4 research outputs found

    Specific Triggers of Migraine Headache in Adolescents

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    AIM: Purpose of the study was to recognize specific migraine triggers in adolescents.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Study was conducted on 20,917 adolescents in Serbia.RESULTS: Lack of sleep, passive tobacco smoking, alcohol intakes, and "not eating in time" are triggers that provoke migraine in adolescents.CONCLUSION: Avoiding migraine triggers in 68% of adolescents reduced drug therapy for 75%

    Recurrent headache and migraine heritability: Twin study

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    The aim of the study was to determine recurrent headache (migraine and non-migraine) heritability, among the twin pairs. Headache hritability was investigated among 396 twin pairs (42.4% monozygotic and 57.6% dizygotic) aged 3 to 21 years, on north part territory of Serbia-Vojvodina, during the 20 years period. Within the group of tested twin persons, 30.2% had recurrent headaches, 9.2% migraine headache and 21% other recurrent non-migraine headaches. Heritability quotient of all recurrent headaches was 0.3882. For non- migraine headaches heritability quotient of 0.2286 confirmed that the external factors influence is higher than heritability. Migraine headache heritability quotient 0.8598 clearly proved the heritability of the migraine headache. Both, correlation and determination quotient of the migraine headache of all the twins (r12 0.7498; r21256.12%), monozygotic (r120.8458; r1271.54%) and dizygotic (r120.6342; r21240.22%), show high degree of migraine headache twin siblings dependence, and higher correlation and significance of the difference with monozygotic twins

    Recurrent headache and migraine within the family

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    The aim of this research was to determine risk for family appearance of the recurrent headache (non-migraine and migraine). The recurrent headache can be understood as being a heterogeneous state, consisting of some more, still not found, hereditary disposition factors which altogether, interacting with surrounding factors give the recognizable clinical picture. The current heredity concept suggests multifactor heredity. The research was conducted in Vojvodina, the Northern Province of Serbia. The population of Vojvodina is around 2 million people belonging to more than 20 different ethnic groups. During the 20 years period (1988-2008), 30363 children aged 3 to 17 years were tested, independent of the place of birth. The presence of headaches similar to those tested was compared among all the members of the family within three generations. Positive family data of the recurrent headaches was detected among 98,6% children with migraine headaches, 64,7% children with non- migraine headaches, and 32,4% children without recurrent headaches. The relation among the members of the nuclear family (contingency quotient of 0,429) is significantly stronger than the relation to the members of wider family (contingency quotient of 0,338). The probability of a child having the migraine headache, and not the non-migraine one, is 0,664 for a mother, 0,644 for a father, 0,411 for a father`s mother, - 0,175 for a mother`s mother, 0,165 for a mother`s father, and - 0,102 for a father`s father having similar recurrent headaches