22 research outputs found

    Technical assessment of Common Rail injectors on the groundof overflow bench tests

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    Wi臋kszo艣膰 aktualnie produkowanych silnik贸w o zap艂onie samoczynnym do nap臋du samochod贸w osobowych jest wyposa偶ona w uk艂ady zasilania typu Common Rail. W du偶ej liczbie stosowane s膮 wtryskiwacze z elektromagnetycznym zaworem. W artykule przedstawiono ocen臋 r贸偶nic w dawkowaniu realizowanym przez wtryskiwacze r贸偶nych generacji oraz oszacowano ilo艣ci paliwa niezb臋dne do uruchomienia wtryskiwaczy. Okre艣lono udzia艂 przelewu w dawce wtryskiwanego paliwa. Wprowadzono poj臋cie wska藕nika sprawno艣ci, jako wielko艣ci umo偶liwiaj膮cej ocen臋 ilo艣ci rozpr臋偶anego paliwa. Przedstawiono jednostkowe przelewy i r贸偶nice w jednostkowych przelewach zar贸wno dla sprawnych wtryskiwaczy, jak i niesprawnego. Wyznaczono przecieki dla element贸w I generacji. Zaproponowano metodyk臋 post臋powania przy ocenie stanu technicznego wtryskiwaczy po pewnym okresie eksploatacji.The majority of actually produced Diesel engines operated as power units in passenger cars are equipped with injection systems of Common Rail type. Injectors with solenoid valve are implemented to a large extent of these engines. In the paper is discussed an assessment of differences in fuel dosing accomplished by injectors of various generations and are estimated quantities of fuel needed to actuate operation of the injectors. It has been specified a share of overflow volume in dose of injected fuel. One introduced also an index of efficiency, as a quantity to evaluate amount of decompressed fuel. Elementary overflows and differences in the elementary overflows are presented, both in case of efficient and inefficient injectors. There are evaluated leaks for elements from the 1st generation. It has been proposed a methodology of proceeding to assess technical conditions of the injectors after some time of operation

    The evaluation of the characteristic injection times of a multiple fuel dose

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    During research works on Common Rail injection systems it was found that there were differences between the set values of the injector opening times, the values of the opening times realized by the engine controller and the actual times of the injector needle lift. It is important to learn about the relation between the above-mentioned values, as there are significant time shifts between the start of the injector control impulse and actual start of the injection. Similar phenomena may be observed upon completion of an injection, where decay of the control signal is not tantamount to the settlement of the needle in the seat. This work aims at a determination of the scope, value and direction of the changes that the characteristic injection times are subject to depending on the injection time set, fuel dose and fuel pressure. Measurements the characteristic injection parameters were made in three basic groups differing in the set sequences of injection times and injection pressures. The knowledge of the characteristic injection times enables correct designs of the control algorithms for the operation of compression-ignition engines and it also enables a precise control of the fuel dose volume in the entire period of engine use. This is proved by development works related to ultra-high pressure common rail system and conducted by one of the leading manufacturers of engine fuel systems

    Possibility of measuring the injection rate and dose with an indicator of enlarged volume

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    Artyku艂 jest po艣wi臋cony pomiarom: nat臋偶enia wyp艂ywu paliwa z rozpylacza oraz dawki, podawanych przez wtryskiwacz silnika o zap艂onie samoczynnym. Oceniono mo偶liwo艣ci wyznaczania przebiegu wtrysku pojedynczej i dzielonej dawki przy wtrysku do komory indykatora o powi臋kszonej obj臋to艣ci. W pomiarach wykorzystano wtryskiwacz samochodu ci臋偶arowego 艣redniej 艂adowno艣ci. Przy ocenie wynik贸w przyj臋to, 偶e r贸偶nice mi臋dzy warto艣ciami zmierzonymi a obliczonymi nie powinny przekracza膰 拧 4%. Tak wyznaczony zakres stosowania indykatora obejmuje dawki o obj臋to艣ciach od 10 do ok. 52 mm3/wtrysk. Poza nim wyst臋puj膮 przypadki obj臋te dopuszczalnym przedzia艂em b艂臋du, jednak istnieje prawdopodobie艅stwo wyst膮pienia pomiar贸w, kt贸rych wynik nie b臋dzie si臋 mie艣ci艂 w przyj臋tym przedziale.The paper deals with measurements of the fuel dose and injection rate for a diesel engine injector. Possibility of measuring the single and multiple fuel injection rate was estimated. The investigations were performed for an electromagnetic common rail injector during fuel injection to the indicator chamber of enlarged volume. Such injectors are usually used in engines of medium carrying capacity trucks. The amplified pressure signal from the indicator was recorded by means of a digital oscilloscope. The equation for calculation of the injection rate results from the mass conservation law (2). For each measurement point (Tab. 1) the relative difference between the injection dose measured and calculated was determined (3) (Figs. 4, 6 and 10) for both single and multiple injection. The relative approximation errors were determined, too (Figs. 1 and 2). Comparison of the measured and calculated injection dose as a function of the rail pressure for both single and multiple injection is presented in Figs. 3 and 5. Fig. 7 shows the measured and calculated injection dose as a function of the dwell time for multiple injection. It was assumed that the differences between the measured and calculated values should not exceed 拧 4%. Hence, the indicator should be used within the range of fuel supply from 10 for 52 mm3/cycle. Outside the assumed range, the error can be less than or equal to 拧 4%, but it also it can be greater

    Dynamic and strength analysis of injector of common rail injection system

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    Wi臋kszo艣膰 aktualnie produkowanych silnik贸w o zap艂onie samoczynnym, przeznaczonych do nap臋du samochod贸w osobowych, jest wyposa偶ona w uk艂ady zasilania typu common rail, w kt贸rych stosowane s膮 wtryskiwacze z elektromagnetycznym zaworem. W artykule zaproponowano metodyk臋 post臋powania przy prowadzeniu modelowej analizy wtryskiwacza zasobnikowego uk艂adu zasilania silnika o zap艂onie samoczynnym. Analiz臋 oparto o pakiety: Autodesk Inventor, MSC.Adams, MSC.Patran/MSC.Nastran. Rozwa偶ania podzielono na trzy etapy i w ka偶dym z nich zastosowano odpowiednie oprogramowanie. W pierwszym, w oparciu o przeprowadzone pomiary element贸w wtryskiwacza, opracowano geometryczny model urz膮dzenia, w drugim model strukturalny oraz przedstawiono wyniki symulacji analizy dynamicznej pracy wtryskiwacza, a w trzecim, w oparciu o metod臋 element贸w sko艅czonych, przeprowadzono wytrzyma艂o艣ciow膮 analiz臋 wybranego fragmentu urz膮dzenia. Sformu艂owano og贸lne uwagi i zalecenia dotycz膮ce prowadzenia analizy numerycznej wtryskiwacza.Most of currently manufactured diesel engines for passenger vehicles are equipped with the common rail injection systems in which injectors with electromagnetic valves are mounted. In this paper a method of investigation for model analysis of common rail injector in supply systems of diesel engines was presented. The analysis was based on Autodesk Inventor, MSC.Adams and MSC.Patran/MSC.Nastran software packages. The research was divided into three stages, each of which was lead with the use of a proper software. In the first stage a geometrical model of the device was developed according to the carried out measurements of injector elements. In the second stage there was developed a structural model and the results of a simulation and dynamical analysis of injector performance were given. In the third stage finite element method based strength analysis of a chosen element of the device was performed. Final remarks and recommendations concerning a methodology of numerical analysis of the injector were formulated

    Use of standard computer packages in the analysis of the fuel injection process

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    W artykule przedstawiono ocen臋 mo偶liwo艣ci wykorzystania program贸w Microsoft Excel i Matlab jako narz臋dzi do analizy wtrysku paliwa. Pomiary obejmowa艂y badania stanowiskowe uk艂adu wtryskowego common rail. Rejestrowano przebiegi napi臋ciowe sygna艂贸w steruj膮cych wtryskiwaczami oraz sygna艂y generowane przez fabryczny czujnik ci艣nienia umieszczony w zasobniku. Po analizie dost臋pnych metod filtracji wybrano filtr Czebyszewa, jako narz臋dzie s艂u偶膮ce do usuwania zak艂贸ce艅 ze zmierzonych przebieg贸w. Analiza wynik贸w bada艅 wykaza艂a, 偶e wtrysk powoduje istotne zmiany ci艣nienia paliwa w zasobniku, kt贸re mo偶na wykorzysta膰 do oceny pracy uk艂adu zasilania. Zastosowane og贸lnodost臋pne pakiety informatyczne umo偶liwiaj膮 analiz臋, jak i prezentacj臋 graficzn膮 wynik贸w pomiar贸w.This paper presents the results of level analysis of the possibility of using Microsoft Excel and Matlab as a tool useful in the analysis of the fuel injection. Measurements included bench testing common rail injection system. Recorded voltage waveforms of control signals generated by the injectors and pressure sensor. Then, after an analysis of selected methods of filtration, as a tool for treatment of interference waveforms, Chebyshev filter is selected. Analysis of the results showed that the injection will change the fuel pressure in the tank, appropriate to its parameters. In addition, it was found that the used programs allow for the treatment, analysis and presentation of voltage signals underlying the assessment of injection

    Calculated injection times of divided fuel dose in a compression ignition engine

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    This study presents analyses concerning control processes of injection times of divided dose of fuel, starting from setting of injection time in controller up to moment of execution in compression ignition engine. Multiple injection doses were analyzed taking into consideration both sums of individual portions of doses as well as gaps between the doses. Studies were performed for various configurations of the doses, with different values of injection times and gaps between the injections. Measurements were performed for three measuring groups containing single-, two-, and five-portion doses. At constant values of time in a given group it have been applied variable injection pressures. The most important factors determining division of fuel dose were discussed

    Zmiany parametr贸w i czasu wtrysku dzielonej dawki paliwa

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    This paper presents test results of the effect of preset interval time on calculated times and parameters of fuel injection. The measurements comprised tests on the test stand with the use of an electronically controlled injection dose indicator. Division of the dose into two parts was accomplished. The fuel pressure in the rail was maintained at a constant level. A substantial change in the injection parameters was shown, such as the flow rate of fuel from the nozzle, and particularly, calculated injection times, which are always greater than the total, preset ones. For a given pressure in the rail there exists a certain limit value of the interval, for which division of the dose into parts is accomplished. The introduction of gravity centres of injection runs is proposed to evaluate the process of fuel dosage.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 wp艂ywu zadanego czasu przerwy na obliczone czasy i parametry wtrysku paliwa. Pomiary obejmowa艂y badania stanowiskowe na stole probierczym, z wykorzystaniem elektronicznie sterowanego indykatora dawki wtrysku. Zadawano podzia艂 dawki na dwie cz臋艣ci. Ci艣nienie paliwa w zasobniku utrzymywano na sta艂ym poziomie. Wykazano, 偶e w istotny spos贸b zmieniaj膮 si臋 parametry wtrysku, takie jak nat臋偶enie wyp艂ywu paliwa z rozpylacza, a zw艂aszcza obliczone czasy wtrysku, kt贸re s膮 zawsze wi臋ksze od ca艂kowitych, zadanych. Dla danej warto艣ci ci艣nienia w zasobniku istnieje pewna warto艣膰 graniczna czasu przerwy, dla kt贸rej jest realizowany podzia艂 dawki na cz臋艣ci. Zaproponowano wprowadzenie 艣rodk贸w ci臋偶ko艣ci przebieg贸w wtrysku do oceny procesu dawkowania paliwa

    Formulation of a task to control of harmful exhaust emissions from compression ignition engine

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    This paper presents a possibility of control a harmful exhaust emissions from compression ignition engine based on computationally efficiently model of the working cycle a compression ignition engine. Parameters of the model are identified on the basis of experimental measurements carried out for a CI engine with Common Rail system. In this study is considered the control task aimed at minimization of nitrogen oxides emission for a fixed operating point of the engine

    The methodology for determining the level of oil in the internal combustion engine

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    W artykule przedstawiono spos贸b post臋powania umo偶liwiaj膮cy przeprowadzenia doboru odpowiednich, bezpiecznych dla pracy silnika poziom贸w oleju w misce olejowej oraz okre艣lenie ich wp艂ywu na parametry pracy silnika. Przeanalizowano r贸wnie偶 mo偶liwo艣膰 pracy silnika w przechy艂ach wzd艂u偶nych i poprzecznych w stosunku do osi pojazdu, w celu okre艣lenia zakresu k膮t贸w, dla kt贸rych nast膮pi zassanie oleju na stron臋 dolotow膮 silnika. Ponadto, w oparciu o uzyskane wyniki, podj臋to pr贸b臋 wskazania najbardziej optymalnego poziomu oleju w misce olejowej silnika spalinowego.In this article the methodology for determining the appropriate volume of oil in the sump and its influence on the operation of the engine is described. Also examined the possibility of operating the engine in the heel and transverse to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, in order to determine the range of angles for which the oil will be sucked towards the inlet of the engine. Further, based on the obtained results, it was attempted to identify the most optimum level of the oil sump of the internal combustion engine

    Research Programmer for Common Rail Injection System

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    W Katedrze Silnik贸w Spalinowych i Pojazd贸w Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej w Bielsku-Bia艂ej opracowano i wykonano sterownik do bada艅 silnik贸w o zap艂onie samoczynnym wyposa偶onych w uk艂ady zasilania typu Common Rail. W niniejszej publikacji przedstawiono opis sterownika oraz na przyk艂adzie menu jego spos贸b dzia艂ania i mo偶liwo艣ci badawcze. Sterownik umo偶liwia na pracuj膮cym silniku zmian臋 k膮ta wyprzedzenia i ci艣nienia wtrysku, wielko艣ci dawki i jej podzia艂 na pi臋膰 dawek cz臋艣ciowych o dowolnym profilu wtrysku. Umo偶liwia to prowadzenie bada艅 zwi膮zanych z analiz膮 i optymalizacj膮 procesu spalania w silniku. W publikacji przedstawiono r贸wnie偶 wybrane algorytmy sterowania silnika. W oparciu o do艣wiadczenia zdobywane na hamowni silnikowej sterownik ten jest w dalszym ci膮gu rozwijany w zakresie optymalizacji procedur strategicznych, operacyjnych i regulacyjnych, kt贸rych celem jest wdro偶enie elektronicznego uk艂adu steruj膮cego dla zastosowa艅 trakcyjnych.In the Chair of Internal Combustion Engines and Vehicles of the Technical University in Bielsko-Bia艂a the programmer for examina-tions Diesel engines equipped with Common-Rail was made. It is presented in the paper. Operation and options of the controller are showed on the example of the menu. Executed and put into practice controller of the system Common-Rail makes it possible to examine and analyse the combustion process in the engine. The aim of the tests there is the change of the character of the dose of the injection and other parameters of the injection. Some algorithms of the control of the engine speed were also restated. Basing on this experience the engine test bench controller has been developed, allowing the optimization of strategy, operation and regulating procedures. Next the optimal solution of the electronic steering setup could be put into practice also for traction applications. Device parameters and features of the driver are shown on the example of the menu