59 research outputs found

    Andersheit und Verstehen. Eine hermeneutische Annäherung an Levinas

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    Levinasova etika pretpostavlja radikalnu drugotnost kakva je iz (onto)logičkog gledišta nemisliva i nemoguća. Drugotnost drugog smještena je onkraj razumijevanja i ne izdržava hermeneutičku medijaciju. Oprečno tome, ovaj rad pokušava pokazati da Levinasov metodologijski pristup, a koji se oslanja na »fenomenologiju« lica, ne može biti bez hermeneutičke refleksije. Ako su hermeneutika i ontologija (koja se na hermeneutiku nadovezuje) domislive radikalnom otvorenošću, više ne sadrže opresivnu i nasilno osobnost koju im Levinas pripisuje. Vodi nas to do pitanja o tome postoji li mogućnost medijacije između Levinasove etike drugotnosti i (ontologijske) hermeneutike koja bi takvoj etici odgovarala. Takva medijacija ne bi ciljala na razvijanje nove potpunosti koja bi izdala glavnu Levinasovu brigu, već bi zamislila dublju svjesnost o drugotnosti i njenim posljedicama za etiku.Levinas’ ethics presupposes radical alterity, which is unthinkable and impossible from the (onto)logical point of view. The alterity of the other is situated beyond understanding and does not tolerate any hermeneutic mediation. This paper, in contrast, tries to show that Levinas’ methodological approach, which relies on a “phenomenology” of the face, cannot do without a hermeneutical reflection. If hermeneutics and ontology (which is related to it) are conceived of in a radically open manner, they no longer possess the oppressive and violent character which Levinas ascribes to them. This leads to the question of whether there exists a possibility for mediation between Levinas’ ethics of alterity and (an ontological) hermeneutics which could correspond to his ethics. Such a mediation would not aim at devising a new totality which would betray the main concerns of Levinas, but rather envisages a deeper awareness of alterity and its consequences for ethics.L’éthique de Levinas présuppose l’altérité radicale, une qui est impensable et impossible du point de vue (onto)logique. L’altérité de l’autre est située au-delà de la compréhension et ne tolère aucune médiation herméneutique. Par contre, cet article vise à montrer que l’approche méthodologique de Levinas, qui repose sur une « phénoménologie » du visage ne peut se passer d’une réflexion herméneutique. Si l’herméneutique et l’ontologie (qui lui est liée) sont conçues de manière radicalement ouverte, elles ne possèdent plus le caractère oppressif et violent que leur attribue Levinas. Ceci nous amène à la question de savoir s’il existe une possibilité de médiation entre l’éthique de l’altérité de Levinas et une herméneutique (ontologique) qui pourrait correspondre à son éthique. Une telle médiation ne viserait pas à concevoir une nouvelle totalité qui trahirait les préoccupations principales de Levinas, mais envisagerait plutôt une prise de conscience plus profonde de l’altérité et de ses conséquences pour l’éthique.Levinas’ Ethik setzt eine radikale Andersheit voraus, die aus (onto)logischer Sicht undenkbar und unmöglich ist. Die jenseits des Verstehens situierte Andersheit des Anderen duldet keine hermeneutische Vermittlung. Dieser Beitrag versucht hingegen zu zeigen, dass Levinas’ methodologischer Ansatz, der sich auf eine „Phänomenologie“ des Antlitzes stützt, nicht auf eine hermeneutische Reflexion verzichten kann. Wenn die Hermeneutik und die mit ihr verbundene Ontologie im Unterschied zu Levinas als radikal offen aufgefasst werden, verlieren sie ihren einengenden und gewaltsamen Charakter. Dies führt zur Frage, ob nicht eine Vermittlung zwischen Levinas’ Ethik der Alterität und einer (ontologischen) Hermeneutik, die dieser Ethik entsprechen will, möglich ist. Diese Vermittlung zielt nicht auf eine neue Totalität, die das Grundanliegen von Levinas verraten würde, sondern auf ein tieferes Bewusstwerden der Andersheit und ihrer Konsequenzen für die Ethik

    War and the Media – An Ethical Issue at the Turn of the Century

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    Članak analizira odnos između suvremenog rata i njegove medijske prezentacije, osvrčući se uglavnom na relevatna etička pitanja. Podijeljen je u dva dijela: prvi dio bavi se empirijskim dokazima nedavnog konlikta na Kosovu i načinom na koji je on prikazan u zapadnim medijima, dok se drugi dio bavi interpretacijom i evaluacijom. Nakon prikaza glavnih atributa izvješćivanja o modernom ratu (prijenos uživo) i suvremenog ratovanja (rat informacijama), autor ulazi u diskusiju s francuskim kritičarima medija kao što su Virilio i Baudrillard (drugi dio). Temeljna kritika upućena suvremenom ratnom izvješćivanju odnosi se na nedostatak racionalne debate (u skladu s Virilievom tezom o prijenosu uživo), koja se oslanja na emocije nauštrb racionalnog prikaza, te na preobrazbu rata u spektakl, pri čemu razlika između fikcije i stvarnosti prestaje postojati (Baudrillard).The article tries to analyse the relationship between a modern war and its presentation by the media, referring mainly to relevant ethical issues. It is divided into two parts: the first part deals with the empirical evidence (example) of the recent Kosovo conflict and its coverage by the Western media, whereas the second part deals with interpretation and evaluation. After presenting the main attributes of modern war reporting (live coverage) and contemporary warfare (information war), the author engages in discussion with French media critics such as Virilio and Baudrillard (second part). The major criticism of today’s war reporting concerns the lack of a rational debate (in accordance with Virilio’s thesis about live coverage, which favours emotions at the expense of reason) and the transformation of war into a spectacle, where the distinction between fiction and reality no longer exists (Baudrillard)

    Death as Boundary: On a Key Question of Emmanuel Levinas

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    Im Unterschied zur idealistischen Verneinung und zu Heideggers Verabsolutierung des Todes versucht Levinas den Tod vor dem Hintergrund der ethischen Beziehung zum Mitmenschen zu deuten. Er interpretiert die Grenze, die der Tod dem Leben setzt, als eine Erfahrung der Passivität des Subjekts angesichts der absoluten Fremdheit des Todes. Eine solche Passivität erfährt das Subjekt auch in der ethischen Beziehung zum anderen Menschen, dessen Alterität und Differenz jedoch in eine ethische N icht-Indifferenz und Verantwortung des Subjekts umschlagen. In dieser ethischen Beziehung findet Levinas den ursprünglichen Ort eines dem Sein fremden Sinngeschehens, von dem aus er sowohl dem eigenen Tod als auch dem meines Nächsten einen neuen Sinn zu erschließen versucht.U razlici spram idealističkog nijekanja i Heideggerova apsolutiziranja smrti Levinas pokušava tumačiti smrt na pozadini etičkog odnošenja spram bližnjeg. Granicu koju smrt postavlja životu on interpretira kao iskustvo pasivnosti subjekta glede apsolutne tuđosti smrti. Takvu pasivnost subjekt iskušava i u etičkom odnošenju spram drugih ljudi, čija se drugost i diferencija ipak preokreću u etičku neindiferentnost i odgovornost subjekta. U tom etičkom odnošenju Levinas nalazi izvorišno mjesto smisla, koji je tuđ bitku, a polazeći od kojeg on pokušava izvesti novi smisao, kako za vlastitu smrt tako i za smrt mojega bližnjega.In contrast to idealistic denial and Heidegger’s absolutization of death Levinas tries to interpret death on the background of the ethical relation towards fellow men. The boundary which death presents to life he interprets as the experience of passivity of subject in front of the absolute otherness of death. The subject also experiences such passivity in ethical relation towards other people whose otherness and difference nevertheless invert into ethical non-indifference and responsibility of the subject. In this ethical relating Levinas finds the source of meaning, which is alienated from Being, and starting from which he tries to derive new meaning for his own death as well as for the death of my fellow man

    Death as Boundary: On a Key Question of Emmanuel Levinas

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    Im Unterschied zur idealistischen Verneinung und zu Heideggers Verabsolutierung des Todes versucht Levinas den Tod vor dem Hintergrund der ethischen Beziehung zum Mitmenschen zu deuten. Er interpretiert die Grenze, die der Tod dem Leben setzt, als eine Erfahrung der Passivität des Subjekts angesichts der absoluten Fremdheit des Todes. Eine solche Passivität erfährt das Subjekt auch in der ethischen Beziehung zum anderen Menschen, dessen Alterität und Differenz jedoch in eine ethische N icht-Indifferenz und Verantwortung des Subjekts umschlagen. In dieser ethischen Beziehung findet Levinas den ursprünglichen Ort eines dem Sein fremden Sinngeschehens, von dem aus er sowohl dem eigenen Tod als auch dem meines Nächsten einen neuen Sinn zu erschließen versucht.U razlici spram idealističkog nijekanja i Heideggerova apsolutiziranja smrti Levinas pokušava tumačiti smrt na pozadini etičkog odnošenja spram bližnjeg. Granicu koju smrt postavlja životu on interpretira kao iskustvo pasivnosti subjekta glede apsolutne tuđosti smrti. Takvu pasivnost subjekt iskušava i u etičkom odnošenju spram drugih ljudi, čija se drugost i diferencija ipak preokreću u etičku neindiferentnost i odgovornost subjekta. U tom etičkom odnošenju Levinas nalazi izvorišno mjesto smisla, koji je tuđ bitku, a polazeći od kojeg on pokušava izvesti novi smisao, kako za vlastitu smrt tako i za smrt mojega bližnjega.In contrast to idealistic denial and Heidegger’s absolutization of death Levinas tries to interpret death on the background of the ethical relation towards fellow men. The boundary which death presents to life he interprets as the experience of passivity of subject in front of the absolute otherness of death. The subject also experiences such passivity in ethical relation towards other people whose otherness and difference nevertheless invert into ethical non-indifference and responsibility of the subject. In this ethical relating Levinas finds the source of meaning, which is alienated from Being, and starting from which he tries to derive new meaning for his own death as well as for the death of my fellow man

    Toxoplasmosis in Serbia: time for an action plan

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    Known for a century, Toxoplasma gondii has been studied in Serbia half this time, ever since the introduction of the Sabin-Feldman test at the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) in 1959. However, despite 50 years of continuous efforts, exact data on the frequency of acute clinical disease, acute infections in pregnancy and congenital infection in the offspring are still lacking, due to the vague regulatory provision that toxoplasmosis is subject to reporting "in case of epidemiological indications". It is, however, clear that the major Toxoplasma-induced public health issue in Serbia, like elsewhere in Europe, is congenital toxoplasmosis (CT). Continuous monitoring of particular patient groups showed a dramatic decrease in the prevalence of infection over the past two decades, and a consequently increased proportion of women susceptible to infection in pregnancy, suggesting a potential increase in the incidence of CT. Studies of risk factors for infection transmission have provided data to guide national health education campaigns. It is expected that the recent appointment of the National Reference Laboratory for Toxoplasmosis as the focal point for the collection of data from the primary level, will provide the means for accurate assessment of the measure of the problem, which is a prerequisite of an evidence-based nation-wide prevention program. In the meantime, health education of all pregnant women, focused at risk factors of major local significance, is advocated as a sound and financially sustainable option to reduce congenital toxoplasmosis

    Serous papillary adenocarcinoma possibly related to the presence of primitive oocyte-like cells in the adult ovarian surface epithelium: a case report

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    Introduction: The presence of oocytes in the ovarian surface epithelium has already been confirmed in the fetal ovaries. We report the presence of SSEA-4, SOX-2, VASA and ZP2-positive primitive oocyte-like cells in the adult ovarian surface epithelium of a patient with serous papillary adenocarcinoma. Case presentation: Ovarian tissue was surgically retrieved from a 67-year old patient. Histological analysis revealed serous papillary adenocarcinoma. A proportion of ovarian cortex sections was deparaffinized and immunohistochemically stained for the expression of markers of pluripotency SSEA-4 and SOX-2 and oocyte-specific markers VASA and ZP2. The analysis confirmed the presence of round, SSEA-4, SOX-2, VASA and ZP2-positive primitive oocyte-like cells in the ovarian surface epithelium. These cells were possibly related to the necrotic malignant tissue. Conclusion: Primitive oocyte-like cells present in the adult ovarian surface epithelium persisting probably from the fetal period of life or developed from putative stem cells are a pathological condition which is not observed in healthy adult ovaries, and might be related to serous papillary adenocarcinoma manifestation in the adult ovarian surface epithelium. This observation needs attention to be further investigated

    Determinants of Online Local Budget Transparency in Croatia and Slovenia

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    As a part of the public governance, transparency started to come forward during the New Public Management reforms, mostly for the evaluation of public sector efficiency. This article focuses on online local budget transparency (OLBT) in two neighbouring countries – Croatia and Slovenia. The article is pioneering in a comparative study of the determinants of budget transparency in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, based on a unique database and measure of transparency. The article tests the determinants of OLBT that reflect the accountability of local authorities and a cornerstone for public participation in the budget process. The following methodology was applied: using a data set of 768 Slovenian and Croatian local governments over the 2015–2017 period and testing it against several financial and socio-economic variables, and a random effects panel logistic regression, separately for Croatia, Slovenia, and a pooled sample. The results indicate that greater size of the population, higher administrative capacity and lower unemployment rate in individual local governments significantly contribute to higher levels of OLBT. This study demonstrates the possibility of developing a standardised measure of local budget transparency and using it to investigate the reasons for different levels of transparency in the two – and potentially other – CEE countries. The results of this and similar studies can serve as a basis for establishing cohesive local budget transparency policies for different countries and creating a combination of policy instruments to enhance transparency

    Small SSEA-4-positive cells from human ovarian cell cultures: related to embryonic stem cells and germinal lineage?

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    Background: It has already been found that very small embyronic-like stem cells (VSELs) are present in adult human tissues and organs. The aim of this study was to find if there exists any similar population of cells in cell cultures of reproductive tissues and embryonic stem cells, and if these cells have any relation to pluripotency and germinal lineage. Methods and results: Here we report that a population of small SSEA-4-positive cells with diameters of up to 4 μm was isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) from the human ovarian cell cultures after enzymatic degradation of adult cortex tissues. These small cells – putative ovarian stem cells – were also observed during cell culturing of up to 6 months and more. In general, small putative ovarian stem cells, isolated by FACS, showed a relatively low gene expression profile when compared to human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human adult fibroblasts; this may reflect the quiescent state of these cells. In spite of that, small putative ovarian stem cells expressed several genes related to primordial germ cells (PGCs), pluripotency and germinal lineage, including VASA. The PGC-related gene PRDM1 was strongly expressed in small putative ovarian stem cells; in both hESCs and fibroblasts it was significantly down-regulated. In addition, putative ovarian stem cells expressed other PGC-related genes, such as PRDM14 and DPPA3. Most of the pluripotency and germinal lineage-related genes were up-regulated in hESCs (except VASA). When compared to fibroblasts, there were several pluripotency-related genes, which were up-regulated in small putative ovarian stem cells. Similar populations of small cells were also isolated by FACS from human testicular and hESC cultures. Conclusions: Our results confirm the potential embryonic-like character of small putative stem cells isolated from human adult ovaries and their possible relation to germinal lineage

    Risk factors for toxoplasma infection in pregnant women in FYR of Macedonia

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    The aim of the study was to identify risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women in FYR of Macedonia. Retrospective analysis of serological and epidemiological data in a series of 235 pregnant women from Macedonia, tested for Toxoplasma infection between January 2004 and December 2005, showed on overall prevalence of infection of 20.4 %. Exposure to transmission factors significantly increased the risk of infection (RR = 1.989, 95 % Cl = 1.041-3.800, p = 0.037). The single infection transmission factor that was a predictor of infection in the whole series was exposure to soil (RR = 1.946, 95 % Cl = 1.026-3.692, p = 0.041). Based on prevalence and the established risk factors for Toxoplasma infection in Macedonia, the health education programme as a sustainable measure for the prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis should focus on educating women of generative age to avoid contact with soil (forming, gardening), and/to adhere to strict hygienic practices afterwards