603 research outputs found

    Thermal conductivity of III-V semiconductor superlattices

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    This paper presents a semiclassical model for the anisotropic thermal transport in III-V semiconductor superlattices (SLs). An effective interface rms roughness is the only adjustable parameter. Thermal transport inside a layer is described by the Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation and is affected by the relevant scattering mechanisms (three-phonon, mass-difference, and dopant and electron scattering of phonons), as well as by diffuse scattering from the interfaces captured via an effective interface scattering rate. The in-plane thermal conductivity is obtained from the layer conductivities connected in parallel. The cross-plane thermal conductivity is calculated from the layer thermal conductivities in series with one another and with thermal boundary resistances (TBRs) associated with each interface; the TBRs dominate cross-plane transport. The TBR of each interface is calculated from the transmission coefficient obtained by interpolating between the acoustic mismatch model (AMM) and the diffuse mismatch model (DMM), where the weight of the AMM transmission coefficient is the same wavelength-dependent specularity parameter related to the effective interface rms roughness that is commonly used to describe diffuse interface scattering. The model is applied to multiple III-arsenide superlattices, and the results are in very good agreement with experimental findings. The method is both simple and accurate, easy to implement, and applicable to complicated SL systems, such as the active regions of quantum cascade lasers. It is also valid for other SL material systems with high-quality interfaces and predominantly incoherent phonon transport.Comment: Manuscript (9 pages) plus supplementary materials (6 pages

    Thermal conductivity of ternary III-V semiconductor alloys: The role of mass difference and long-range order

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    Thermal transport in bulk ternary III-V arsenide (III-As) semiconductor alloys was investigated using equilibrium molecular dynamics with optimized Albe-Tersoff empirical interatomic potentials. Existing potentials for binary AlAs, GaAs, and InAs were optimized to obtain accurate phonon dispersions and temperature-dependent thermal conductivity. Calculations of thermal transport in ternary III-Vs commonly employ the virtual-crystal approximation (VCA), where the structure is assumed to be a random alloy and all group-III atoms (cations) are treated as if they have an effective weighted-average mass. Here, we showed that is critical to treat atomic masses explicitly, and that the thermal conductivity obtained with explicit atomic masses differs considerably from the value obtained with the average VCA cation mass. The larger the difference between the cation masses, the poorer the VCA prediction for thermal conductivity. The random-alloy assumption in the VCA is also challenged, because X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy show order in InGaAs, InAlAs, and GaAlAs epi-layers. We calculated thermal conductivity for three common types of order [CuPt-B, CuAu-I, and triple-period-A (TPA)] and showed that the experimental results for In0.53_{0.53}Ga0.47_{0.47}As and In0.52_{0.52}Al0.48_{0.48}As, which are lattice matched to the InP substrate, can be reproduced in molecular dynamics simulation with 2% and 8% of random disorder, respectively. Based on our results, thermal transport in ternary III-As alloys appears to be governed by the competition between mass-difference scattering, which is much more pronounced than the VCA suggests, and the long-range order that these alloys support

    Non-Markovian electron dynamics in nanostructures coupled to dissipative contacts

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    In quasiballistic semiconductor nanostructures, carrier exchange between the active region and dissipative contacts is the mechanism that governs relaxation. In this paper, we present a theoretical treatment of transient quantum transport in quasiballistic semiconductor nanostructures, which is based on the open system theory and valid on timescales much longer than the characteristic relaxation time in the contacts. The approach relies on a model interaction between the current-limiting active region and the contacts, given in the scattering-state basis. We derive a non-Markovian master equation for the irreversible evolution of the active region's many-body statistical operator by coarse-graining the exact dynamical map over the contact relaxation time. In order to obtain the response quantities of a nanostructure under bias, such as the potential and the charge and current densities, the non-Markovian master equation must be solved numerically together with the Schr\"{o}dinger, Poisson, and continuity equations. We discuss how to numerically solve this coupled system of equations and illustrate the approach on the example of a silicon nin diode.Comment: FdP Special Issue: Quantum Physics with non-Hermitian Operators: Theory and Experiment. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0801.401

    Pseudospin Electronics in Phosphorene Nanoribbons

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    Zigzag phosphorene nanoribbons are metallic owing to the edge states, whose energies are inside the gap and far from the bulk bands. We show that -- through electrical manipulation of edge states -- electron propagation can be restricted to one of the ribbon edges or, in case of bilayer phosphorene nanoribbons, to one of the layers. This finding implies that edge and layer can be regarded as tunable equivalents of the spin-one-half degree of freedom, i.e., the pseudospin. In both layer- and edge-pseudospin schemes, we propose and characterize a pseudospin field-effect transistor, which can generate pseudospin-polarized current. Also, we propose edge- and layer-pseudospin valves that operate analogously to conventional spin valves. The performance of valves in each pseudospin scheme is benchmarked by the pseudomagnetoresistance (PMR) ratio. The edge-pseudospin valve shows a nearly perfect PMR, with remarkable robustness against device parameters and disorder. These results may initiate new developments in pseudospin electronics.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Tunable Electronic Properties of Multilayer Phosphorene and Its Nanoribbons

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    We study the effects of a vertical electric field on the electronic band structure and transport in multilayer phosphorene and its nanoribbons. In phosphorene, at a critical value of the vertical electric field (EcE_c), the band gap closes and the band structure undergoes a massive-to-massless Dirac fermion transition along the armchair direction. This transition is observable in quantum Hall measurements, as the power-law dependence of the Landau-level energy on the magnetic field BB goes from ∼(n+1/2)B\sim (n+1/2)B below EcE_c, to ∼[(n+1/2)B]2/3\sim [(n+1/2)B]^{2/3} at EcE_c, to ∼[(n+1/2)B]1/2\sim [(n+1/2)B]^{1/2} above EcE_c. In multilayer phosphorene nanoribbons (PNRs), the vertical electric field can be employed to manipulate the midgap energy bands that are associated with edge states, thereby giving rise to new device functionalities. We propose a dual-edge-gate PNR structure that works as a quantum switch.Comment: To appear in Journal of Computational Electronic

    Dissipative transport in superlattices within the Wigner function formalism

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    We employ the Wigner function formalism to simulate partially coherent, dissipative electron transport in biased semiconductor superlattices. We introduce a model collision integral with terms that describe energy dissipation, momentum relaxation, and the decay of spatial coherences (localization). Based on a particle-based solution to the Wigner transport equation with the model collision integral, we simulate quantum electronic transport at 10 K in a GaAs/AlGaAs superlattice and accurately reproduce its current density vs field characteristics obtained in experiment.Comment: Special JCEL issue on Wigner functions, http://link.springer.com/journal/10825/14/4/page/

    Nonequilibrium phonon effects in midinfrared quantum cascade lasers

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    We investigate the effects of nonequilibrium phonon dynamics on the operation of a GaAs-based midinfrared quantum cascade laser over a range of temperatures (77--300 K) via a coupled ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of electron and optical-phonon systems. Nonequilibrium phonon effects are shown to be important below 200 K. At low temperatures, nonequilibrium phonons enhance injection selectivity and efficiency by drastically increasing the rate of interstage electron scattering from the lowest injector state to the next-stage upper lasing level via optical-phonon absorption. As a result, the current density and modal gain at a given field are higher and the threshold current density lower and considerably closer to experiment than results obtained with thermal phonons. By amplifying phonon absorption, nonequilibrium phonons also hinder electron energy relaxation and lead to elevated electronic temperatures

    Partially coherent electron transport in terahertz quantum cascade lasers based on a Markovian master equation for the density matrix

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    We derive a Markovian master equation for the single-electron density matrix, applicable to quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). The equation conserves the positivity of the density matrix, includes off-diagonal elements (coherences) as well as in-plane dynamics, and accounts for electron scattering with phonons and impurities. We use the model to simulate a terahertz-frequency QCL, and compare the results with both experiment and simulation via nonequilibrium Green's functions (NEGF). We obtain very good agreement with both experiment and NEGF when the QCL is biased for optimal lasing. For the considered device, we show that the magnitude of coherences can be a significant fraction of the diagonal matrix elements, which demonstrates their importance when describing THz QCLs. We show that the in-plane energy distribution can deviate far from a heated Maxwellian distribution, which suggests that the assumption of thermalized subbands in simplified density-matrix models is inadequate. We also show that the current density and subband occupations relax towards their steady-state values on very different time scales

    Dielectric function and plasmons in graphene: A self-consistent-field calculation within a Markovian master equation formalism

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    We introduce a method for calculating the dielectric function of nanostructures with an arbitrary band dispersion and Bloch wave functions. The linear response of a dissipative electronic system to an external electromagnetic field is calculated by a self-consistent-field approach within a Markovian master equation formalism (SCF-MMEF) coupled with full-wave electromagnetic equations. The SCF-MMEF accurately accounts for several concurrent scattering mechanisms. The method captures interband electron-hole-pair generation, as well as the interband and intraband electron scattering with phonons and impurities. We employ the SCF-MMEF to calculate the dielectric function, complex conductivity, and loss function for supported graphene. From the loss-function maximum, we obtain plasmon dispersion and propagation length for different substrate types [nonpolar diamondlike carbon (DLC) and polar SiO2_2 and hBN], impurity densities, carrier densities, and temperatures. Plasmons on the two polar substrates are suppressed below the highest surface phonon energy, while the spectrum is broad on the nonpolar DLC. Plasmon propagation lengths are comparable on polar and nonpolar substrates and are on the order of tens of nanometers, considerably shorter than previously reported. They improve with fewer impurities, at lower temperatures, and at higher carrier densities

    Phonon Monte Carlo: Generating Random Variates for Thermal Transport Simulation

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    Phonon Monte Carlo (PMC) is a versatile stochasic technique for solving the Boltzmann transport equation for phonons. It is particularly well suited for analyzing thermal transport in structures that have real-space roughness or are too large to simulate directly using atomistic techniques. PMC hinges on the generation and use of \textit{random variates} -- specific values of the random variables that correspond to physical observables -- in a way that accurately and efficiently captures the appropriate distribution functions. We present the relative merits of the inversion and rejection techniques for generating random variates on several examples relevant in thermal transport: drawing phonons from a thermal distribution and with full or isotropic dispersion, randomizing outgoing momentum upon diffuse boundary scattering, implementing contacts (boundary and internal), and conserving energy in the simulation. We also identify common themes in phonon generation and scattering that are helpful for reusing code in the simulation (generating thermal-phonon attributes vs internal contacts; diffuse surface scattering vs boundary contacts). We hope these examples will inform the reader about the mechanics of random-variate generation and how to choose a good approach for whatever problem is at hand, and aid in the more widespread use of PMC for thermal transport simulation.Comment: This is a book chapter to appear in "Nanophononics," ed. Z. Aksamija, Pan Stanford Publishing, 201
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