is, pharmaceutical industry or other). Conclusions This meta-analysis found no evidence of an increased risk of suicide or attempted suicide, suicidal ideation, depression, or death with varenicline. These findings provide some reassurance for users and prescribers regarding the neuropsychiatric safety of varenicline. There was evidence that varenicline was associated with a higher risk of sleep problems such as insomnia and abnormal dreams. These side effects, however,are already well recognised. Systematic review registration PROSPERO 2014:CRD42014009224
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