4 research outputs found

    Estimates and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection fatality ratio using latent class analysis: the population-based Tirschenreuth study in the hardest-hit German county in spring 2020

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality ratios (IFR) remain controversially discussed with implications for political measures. The German county of Tirschenreuth suffered a severe SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in spring 2020, with particularly high case fatality ratio (CFR). To estimate seroprevalence, underreported infections, and IFR for the Tirschenreuth population aged ≥14 years in June/July 2020, we conducted a population-based study including home visits for the elderly, and analyzed 4203 participants for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies via three antibody tests. Latent class analysis yielded 8.6% standardized county-wide seroprevalence, a factor of underreported infections of 5.0, and 2.5% overall IFR. Seroprevalence was two-fold higher among medical workers and one third among current smokers with similar proportions of registered infections. While seroprevalence did not show an age-trend, the factor of underreported infections was 12.2 in the young versus 1.7 for ≥85-year-old. Age-specific IFRs were <0.5% below 60 years of age, 1.0% for age 60–69, and 13.2% for age 70+. Senior care homes accounted for 45% of COVID-19-related deaths, reflected by an IFR of 7.5% among individuals aged 70+ and an overall IFR of 1.4% when excluding senior care home residents from our computation. Our data underscore senior care home infections as key determinant of IFR additionally to age, insufficient targeted testing in the young, and the need for further investigations on behavioral or molecular causes of the fewer infections among current smokers

    Time Trend in SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivity, Surveillance Detection- and Infection Fatality Ratio until Spring 2021 in the Tirschenreuth County—Results from a Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Germany

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    Herein, we provide results from a prospective population-based longitudinal follow-up (FU) SARS-CoV-2 serosurveillance study in Tirschenreuth, the county which was hit hardest in Germany in spring 2020 and early 2021. Of 4203 individuals aged 14 years or older enrolled at baseline (BL, June 2020), 3546 participated at FU1 (November 2020) and 3391 at FU2 (April 2021). Key metrics comprising standardized seroprevalence, surveillance detection ratio (SDR), infection fatality ratio (IFR) and success of the vaccination campaign were derived using the Roche N- and S-Elecsys anti-SARS-CoV-2 test together with a self-administered questionnaire. N-seropositivity at BL was 9.2% (1st wave). While we observed a low new seropositivity between BL and FU1 (0.9%), the combined 2nd and 3rd wave accounted for 6.1% new N-seropositives between FU1 and FU2 (ever seropositives at FU2: 15.4%). The SDR decreased from 5.4 (BL) to 1.1 (FU2) highlighting the success of massively increased testing in the population. The IFR based on a combination of serology and registration data resulted in 3.3% between November 2020 and April 2021 compared to 2.3% until June 2020. Although IFRs were consistently higher at FU2 compared to BL across age-groups, highest among individuals aged 70+ (18.3% versus 10.7%, respectively), observed differences were within statistical uncertainty bounds. While municipalities with senior care homes showed a higher IFR at BL (3.0% with senior care home vs. 0.7% w/o), this effect diminished at FU2 (3.4% vs. 2.9%). In April 2021 (FU2), vaccination rate in the elderly was high (>77.4%, age-group 80+)

    Cytology and High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Test for Cervical Cancer Screening Assessment

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    Background: A new nationwide screening strategy was implemented in Germany in January 2020. No data are available for women referred to certified dysplasia units for secondary clarification after primary diagnosis by a local physician. We therefore investigated combined testing with Papanicolaou smears and high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) and compared the data with the final histological findings. Methods: Between January 2015 and October 2020, all referred women who underwent colposcopy of the uterine cervix in our certified dysplasia unit were included. Cytology findings were classified using the Munich III nomenclature. Results: A total of 3588 colposcopies were performed in 3118 women, along with Pap smear and hrHPV co-testing, followed by histology. Women with Pap II-p (ASC-US) and a positive hrHPV co-test had a 22.4% risk for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 3/high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL). The risk of CIN 3/HSIL was 83.8% in women with Pap IVa-p (HSIL) and a positive hrHPV co-test. A positive hrHPV co-test increased the risk for HSIL+ (OR 5.942; 95% CI, 4.617 to 7.649; p < 0.001) as compared to a negative hrHPV co-test. Conclusions: The accuracy of Pap smears is comparable with the screening results. A positive hrHPV test increases the risk for HSIL+ fivefold. Colposcopy is necessary to diagnose HSIL+ correctly

    Cytology and HPV Co-Testing for Detection of Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Retrospective Study

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    (1) Background: Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VaIN) is a rare premalignant disease caused by persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Diagnosing VaIN is challenging; abnormal cytology and positive HPV tests are usually the first signs, but published data on their accuracy for detecting it are rare and contradictory. The aim of this study is to compare the results of hrHPV and cytology co-testing with the histological findings of the vagina. (2) Methods: In the certified Dysplasia Unit at Erlangen University Hospital, cytology and HPV samples from the uterine cervix or vaginal wall after hysterectomy were obtained between 2015 and 2023 and correlated with histological findings in biopsies from the vaginal wall. Women without vaginal biopsy findings or concomitant cervical disease were excluded. (3) Results: In all, 279 colposcopies in 209 women were included. The histological results were: benign (n = 86), VaIN I/vLSIL (n = 116), VaIN II/vHSIL (n = 41), VaIN III/vHSIL (n = 33), and carcinoma (n = 3). Accuracy for detecting VaIN was higher in women with previous hysterectomies. Positive HPV testing during colposcopy increased the likelihood for VaIN II/III/vHSIL threefold. The detection rate for VaIN III/vHSIL was 50% after hysterectomy and 36.4% without hysterectomy. (4) Conclusions: Women with risk factors for VaIN, including HPV-16 infection or prior HPV-related disease, need careful work-up of the entire vaginal wall. Hysterectomy for HPV-related disease and a history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) also increased the risk for VaIN II/III/vHSIL