2 research outputs found

    A discovery down under: decoding the draft genome sequence of Pantoea stewartii from Australia's Critically Endangered western ground parrot / kyloring (Pezoporus flaviventris)

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    Pantoea stewartii, a plant pathogen, is primarily transmitted through contaminated seeds and insect vectors, with the corn flea beetle (Chaetocnema pulicaria) being the primary carrier. P. stewartii is a bacterium belonging to the order Enterobacterales and can lead to crop diseases that have a significant economic impact worldwide. Due to its high potential for spread, P. stewartii is classified as a quarantine organism in numerous countries. Despite its impact on agriculture, the limited genome sequences of P. stewartii hamper understanding of its pathogenicity and host specificity, and the development of effective control strategies. In this study, a P. stewartii strain (C10109_Jinnung) was discovered in the faecal matter of the Critically Endangered western ground parrot/kyloring (Pezoporus flaviventris) in Australia, which to our knowledge is the first reported P. stewartii genome from a bird source. Whole-genome sequencing and phylogenomic analysis of strain C10109_Jinnung, obtained from a captive psittacine, provides new insights into the genetic diversity and potential transmission route for the spread of P. stewartii beyond insects and plants, where P. stewartii is typically studied. Our findings provide new insights into the potential transmission route for spread of P. stewartii and expand the known transmission agents beyond insects and plants. Expanding the catalogue of P. stewartii genomes is fundamental to improving understanding of the pathogenicity, evolution and dissemination, and to develop effective control strategies to reduce the substantial economic losses associated with P. stewartii in various crops and the potential impact of endangered animal species

    The first genomic insight into Chlamydia psittaci sequence type (ST)24 from a healthy captive psittacine host in Australia demonstrates evolutionary proximity with strains from psittacine, human, and equine hosts

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    Chlamydia psittaci is a zoonotic pathogen that infects birds, humans, and other mammals. Notably, recent studies suggested the human-to-human transmission of C. psittaci, and this pathogen also causes equine reproductive loss in Australia. Molecular studies in Australia to date have focused on and described clonal sequence type (ST)24 strains infecting horses, wild psittacine, and humans. In contrast, the genetic identity of C. psittaci strains from captive psittacine hosts is scarce. In 2022, C. psittaci was detected in the faeces of a healthy captive blue-fronted parrot (Amazona aestiva). Genomic DNA was extracted and underwent whole-genome sequencing. Here we report the 1,160,701 bp circular chromosome of C. psittaci strain BF_amazon_parrot13 and the 7,553 bp circular plasmid pCpsBF_amazon_parrot13. Initial in silico multi-locus sequence typing and ompA genotyping revealed that BF_amazon_parrot13 belongs to the clonal ST24 lineage and has an ompA genotype A. Further context involved the genomes of 31 published ST24 strains, utilising a single-nucleotide variant (SNV) based clustering approach. Despite temporal, host, and biogeographical separation, a core-genome SNV-based phylogeny revealed that BF_amazon_parrot13 clustered in a distinct subcluster with seven C. psittaci strains from equines in Australia (maximum pairwise distance of 13 SNVs). BF_amazon_parrot13 represents the first complete C. psittaci ST24 genome from a captive psittacine in Australia. Furthermore, by using whole-genome sequencing to coordinate surveillance, we can also learn more about the possible health risks and routes of chlamydia transmission among people, livestock, wild animals, and domesticated animals