1,607 research outputs found

    How long does it take to generate a group?

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    The diameter of a finite group GG with respect to a generating set AA is the smallest non-negative integer nn such that every element of GG can be written as a product of at most nn elements of AA1A \cup A^{-1}. We denote this invariant by \diam_A(G). It can be interpreted as the diameter of the Cayley graph induced by AA on GG and arises, for instance, in the context of efficient communication networks. In this paper we study the diameters of a finite abelian group GG with respect to its various generating sets AA. We determine the maximum possible value of \diam_A(G) and classify all generating sets for which this maximum value is attained. Also, we determine the maximum possible cardinality of AA subject to the condition that \diam_A(G) is "not too small". Connections with caps, sum-free sets, and quasi-perfect codes are discussed

    A short proof of Kneser's addition theorem for abelian groups

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    Martin Kneser proved the following addition theorem for every abelian group GG. If A,BGA,B \subseteq G are finite and nonempty, then A+BA+K+B+KK|A+B| \ge |A+K| + |B+K| - |K| where K={gGg+A+B=A+B}K = \{g \in G \mid g+A+B = A+B \}. Here we give a short proof of this based on a simple intersection union argument.Comment: 3 page

    Neural Networks Compression for Language Modeling

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    In this paper, we consider several compression techniques for the language modeling problem based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs). It is known that conventional RNNs, e.g, LSTM-based networks in language modeling, are characterized with either high space complexity or substantial inference time. This problem is especially crucial for mobile applications, in which the constant interaction with the remote server is inappropriate. By using the Penn Treebank (PTB) dataset we compare pruning, quantization, low-rank factorization, tensor train decomposition for LSTM networks in terms of model size and suitability for fast inference.Comment: Keywords: LSTM, RNN, language modeling, low-rank factorization, pruning, quantization. Published by Springer in the LNCS series, 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 201

    Boundary curves of surfaces with the 4-plane property

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    Let M be an orientable and irreducible 3-manifold whose boundary is an incompressible torus. Suppose that M does not contain any closed nonperipheral embedded incompressible surfaces. We will show in this paper that the immersed surfaces in M with the 4-plane property can realize only finitely many boundary slopes. Moreover, we will show that only finitely many Dehn fillings of M can yield 3-manifolds with nonpositive cubings. This gives the first examples of hyperbolic 3-manifolds that cannot admit any nonpositive cubings.Comment: Published in Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol6/paper21.abs.htm

    Gauss composition over an arbitrary base

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    The classical theorems relating integral binary quadratic forms and ideal classes of quadratic orders have been of tremendous importance in mathematics, and many authors have given extensions of these theorems to rings other than the integers. However, such extensions have always included hypotheses on the rings, and the theorems involve only binary quadratic forms satisfying further hypotheses. We give a complete statement of the relationship between binary quadratic forms and modules for quadratic algebras over any base ring, or in fact base scheme. The result includes all binary quadratic forms, and commutes with base change. We give global geometric as well as local explicit descriptions of the relationship between forms and modules.Comment: submitte

    Sweepouts of amalgamated 3-manifolds

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    We show that if two 3-manifolds with toroidal boundary are glued via a `sufficiently complicated' map then every Heegaard splitting of the resulting 3-manifold is weakly reducible. Additionally, if Z is a manifold obtained by gluing X and Y, two connected small manifolds with incompressible boundary, along a closed surface F. Then the genus g(Z) of Z is greater than or equal to 1/2(g(X)+g(Y)-2g(F)). Both results follow from a new technique to simplify the intersection between an incompressible surface and a strongly irreducible Heegaard splitting.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 24 February 200

    The size of triangulations supporting a given link

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    Let T be a triangulation of S^3 containing a link L in its 1-skeleton. We give an explicit lower bound for the number of tetrahedra of T in terms of the bridge number of L. Our proof is based on the theory of almost normal surfaces.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol5/paper13.abs.htm

    Schrijver graphs and projective quadrangulations

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    In a recent paper [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B}, 113 (2015), pp. 1-17], the authors have extended the concept of quadrangulation of a surface to higher dimension, and showed that every quadrangulation of the nn-dimensional projective space PnP^n is at least (n+2)(n+2)-chromatic, unless it is bipartite. They conjectured that for any integers k1k\geq 1 and n2k+1n\geq 2k+1, the Schrijver graph SG(n,k)SG(n,k) contains a spanning subgraph which is a quadrangulation of Pn2kP^{n-2k}. The purpose of this paper is to prove the conjecture

    Converting between quadrilateral and standard solution sets in normal surface theory

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    The enumeration of normal surfaces is a crucial but very slow operation in algorithmic 3-manifold topology. At the heart of this operation is a polytope vertex enumeration in a high-dimensional space (standard coordinates). Tollefson's Q-theory speeds up this operation by using a much smaller space (quadrilateral coordinates), at the cost of a reduced solution set that might not always be sufficient for our needs. In this paper we present algorithms for converting between solution sets in quadrilateral and standard coordinates. As a consequence we obtain a new algorithm for enumerating all standard vertex normal surfaces, yielding both the speed of quadrilateral coordinates and the wider applicability of standard coordinates. Experimentation with the software package Regina shows this new algorithm to be extremely fast in practice, improving speed for large cases by factors from thousands up to millions.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor fixes only, plus a reformat for the journal styl