367 research outputs found

    Wann ist religiöse Erziehung gelungen? Anmerkungen des Kinder- und Jugendpsychiaters

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    Das Leitbild einer gelungenen Erziehung muss der psychosozialen Entwicklung mit ihren stufenförmigen Abfolgen im Kognitiven und Religiösen Rechnung tragen. Religiöse Erziehung ist gelungen, wenn Kinder und Jugendliche das Gefühl entwickeln konnten, aufgehoben zu sein und gehalten zu werden und muss sich am Kindeswohl orientiert an einer Verantwortungsethik messen lassen. (DIPF/Orig.)All excellent educational endeavour has to bear in mind the sequence of cognity, psychosocial and religions development. Religions education has been successful, when the child is enabled to develop the feeling of being held and kept safe and to take into account the ethics of responsibility, considering the child\u27s best interest. (DIPF/Orig.

    Deposition, Persistence, and Utilization of Kelp Wrack Along the Central California Coast

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    Kelp wrack occurs year round along temperate coastlines providing food to a low productivity environment; few efforts however, have been made to quantify wrack’s variability in deposition, persistence, and utilization along beaches and the rocky intertidal. Knowing the biomass deposited, persistence (amount of time a piece of wrack is found in an area), and how primary and secondary consumers respond to wrack allows for a better understanding of how these three variables work together to promote a food web and the ecological implications of the presence/absence of wrack within an area. My work focused on spatiotemporal variation in wrack deposition, persistence, and utilization by kelp flies and bacteria in central California from April 2013 to August 2014. Changes in wrack biomass density, persistence on the shore, phlorotannin concentration, bacterial density, and kelp fly density were measured along with a suite of other factors including species composition, condition (individual or fragmented), and burial. Over the study period, a significant difference in biomass density was found between substrates with higher amounts of wrack on the rocky intertidal. In addition, persistence maps indicating hotspots of prolonged wrack accumulation showed a significant increase in kelp wrack at greater distances from the shoreline, such as the berm on beaches and the high intertidal in the rocky intertidal, although no difference between substrate was observed. In terms of utilization, phlorotannin concentration did not appear to affect bacterial abundance or fly density, which suggested that the levels present in kelp wrack were not a strong deterrent for bacteria and flies. A two-week experiment was also conducted, which manipulated the weight of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera to determine its effect on the above-mentioned factors. The rate of water loss and persistence was measured daily, while utilization changes occurred on a slower scale and were measured weekly. During this time, kelp fly density changed significantly between substrate, while phlorotannins decreased significantly over time. Again, there was no relationship between phlorotannin concentration, bacterial abundance, or fly density, although bacterial abundance and fly density increased when wrack was rehydrated by high tides after initial desiccation. Quantifying deposition, persistence, and utilization of kelp wrack is important to establish baselines, make comparisons, and understand the interactions taking place that can affect wrack’s ecological role as a subsidy


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    A century of changes in the world economy (1914-2014) should in fact be understood as a sequence of epochal innovations leading to a new quality of civilization. The world economic system, formed under the integrating influence of the international trade, international monetary system, international investments, international enterprises and international migrations, has changed its nature and structure during the discussed period. The changes in the nature of the world economic system are manifested by the fact that the industrial character of the world economy has taken on the features of the post-industrial economy based on the dominating role of the services sectors and knowledge. The welfare policy, as developed in the discussed century, has become the flagship of the post-industrial economies. The structural changes are manifested in the new global division of labor characterized by a greater diversification and internationalization of production. The above mentioned changes result from numerous transformations taking place in the developed countries and in the economies of the developing countries

    Uma avaliação da implementação do Programa Proinfância em Erechim: a política dos espaços escolares

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    When we evaluating a governmental and social program whose main purpose is to create school spaces for Early Childhood Education, brings us a great responsibility to these supply policy for the first childhood. The theme of this study is the Educational Public Policy for the First Childhood Education and the School Space, with a focus on the “Proinfância” Program, a government program that aims to build school units of First Childhood Education through a standard project, as well as available equipment and furniture for these units. The research was developed through studies into the structure of these spaces, from a historical understanding, social and childhood policy, the different contexts in which they had the care of small children over the years, as well as social policies and what determines the law on the financing of first childhood education. The study discusses the descriptive memorials of each project provided by the program, as well as Infrastructure Basic Parameters for First Childhood Education schools. Research in essence is through an incursion in first Childhood Education, in Erechim/RS, where the present data on Public Schools, the policy is Philanthropy, Community and buying private schools vacancies, the use and disposition of physical spaces that makes up this policy and the “Proinfância” Program has as municipal responsibility. The labor summit starts from the chapter where exactly develops the evaluation with qualitative data are established parameters from the very well-founded studies conducted by Kowaltowski (2011), from which they organize comparative tables between schools, which treat descriptive memorials and prospects indicated by the author. In the conclusion, we address the issues that were presented in the evaluation tables with notes and essential topics suggestions for the reformulation of school physical spaces of the program, based on reflections and contextualized analysis and taking into account the child lying inserted in this space. Finally, it is stated with all certainty that this program is the first step of building school spaces. Policy for the first Childhood Education, still needs to advance much and this research comes as one of the supports to rethink and restructure the program, aiming to developers, policy makers, and social programs notes that qualify and advance the process of public education in Brazil.Avaliar um Programa Governamental, de caráter social, que tem por principal meta estruturar espaços escolares para a Educação Infantil, remete a uma grandiosa responsabilidade com a política de oferta desses espaços para atendimento da primeira infância. A temática que moveu este estudo apresentou-se por meio das Políticas Públicas Educacionais para a Educação Infantil e o Espaço Escolar, com o foco voltado para o Programa Proinfância, um Programa de Governo que objetiva a construção de unidades escolares de Educação Infantil através de um projeto padrão, assim como disponibilizar equipamentos e mobiliários para essas unidades. O trabalho se desenvolveu por meio de estudos voltados para a estruturação desses espaços, partindo de uma compreensão histórica, social e política da infância, dos diferentes contextos em que se apresenta o atendimento a crianças pequenas ao longo dos anos, assim como das políticas sociais e do que determina a lei sobre o financiamento da Educação Infantil. O estudo aborda os memoriais descritivos de cada projeto, disponibilizados pelo Programa, assim como os Parâmetros Básicos de Infraestrutura para escolas de Educação Infantil. A pesquisa em sua essência se dá por meio de uma incursão na Política de Educação Infantil adotada no município de Erechim/RS, apresentando-se dados sobre Escolas Públicas, Filantrópicas e Comunitárias e a compra de vagas de Escolas Particulares, sobre a utilização e disposição dos espaços físicos que compõem essa Política, assim como sobre o Programa Proinfância já como de responsabilidade municipal. O ápice do trabalho se dá a partir do capítulo em que se desenvolve propriamente a avaliação, de caráter qualitativo, se estabelecem parâmetros a partir dos estudos, muito bem fundamentados, realizados por Kowaltowski (2011) e, a partir dos quais se organizam quadros comparativos entre as escolas, o que tratam os memoriais descritivos e as perspectivas apontadas pela autora. Nas considerações finais, abordam-se os aspectos que se apresentaram nos quadros avaliativos, com apontamentos e sugestões de tópicos essenciais para a reformulação de espaços físicos escolares do Programa, baseados em reflexões e análises contextualizadas e levando em consideração a criança que se encontra inserida nesse espaço. Por fim, afirma-se, com certeza, que esse Programa é o primeiro passo da construção de uma Política de espaços escolares para a Educação Infantil, que muito se precisa avançar e que esta pesquisa vem como um dos suportes para repensar e reestruturar o Programa, visando oferecer aos elaboradores e formuladores de Políticas e Programas Sociais apontamentos que qualifiquem o processo da Educação Pública no Brasil

    Invertebrados e fungos na decomposição foliar da Nectandra megapotamica em um riacho neotropical

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    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Yara MorettoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Aquicultura e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Defesa: Palotina, 01/07/2016Inclui referências : f. 34-37Àrea de concentração: Impactos ambientais da atividade AquiculturaResumo: A decomposição foliar é o principal processo gerador de nutrientes para a biota na maioria dos ecossistemas aquáticos, sendo caracterizada pelos processos de lixiviação, condicionamento e fragmentação da matéria orgânica. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o processo de decomposição foliar da Nectandra megapotamica, através dos invertebrados bentônicos e fungos, e avaliar a importância destes organismos na ciclagem de nutrientes e manutenção de processos ecossistêmicos no ambiente aquático. Para isso, trabalhamos com a hipótese de que i) a densidade fúngica e de invertebrados aumentará nos primeiros 15 dias de decomposição; ii) a composição taxonômica e o grupo trófico funcional da comunidade de invertebrados se modificará ao longo dos três tempos amostrais; iii) os atributos de abundância, riqueza, diversidade e equitabilidade serão maiores no tempo intermediário (30 dias) de decomposição; iv) nos litter bags de malha grossa ocorrerá maiores valores de decomposição, além de elevada densidade fúngica e bentônica. Os invertebrados foram amostrados por meio de "litter bags" com malhas de 0,5 mm e 10 mm nos tempos de incubação de 15, 30 e 60 dias, no período de inverno (junho a agosto de 2014) no Parque Estadual São Camilo, em Palotina (Paraná). A contribuição dos fungos e invertebrados na decomposição foliar da N. megapotamica, ao longo do tempo de colonização do detrito, foi analisada através da taxa de decaimento foliar. Verificou-se que as malhas das "litter bags" atuaram apenas sobre a composição de invertebrados que tiveram acesso ao detrito foliar, mas não foram significativas para a decomposição. O tempo de exposição do detrito influenciou a decomposição, tendo aos 15 dias uma densidade fúngica elevada, a qual foi reduzida ao longo dos 30 e 60 dias de exposição. Por outro lado, a abundância de invertebrados aumentou no decorrer do tempo de exposição das folhas de N. megapotamica e não foi influenciada pelas malhas das litter bags. Chironomidae se estabeleceu como táxon dominante durante todo o período amostral, sendo importante para o processo de decomposição devido ao baixo número de fragmentadores registrados. Mesmo ao término dos 60 dias apenas 20% da matéria orgânica foi processada, podendo estar relacionada à composição química das folhas, as quais apresentavam um alto teor de lignina, bem como ao período de inverno. As folhas da N. megapotamica mesmo sendo pouco degradadas atraíram uma grande diversidade de organismos colonizadores, tendo em vista seu potencial na recuperação de áreas degradadas, esta espécie parece ser uma boa alternativa para ações de manejo em corpos aquáticos impactados. Palavras-chave: Litter bags. Detrito. Colonização. N. megapotamica.Abstract: The leaf decomposition is the main process of nutrients for the biota in most aquatic ecosystems, being characterized by leaching processes, conditioning and fragmentation of organic matter. This study aimed to evaluate the leaf decomposition process of Nectandra megapotamica through the benthic invertebrates and fungi, and evaluate the importance of these organisms in nutrient cycling and maintenance of ecosystems process in the aquatic environment. For this purpose, we work with the hypothesis that i) the density of the fungal and invertebrates communities will increase in the first 15 days of the decomposition; ii) the taxonomic composition and functional trophic groups of invertebrate will be modified over the three sampling times; iii) the attributes of abundance, richness, diversity and evenness will be greater in the intermediate time (30 days) of decomposition; iv) in the litter bags of coarse mesh will occur higher values of decomposition, and high fungal and benthic density. Invertebrates were sampled by litter bags with meshes of 0,5 mm and 10 mm in incubation periods of 15, 30 and 60 days in the winter period (june to august, 2014) in the Parque Estadual São Camilo, at Palotina (Paraná). The contribution of fungi and invertebrates at leaf decomposition of N. megapotamica along the debris of the lag time was analyzed by foliar decayment rate. It was found that the mesh of the litter bags acted on the composition of invertebrate leaf that had access to debris, but were not significant for decomposition. The exposure time of the waste influence decomposition and at 15 days a high fungal density which was reduced over the 30 and 60 day exposure. The abundance of invertebrates unlike fungal density has increased during the exposure time of the leaves of N. megapotamica and was not influenced by the mesh of the litter bags. Chironomidae settled with dominant taxa throughout the sample period, which is important for the decomposition process due to the low number of registred shredders. Even at the end of 60 days only 20% the organic material has been processed and may be related to the chemical composition of the leaves, which have a high content of lignin and due to the winter period. The leaves of N. megapotamica even being slightly degraded attracted a wide range of colonizing organisms, in view of its potential in the recovery of degraded areas, it seems to be a good alternative for management actions in impacted water bodies. Keywords: Litter bags. Detritus. Colonization. N. megapotamica

    Summation of Series Defined by Counting Blocks of Digits

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    We discuss the summation of certain series defined by counting blocks of digits in the BB-ary expansion of an integer. For example, if s2(n)s_2(n) denotes the sum of the base-2 digits of nn, we show that n1s2(n)/(2n(2n+1))=(γ+log4π)/2\sum_{n \geq 1} s_2(n)/(2n(2n+1)) = (\gamma + \log \frac{4}{\pi})/2. We recover this previous result of Sondow in math.NT/0508042 and provide several generalizations.Comment: 12 pages, Introduction expanded, references added, accepted by J. Number Theor

    Safety and Efficacy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-Assisted Psychotherapy for Anxiety Associated With Life-threatening Diseases

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    Abstract A double-blind, randomized, active placebo-controlled pilot study was conducted to examine safety and efficacy of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-assisted psychotherapy in 12 patients with anxiety associated with life-threatening diseases. Treatment included drug-free psychotherapy sessions supplemented by two LSD-assisted psychotherapy sessions 2 to 3 weeks apart. The participants received either 200 μg of LSD (n = 8) or 20 μg of LSD with an open-label crossover to 200 μg of LSD after the initial blinded treatment was unmasked (n = 4). At the 2-month follow-up, positive trends were found via the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) in reductions in trait anxiety (p = 0.033) with an effect size of 1.1, and state anxiety was significantly reduced (p = 0.021) with an effect size of 1.2, with no acute or chronic adverse effects persisting beyond 1 day after treatment or treatment-related serious adverse events. STAI reductions were sustained for 12 months. These results indicate that when administered safely in a methodologically rigorous medically supervised psychotherapeutic setting, LSD can reduce anxiety, suggesting that larger controlled studies are warranted